Chereads / Mikael's Tale: The Ring of Seven Pillars / Chapter 1 - The Saints Reunion

Mikael's Tale: The Ring of Seven Pillars

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Chapter 1 - The Saints Reunion

Raphael was looking the city through the window of the highest tower of the Red Castle. He had just finished the last details of his move to the city, and now was admiring what would be the view of his new and long awaited office. He was happy and excited thinking about his new obligations when someone knocked on the door.

—Come in.

Seraphim opened the door and gave a smile to Raphael, that didn't see it, he still was admiring the city. Seraphim was wearing his armor, a huge sun colored one, with wide shoulder plates and wings behind it; he vanished his wings to pass through the door and entered Raphael's office.

—Look at you... enjoying the view? — He said extremely excited — It looks like you already took over the place.

—I did, it feels good to finally be here. I can't deny that it feels right for me, even if it won't last long, I really like this. I can't believe how you didn't like this sensation.

—Nhe — He expressed the sound that from afar seemed like a word — This command thing is not for me. It takes too much time and I have my own problems.

—I haven't seen you in a while, what kind of problems someone like You could have?

Raphael said sarcastic while turning around from the window and looking to Seraphim.

—You know...

—So… you came here to discuss…

—No no, Karabu asked me to come here; I'm going to spend the year with you.

Raphael gave an intrigued/suspicious look to Seraphim.

—He told me that during his last visit to the town, one of the guards with him felt something here; you probably will receive a strong pack of nameless this year. He wanted me to make sure that we won't lose them. At least that is what... he told me...

—Wow...! So he really doesn't trust me at all. To send you here to babysit me. He is unbeliavable.

—He was just worried about the saints, relax...

—He said that someone "felt" something strange here? — He gesticulated the quotation marks — C'mon, we both know that that is not it works... If he says that the saints will be a problem, does he even knows where are they going to appear?

—No, we need to look for them. That was the only thing he said when he sent me away from the castle.

—Ahfw, this is going to take a lot time. I am going to send the gold souls to the west and north part of the city then. Will someone as important as you help us?

—I guess —Said Seraphim looking bored — Otherwise I wouldn't have much to do around here. I'll go to the schools at the south.

—Fine, I'll cover the rest.

Seraphim and Raphael started their search that very day. The Cavaliers Command Castle is located out of the metropolis, to the southern part of the countryside of te city. Using his influence Seraphim schedule more than ten visits in schools all over the city in that day, he sent one of the three gold souls to help him in the south and helped the other one available with her search. The schools would allow a visit more easily if they think that the Archduke is coming.

The Archduke is, probably, the most famous of the Cavaliers. This position is reserved to the Paladin known as the strongest among the others. He only takes orders from the General, and if he considers them harmful to the country, he can deny them and guide the lower ranks Cavaliers at will. "The Archduke has many privileges within the nation, but way bigger responsibilities. This duty is given only to the strongest complete Paladin in a nation, so the chosen one should be an example to all others, serving with respect, strength, honor and righteousness above everything." — The Good Knight Manners Book, Chapter: Hierarchy.

After one week of search, Raphael received a report about the results obtained by the cavalier responsible for the search in the north section of city.

"Gold Cavalier, Haamiah

North sector, Nameless mission report;


First day;

Schools visited: Seven

Saints identified: None


Second day;

Schools visited: Five

Saints identified: Two

Identification numbers: 7427—11/7427—12

SPEP: 7427—11 (need future confirmation)/ 7427—12 (1)


Third day;

Schools visited: Eight

Saints identified: None


Fourth day;

Schools visited: Three

Saints identified: Four

Identification numbers: 7627—11/7627—12/7627—13/7627—14

SPEP: 7627—11 (2)/ 7627—12 (1)/ 7627—13 (4)/ 7627—14 (2)


Ending operations on sector North on day four after visiting all with institutes with high school."

Raphael read the report and immediately called Haamiah in his office.

