The sea foam gave brith to aphrodite. Aphrodite is the goddess of love, lust, beauty, pleasure, passion, and procreation. Aphrodite would go on to have many human lovers and give birth to lots of the demigods. Aphrodite children would become heroes. Aphrodite will become a famous love god and lover to humans. Aphrodite would birth many times. Aphrodite would born her first child minos and proceed to make minos her lover and giave birth to a monster. aminos would build a labyrinth to imprison the monster and aphrodite whould leave minos. Her third child perseus would go under Chiron to train and be hero. Perseus would go on to slay mosters and make a nation. Aphrodite would born Bellerophon who would slay a loin, goat, and snake fire breathing chimera and Bellerophon would offer the chimera to Athena for a spear. Athena would make leather armor and scaled armor out of the hide and skin. Athena would make poison out of the venom in the chimera.