Africa didn't get invited and died because their starvation and backwardness. Chinese all were killed by other known world survivors and me for their betrayal. China betrayed the known world alliance and got what china deserved for betraying everyone. China was smart about there move for betrayal and cunning is dangerous . China was to dangerous to leave alive. The chinese had a lot of brainwashing techniques like the church. China couldn't continue to exist because of their similarities to the church that ruined the known world. We don't need a backstabber in our alliance against the new world. China had a lot of inhuman torture devices that we look through after killing them . We decide we did the best thing for the world looking at their devices for torture. china history was long and had background of absorbing other states and turning them into Chinese which showed how dangerous china was. We felt relief that we got rid of hard bone and backstabber that do anything for profit. A lot of loses across the known world in the war for survival and rome got destroyed completely.