The awakening of cavaliers is rare. When kids turn fifteen and get into high school they go through, what people call, a graduation ceremony. Everyone in this country has to go through it. The graduation from middle school is simple; everyone receives a small part of a cavalier's power, and when you are about to graduate from high school, that power is taken from you. The only chance of you turning into a cavalier is nourishing that power during high school and awakening your own. The cavaliers of higher ranking (gold or above), once a year, visit every school looking for those that were able to unleash their natural talent. Not everyone have this ability, this energy, the power to become a cavalier, only the chosen ones, the girls and boys with this natural ability of nourishing their own mana after having contact with those that have done before are called the saints. It is a great honor having a saint in your family. When their kid is chosen, parents throw parties of seven days to celebrate the fact. After finding all the saints that awoke, the cavaliers train a new generation of honorable knights that defend the country with their power and life. Normally, each city has three to five new saints every year, sometimes even seven if it gets lucky, and all of those have the SPEP, Saint Potential Energy Pool, evaluated in 1 or 2, when Raphael became a saint his SPEP was 2.

Haamiah knocked on the door then opened.

—You called me sir?

—This report that you made. You founded FOUR saints in the same day?

—Yes, and one of them had an enormous mana pool.

—Don't call it mana pool please.

—sorry, two of those were in the same school, same class, third year I think… Is there a problem sir?

—I don't know, maybe, we haven't finished our search yet. Maybe this year all the saints were concentrated in only one region, I haven't found one yet in the east area.

—I think Azazel found some already.

—Do you know how many?

—No, he haven't told me the exact number, but the way he said hinted more than one.

—Ok,ok,ok. There is no need for me to be worried, maybe that's it. All of the saints of this year, I haven't found one yet and probably neither Seraphim.

He was rubbing his hands against his face, re-reading the report. Haamiah, confused with the situation asked him:

—Sir, isn't good that we have a lot of nameless?

—Oh yes yes, it is. It's just… Don't get me wrong but, It would've been better if it wasn't at my first year in command.

—Ohhh… I get it.

—And Karabu even sent Seraphim here. Seraphim, a "superior" just to keep his eye on me. I bet Seraphim didn't wanted to come. I BET Karabu is forcing him to stay here. He never liked me, NEVER.

—Well… If this year's nameless recruits really are different maybe it is better to have Duks here.

—Don't call him Duks in front of him.

—Archduke is too big. But anyway, he is helping a lot ever since he got here. Aren't you being a liiittle to anxious sir?

—I prefer to think cautious.

—If that makes you feel better… go for it.

—Thank you, dismiss.

Haamiah withdrew. She had to prepare the lessons she would give to the new class of nameless recruits.

One week later, Seraphim's and Azazel's reports were presented to the commander. Seraphim found two more saints, all of them with the SPEP 1, and, Azazel found three saints in the west, SPEP of 1, 2 and 3. At this point Raphael didn't know what to do or think, he stays in his office alone overthinking about the problems he still does not have, feeding his anxiety to the point of almost collapse. One week to the end of winter, Seraphim goes to see Raphael in his office, opens the door and see his long known friend laid on the floor.

—umm… Hey, are you okay?

Raphael turn his head to the door, look at Seraphim and turn his head back again.

Seraphim and Raphael know each other for a long time, they became saints at the same year and paladins "almost" at the same time. He knew exactly what he needed to do to make Raphael go back to his normal, non-anxious and depressed state. Seraphim grabbed Raphael by the neck, made him stand up, and slapped the shit out Raphael's face.

—Put yourself together, that's not the attitude of a commander.

Raphael looked at him as if a fire started to shine again on his eyes.

—Yes, you're right. I can't act like that anymore. I must be an example to all around me.

He said pumping his chest and staring at the horizon.

—Yes….. Have you finished your visits?

—Oh God, no, I forgot. There still a school I need to go.

