The training lasted a while i teach Bridget and guys who were trained will whip, guard, armor, shield, and crush first then I had Bridget and trained guys train the new guys what they learned. I also train some new people to get the process over quicker. Everyone learn how to breath and do will defense and attacks. We were attacked near the end of training by will royal guards there was two one with will wings and other with will sword. We took down both with will whips.
"This is unfair rebel scum" said the sword guy
"Now you going to tell us were the queen is" said i
"never" said the sword guy
"She at the big looking palace" said wing guy
I punch the guys out then lead everyone to the palace to attack the queen. we met the queen of will and attack with everything we got, but she bend reality and reflect all our attacks back at us. We were get crushed. I thought about escaping, but Bridget use fire breath to lit herself on fire to get rid of reality attacks. I use life breathing to get out with will armor. The guys used breathing and armor to get fee from reality warping. We the fought with our bodies against the queen which was effective until she will blast us far away. I should to get hit with a lot of attacks reality bending powers were able to crush me. I would have died if i hadn't have celestial throne. Bridget got up and knock out the queen. we lock up the queen. Bridget took over. we change the laws to include human rights. we have most of the overseer jailed up. A lot of revolution guys got high positions in new government. We went about dealing with problems. I learned will sword, wings, bending of reality, and will blast. I have made celestial bloodline with creation, immortal, and thinking abilities. I gave the bloodline to Bridget.
"I going to go" i said
"take me with you" said Bridget
"ok" i said
"Have happy life guys" said the guys blessings us
Bridget and i left will world to go to breath world where i got breath throne.