Chereads / Sound of the sea / Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: Hearing the sound

Sound of the sea

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: Hearing the sound

(Back in the Ocean.)

Guys already have a spot? No way. Girl you are getting in way to deep after just one meeting." "Its not like that right now. He just wants to know what its like to live down here. So I told him I would when I can make it up there again. Even it its night time. Plus there is something I have been meaning to ask the sea goddess anyway. Girls I'm going to the restroom." "Uh huh your going to see the goddess aren't you." "Just please don't tell my brother. My mom and dad don't need that trouble right now." "Ok ok we promise." "Thanks girls you're the best."

(On shore)

"I just love he sea. Maybe one day I can be a sailor. Yeah that would be the best Job I think." "Oh Tide wants to be a sailor huh? Well I'll tell you what kid. On Monday come with us we can show you the ropes." Said Denis one of the sailors. "Y-yeah ok thanks." "No problem kid." He stayed by the water and waited so see if she would come up. By 5:00 everything is calming down.

(In the ocean)

"Sea goddess are you here? I have something important to say." The sea goddess came down the stairs walking gracefully. "Let me guess you want to strike another deal with me right?" "Yes I want go to the surface. I'm sure you already know but I snuck out at night and met a boy." "Yes I know everything that transpires with the children of the sea. There is another thing you want to ask me isn't there? Go ahead and ask." I took a deep breath and said. "How long can we be on land without any water?" "Well there it its. Its finally happening." "What is?" "Well back when I was a youngster like you this is how things started. Once one fell in love with a land dweller they weren't able to go into the sea anymore once they were married. In your case though. There are ways to change that." "How so?" "Well if a child on land is born from a sea human and a regular human the baby would have to be able to have special skin for that person to be able to go back to the ocean." "Oh I see. It hasn't happened yet?" "Not that anyone has mentioned. So are you sure you want to do this?" "Yes I do." "OK you know this isn't going to be free right?" "Yes I know I have to do your bidding before I can go up. So what is the deal this time?" "Hmm let me think. I'll tell you what we will do it backwards this time. I will give you a week to be up there. Then you will tell me what you did and what it was like. I'll let you off easy cause trust me you will have hardships on the surface even if your friend tries to stick up for you." "Yes maam." "Oh and to the answer to your question you need to at least drink water every hour to stay from getting dry." "OK thank you." Then I headed towards the surface and luckily no one saw me. I went to our spot and waited.


"I guess its about that time to wait for her again." Said Tide to himself. But when he got to the spot he saw she made it up. "You made it after all." "Yeah I did." "Woah nice dress." "Oh thanks. My mom uses water snake skin to make it. Wow so this is what it looks like on the surface." "Yeah it is. Don't worry I won't tell anyone anything. I'll tell them you drifted to shore and just met me ok?" "That works too. Thanks Tide you're a lifesaver." "Sure." So he brought me to a doc and told them I didn't have a memory and I was shipwrecked. I only know my name and that I had to drink water every hour. "Oh you poor girl. You said you knew your name right? May I ask your name?" "Its Naia. My name is Naia. Do you know your age?" "No I'm sorry I don't. I assume I'm Tides age cause we are the same height." "I see. Well then. Lets get you warmed up and get something to eat. Then rest. Gramps I'll do it. She knows me best." "Well come along then." I went into their house and saw a piano. "Oh! I think I have seen one of those before." "Ow my head." "Its ok its probably from you trying to get your memory back. Would you like to try?" "Yes please." I sat down like I was remembering how to do it. Then my fingers started moving. I started singing with the song I started to play and everyone listened. After awhile I stopped because I was shocked at people watching me. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you all." "Can I have some water please?" "Well certainly." The old man gave me a water bottle and I drank it.

So I spoke as I don't know what is going on. "Who are these sea people everyone have been talking about?" I asked playing the part. "Oh its probably just a myth. There is a story though. A 16 year old girl plays a piano under the sea that is only made for the sea. On land it doesn't play at all. No one has ever seen her or the sea people but I believe they are there. One day I would love to get a submarine and find them. I won't harm them I would love to meet one someday." "If you met one what would you do? What would the other people do?" "Well I want to talk to them. Get to know a little more. As for the people here they would probably want to capture one and experiment on them." "Oh I see. What if one of them were to make a deal? Like say the sea people take the traitors to land and you can have them to experiment on instead of having them killed by the sea people. That is what I am guessing anyway. I am beginning to remember a little of who I am. I remember reading books of them as a little girl." "Oh I see. I'm sorry." "Its fine. I can deal with it for now. Old man? Is there something you want me to call you instead of gramps?" "NO its ok you can call me gramps. After all I am Tides grandfather." "Oh so you really are. I just thought people here all called old people gramps." "Well some do and some don't its ok." I will bring you some water in your room. Tide show her to her room I will have a maid come in shortly." "Yes gramps."

We finally go to my room and we started talking. "You're good at this Naia. You almost blew your cover but covered it up." "Yeah your right thanks." Then a nurse came in. "Ok Tide time for the lady to get ready for bed." "Yes. Thank you. "Goodnight Naia." "Night Tide." She saw the way we looked at each other then focused on getting me ready.