—You should go now. Spring starts in a week.

—WHAT?? Why no one warned me?

—It is expected you to know... Commander...

Seraphim said in a sarcastic tone while Raphael quickly grabs his armor crystal on his table. Azazel was about to knock on the door when Raphael opens it and pass running right beside him. Azazel turn to Seraphim in a confused way. Seraphim smiled at him and said:

—You'll get used to.

Using the crystal, the commander puts on his armor and takes off; he had a giant, double colored, winged armor. To make this visit he had to use his armor, not only would allow him to arrive there quickly, it would helo respect a certain law regarding Paladins. When a paladin, a cavalier of the highest rank, appears in public, he has two options: use full armor, from head to toe, or use the Paladin uniform and mask, uniform that consist of a white shirt and a dark blue long slim coat, the mask can be anything you want as long as it covers the entire face. The identity of paladins must be a secret, but no one really knows why.

When he gets to the door of the building, the teacher in charge of escort and guide him appears and take a long and scared look at him, he never seen an armor like that up close. It was black and white with some golden details, the encounter of the too colors in the middle looked like a torn paper, it was irregular like the top of a giant flame, as if the two halves battle for full control of the armor. The teacher froze out of fear from such an intimidating presence. Raphael being cordial greeted him and apologized for interrupting his work. The teacher said that it was not a problem, he was happy to help the sacred shields of the country, and if one of his students become a cavalier, he would be incredible proud. They started in the first year classes.

When you get into high school, a small quantity of magical energy, or mana, informally speaking, is placed into you during the graduation ceremony, if you have inside of you dormant mana, it will be awaken and assimilate to your body. If this happens, it is harder for the cavalier to take it out the mana that was previously placed. To know if a teen is a saint, Raphael gets in front of the room and simultaneously pulls out the mana inside the teens, if is hard to take the mana out it means that the body is absorbing the mana with its own. The harder it is, the bigger is the mana pool of the saint. Raphael goes through all the first year classes. No positive results. Every time he goes out of a class, he thanks the teacher and apologize for interrupting.

After the first year floor, the teacher says the second floor of the building belong to the third year classes, so they once again go through all of the classes, but, once again, no positive results. In one of the classes of the third floor, one enthusiastic history teacher is giving a great class while one of his students, the one who sits next to the window, is having the best dream of all his class sleeps historic.

"The Last Jollity is the most common name given to one of the biggest and longest wars our country has ever faced". After reading these words of the book in his hands, the history teacher saw the boy with a big afro hair sleeping by the window and screamed for him to wake up. In the moment he stopped screaming and the boy had wake up, he noticed the presence of a cavalier and another teacher next to the open door. He got red out of shame. Raphael's first thought was: "Oh God, please not here".

The escort teacher said:

—Hello everyone, this is the Paladin Rafael. He is here to perform the saint test, just like last year, so please wait for a second.

Raphael said excuse me and positioned himself in front of the marker board. There was about thirty—five students in that class. He raised his hands slowly, as his hands were getting higher above his chest level, above all the students one small shinning ball of energy was rising, all students except one. Above one sleepy student was no ball, when Raphael noticed that he was surprised, when this test is executed in a saint, the ball of energy still appears, but sometimes smaller than the others or connected to the teen's head. Raphael tried once more, he still didn't make it, he starts to get angry, he gives it back the energy of all the other students and start walk towards the boy, who looks back to him scared. Raphael stretches his arm towards him once more and try one more time. The boy flinch.

Raphael didn't understand how could this be happening, "Did he went through the graduation ceremony correctly?" he thought. He had, Raphael was feeling the energy on him. When he stopped, realized that everyone was looking at him somewhat scared, he got himself together, put his hands on his back, pumped his chest and said to the boy.

—Come with me please.

—Wait, what?? Am I a saint?

—I believe so…

He jumped of his chair and screamed at the top of his lungs:


—Hey, watch your language.

