I got energy throne. I made energy core. I can control energies more easily. I appeared in my magic church is i know this is magic world. I went on to build a mini magic reactor with electro magnetic and plasma magic. The energy control function made making mini magic reactor easy. The core of reactor is magic crystal. I made with the core my with energy and magic throne . I manipulate the mana to form the crystal to be safe from blowing up. The crystal is hard to break and destroy. I go on to make the mini reactor to power up shield spells to protect Britain. Then land energy is okay which means their will be war for it from the known world. I call my daughters to learn what is happening. They tell me arthur has brought her mother, sister, and uncle back with her and share ireland with her uncle for the Rome empire to use. Romans moved to Ireland. The charlemagne and his paladins brought roman citizens to ireland and no nobles. I guess the emperor wants to complete rule Ireland his way without the corruption of nobles. He uses mages from magic church to help him rule Ireland. The knights of the round table split because of arthur accepting her sister which try killed Britain. The sister also ruined the known world which many knights don't want to share the same air with Joan. Arthur is helpless at stopping the round table from shattering. Arthur also gave up Ireland to her uncle which upsets the people in Britain that is under arthur. She basically ruined her own kingdom with her actions. Her nobles went to the north and sold out. Many knights left Arthur in favor of north britain. Arthur lost the people's hearts. Arthur lost to the battle to keep her kingdom because my daughters sun and luna Beat arthur in battle with more support of the people. Arthur was lone knight defending her kingdom. Arthur , her sister, and mother is locked up by Star and luna. Star took her sisters Alice and arya in to raise.