My mom teaches Morgan well in mediation and spell breathing. Morgan picks up on things quickly. She have noticed the four elements connect to space and time. We want to keep it hidden as trump cards. We decide to teach her more about space and time so she be distracted by learning about advanced elements. We have space blade, rip, teleport, and storage. We went on the teach time stop but not time acceleration as we keep time acceleration under warps. We go back to teach more about the fire ball, blast, inferno, meteor, whip, sword, and armors. We then taught her water blast, ice, snow, freeze, sword, and armor. Magic earth spike, quake, sword, armor, and maze. Wind has blade, wings, sword, armor, blast, and shield. Magic we teach is quick to learn because of breath and visualization techniques. We then decide to teach help about making magic items, technology, weapons, armor, potions, medicines, drugs, and food. This time morgan and i learn together how to use magic to make things. We had to learn spell language and how to write and read spell language. We had to enchant objects to make the magical. we spent our childhood learning magic item creation. I add my our technology to magic creation and taught morgan how to make magic mech and magic energy weapons. I shared my findings with the family and morgan. The magic item creation class last until morgan and I became adults. We graduated from my mom's teaching. I made a lot of revolution in magic item creation. I made modern stuff with magic that made living at home more comfortable. My magic weapons help us to defeat light magic user and destroyed the church in our lands with superior magic technologies. We made a magic religion to take the church place. we are in charge of the magic church. Magic is supreme is base of the religion. Morgan helps out with my family magic church. Morgan stayed at the magic church to research more about magic.