—HOLY FUCK, I mean. Sorry

The boy turns to a girl in the back of the room and says:

—Hey, remember when you dumped me… Well… the world sure does turns around…

He turn to a guy close to the door and says:

—Lucas, your girl is cheating on you with Harry. I didn't told you before because he paid me to not tell you. However, don't you worry, I did not sold myself for a low prize… Eliza, I'm sorry to break up with you by message, but Emma, your "FRIEND" were pushing me to it so… You know... Teacher, I'm really sorry for sleeping in your class, it is not your fault, it's just that history soooo boring, but you tried and I appreciate that. What else… You know what. I NEVER liked the color of these walls too…

He stopped, looked down and started to think. Raphael was shocked with what he just witnessed; he touched the teen's shoulder and said: "Follow me please". They started walking to the door. The boy stopped in front of the class lift his arms and said:

—My dear friends, I surely will miss you all. I hope one day you all understand how amazing I am, and how incredible each one of you are, for meeting me. The future, from now on, will be hard for you all, so my last advice is: Do not compare yourselves to me, because that will only bring you sadness and depression, no one should go through this immense pressure that you guys will face, being compared to perfection is… Unhuman. So please be strong. And if destiny is good with you, you will meet me again. Farewell and, Good luck.

Raphael losing his calm screamed:

—Come here NOW.

They go out of the room. Raphael stops turns around and stares the boy with contempt.

—What was that?


—That type of behavior is unacceptable.

—Look, if I'm never gonna see them again I need to tell some inspiring last words.

Every word the boy says makes Raphael's disdain grows, he couldn't believe the things he was hearing. The fact that Raphael was not able to separate the energy in the boy indicates that he possesses an absurd amount of mana. Raphael does not understand how the destiny can be so mean to him.

—Listen, spring, day fourth, you will attend the castle at eigth am. For the next eight weeks you will live in the CCC obligatorily, after that is optional. Tell your parents and prepare yourself.

—Ok. Hey, how much money do a cavalier make?

—It does not matter. This is not the reason you become a cavalier.

—It does matter to me. I mean, I'll be way more motivated to work knowing that I'll make a loooot of money. Am I right? — He said while raising his hand for a high—five.

—One more thing, will I have permission to kill?

—I hope not.

—Ok, only one more thing. Will I be able t…

—You can go back to your class now.

—What? No, I can't. I already said my goodbyes. Appear there now would be weird.

—That is not my problem.

—Besides there is a guy in the third C who I need to brag—on..

Raphael started walking to the exit of the corridor; after a few steps he stopped, looked back at him, took a deep breath, and slowly sighed a mix of disdain, anger and concern. He walked away.

Later that day Raphael completed his report.

"Paladin Cavalier, Raphael

East sector, Nameless mission report;


First day;

Schools visited: Five

Saints identified: None


Second day;






Eighteenth day;

Schools visited: One

Saints identified: One

Identification numbers: 8827—41

SPEP: 8827—41 (5)


Ending operations on sector East on day four after visiting all with institutes with high school."

In the fourth day of spring, the saint found by Raphael appeared in the CCC 7:30 am. He stopped in front of the gates and looked inside before getting in. Right after the gate was a path made of dark red smooth stones, on both sides there were small grass, but the right side was full of small circles of flowers while the left side had one big pink trumpet tree, there it was full of flowers. Getting closer to the first building of the castle, the lawn gave space to the stones that spread up until the walls of the first floor of the building. There were orchid vines through all of the castle walls, but as far as he could see it, no one was blooming yet.

Way up ahead, closer to the entrance of the first building there were a girl with a backpack talking to one of the cavaliers, Haamiah. Raphael get out of the castle accompanied by Seraphim. He sees the boy walking in the path looking to the tree turns to Seraphim and says:

—Oh, this one you need to meet.

—Is the one you found?? The legendary SPEP 5?

—Yes. He has a Lovable personality. You are going to love it…

—I imagine, from the way you were after discovering him.

They approach the boy, who sees Raphael than smile and waves at him, Raphael immediately sighed.

—This will be fun — Said Seraphim smiling back at him.

Raphael said to the boy:

—Wow, what a surprise. I did not think you would get here so early.

—Really? Why would you think that? I almost didn't sleep last night preparing myself for today. Wanna see what I got in here. — He said while grabbing his backpack.

—No thank you. — Raphael immediately stopped him.

The boy looked at Seraphim, his armor captivated the boy, he stared at the shinning flaming wings the cavalier boasted.

—Woow, you have a hell of an armor.

Raphael, angry, said to him.

—You need to be more respectful towards yours superior. I am your Commander from now on and he is the Archduke.

—Ahh, cool. — He said to Raphael, then turned to Seraphim once more — Hey, if I want my armor to have wings…

—HEY, are you listening to me??

—Do I need to be a Paladin like you? You are both Paladins right?

—Yes, we are. — Seraphim calmly answered the boy.

—You are also ignoring me?

—That other cavalier don't have wings. She is not a Paladin right? Do all Paladins have armors?

—No, she is not. However, that does not have anything to do with the wings…

—Really, that is the kind of example you are giving him? Ignoring his commandment. — Raphael said to Seraphim.

Seraphim, laughing, replied:

—Calm down. Is the first day. He will have a lot of time to learn about politeness or whatever… Just give him that stupid book you like.

Raphael was screaming at Seraphim, Seraphim was laughing and the boy was making thousands of questions about wings when two teen appeared in the gate and started to come in, one boy and one girl. Seraphim saw them, smile and said welcome to both.

—Hi, I am Seraphim and this is your commander, Raphael.

—Hello and welcome.

—Hi, I am…

Raphael calmly interrupted her and said:

—Please, do not tell us your names. I will explain later…

—Oh… we can't say our names? — The girl said confused.

—Yes, it is one rule of the cavaliers. — Seraphim explained — From now on you won't be called by your real names. You will be called by your armor names. Until you guys acquire your own armor, you will remain nameless.

—Why? — The boy that arrived with the girl asked.

—It is to remember that while you are a cavalier, you are not yourself anymore. You are a protection to the country.

—Ahh. — The girl said still a little confused.

—Hey. When I will be able to get an armor? Can I choose one? Can I choose one with wings?

Seraphim smiled and said:

—You guys are an enthusiastic little group. I like that. Do not worry, all of your questions will be answered at the right time… Now if you excuse us — He grabbed Raphael shoulder — We need to organize the opening ceremony. Nice to meet you.

The two paladins walked into the castle direction and left the kids talking.

—Sooo… Do you guys know each other?

—Yes, we studied in the same class.

—Cool… So you do know each other names.

—Well… Yes, but I don't think that's a problem.

—It probably isn't. But just to make sure don't tell the cOmManDer. He is a little hysterical…

—How do you know that? — She asked interested.

—He was the cavalier that came to my school.


—Ye, you guys needed to see. He almost punched me making the saint test.

—Wow, our test went pretty smooth.

—To me was weird. That little thing got stuck to my head. — She said.

—I don't have one. — He said curious with her situation. — When he made the test on me I didn't had one. Then he got closer and did it again but nothing came out.

—Well, that's pretty weird.


After a long silence of thinking, the boy asked:

—Which cavalier did you met?

—Oh, that one. — She looked around and pointed to Haamiah. — What was her name?

—I think… it was… Ha—something. Hamea, Haumeah, Haumiah. Something like that. She was really cool though.

—Yeah,… did you met any other cavalier. I mean like, other than those two.

—No, not yet. I got here a bit before you two.

The girl started to look at the castle. The front door was open, she could see a little part of the entrance hall and in the back was another door to an open lawn area. In the hall some people were passing by, one of them was using a silver color armor with two rapiers in his waist. The three saints kept on talking, when another one came in through the gate and approach them.


He said and greeted the one closest to him:

—I'm Adam, nice to meet you. — He said before anyone could interrupt him.

The other three started to stare at each other. The one discovered by Raphael started to laugh intensively.

Slowly all the other saints arrived and the ceremony started. In front of the door were Haamiah, Raphael, Seraphim and Azazel, the highest ranking cavaliers in the city and some of them, in the country. Raphael started:

—Good morning and welcome. You are the group of saints chosen to be part of the new generation of cavaliers, the proud shields of our country. We, and now you, are the ones who were chosen by destiny to give their lives so everyone else in this land, can enjoy the pleasures of a peaceful existence… The path from now on to those who agree to continue will be hard, the training is exhausting, the things we have to teach, sometimes, sound incomprehensible… the dangers are big, the risks are high and the foes are strong. But, if you agree to continue, you can be sure that you are making part of something way bigger than your own existence. Here you will meet people and know their history, here you will make friends and brothers who will accompany you for the rest of your life. You will learn to control your powers and use it for the greater good. And, for those who strive intensively, you can be sure that you will be compensated equitably… So far, you guys are not allowed to say your names. — The two boys and the girl from before started to hold the laugh while Adam, who was by their side, was anxious and sweating cold. — And it be that way until you win armors, which will probably be in a couple of weeks from now. You will be called by your identification numbers until then, so we can identify you, and you can identify each other.

Azazel pulled of some papers and started to say the identification numbers from left to right.

Adam's number was 8027—32, on his side was the boy who arrived with the girl and his number was 7627—12, the girl number was 7627—13, and next to her, the boy discovered by Raphael had the number 8827—41. The girl who was talking to Haamiah when 41 arrived had the number 7427—11, and the others ones respectively, were called 7527—21, 7427—12, 7627—14, 7527—22, 7727—21, 7627—11 and 8027—31.

—We will call you only by your last two numbers, so remember it. — Azazel finished, and Raphael continued:

—In a few moments, we will collect some information from each one of you and take you to the awakening of your on energy. After the process is over you will feel different… stronger and hungrier, maybe even seeing things. But don't you worry it is normal, just… don't try to make strong type of movements like jumping for example.

—Please, follow me. — Haamiah said.

Haamiah and Seraphim walked inside the building, all the saints started to follow them followed by Raphael and Azazel.

After passing the entrance hall, they went straight ahead to the back door that gives access to the lawn area. It was a square with four paths to follow; they went through the left entry. That part had corridors ahead, to the left and right. They turned left again and walked until reach stairs to the underground floor. 41 turned to the two behind him and said:

—They're gonna take us to the deepest point in the dungeon and kill us..

Raphael heard him and gave him a disapproval glare that make the boy turn forward pretending that he didn't saw it. Raphael sighed, Azazel, who was beside him, asked it was something wrong, he answered nothing and continue walking silent till they reached their destiny.

It was a room full of little boxes. These boxes had doors and tall walls but no roofs, they were connected to each other by a pool that passed through all of them. It was filled with a shining greenish blue water. All the saints stared at the water as if it was hypnotizing them. The room had no illumination other than the water, which made the entire ceiling look painted by the water light and its pattern.

—Now each one of you will get inside a box and close the door. You will fill in the papers we left in the boxes, take of your clothes and slowly get inside the pool. Once inside the box no one can see you, so do not worry. I repeat enter the water SLOWLY, one step at a time. Do it until your holy body is submerse.

They all start to do it, above the boxes they could see the water shining brighter every time someone entered it. At the right corner, one of the boxes emanates an extremely strong light. It was 13, the girl who arrived with a boy. Seraphim turns to Raphael, smiles and says:

—This… will be a really… interesting year.

—Yes, indeed.

He says while one of the boxes close to the middle radiates an absurdly strong, almost blinding light. It was 41.