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I Want To Talk To God

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Chapter 1 - 1 : Arriving at Shinar

Long ago, chaos engulfed the world. Demons and Devils ruled over the masses. The humans conformed and rebelled against the one true Holy God and allowed the Demons to posses them and fight God. God filled with rage caused "The Great Flood," which swallowed the earth, killing everything in it's path. God vowed to the earth that he would never flood it again, making a rainbow as a sign or his word every time it rains.

100 years later, what was left of humanity eventually cultivated the Earth once again. 2/3 of humanity decided to gather in The land of Shinar, they all spoke the same language, and we're very talented in construction and architecture. The humans decided to build a tower to heaven to show God their Glory. God did not like that humanity was trying to be like himself so he decided to curse the tower and set a rule.

"If any person on this earth can acccend this tower of Babel you will be able to touch heaven."

For the first time God had left the earth and sat in heaven upon his throne awaiting the day that someone would make it to the top. Many people from across the globe travelled far and wide to climb the tower.

Shinar quicky turned into a tourist hotspot and a main attraction.

The city of Babel turned rich from its resources and income. Wealthy kings and queens settled in Babel. The land was lush with big green trees and thick soft grass. A river called "Tigris" flowed through the land to feed life to the soil and plants, and animals. Beautiful white sand had covered the road floors.

Most of the buildings in the city were built to a larger scale. Temples and statues were made of would white grandint and silver, houses also have gold linings and trims.

The streets were made out of a special sandstone, and we were filled with markets and shops.

Many people were living in Babel, about 750,000,000 people. The population of The land of Shinar is 2.4 billion, and right in the middle of the city was the great tower of Babel. The tower was so tall you couldn't see the top due to Clouds brushing the tip of the tower as they passed.

The Land of Shinar was beautiful, and fate had brought a traveller from across the 7 seas...

Chapter 1: Arrived at Shinar

It was a bright day outside. Not a cloud to be seen in the sky, the sun's rays beamed down onto the water, reflecting the sun's light. I've been travelling for about nine months across the sea to get to Shinar. It was so long and gruelling, nothing but a vast open sea. It was beautiful some nights; the stars would appear in the black abyss of water, and the night sky would be in hand reach. It was like you could touch the real stars. It was a sight to see. Other nights it would be storming thunder and lightning. Waves the size of mountains would appear out of the dark, crashing down upon other waves creating a one-way ticket to death. Luckily we survived; I was aboard a ship called "The Colossus," it was a big boat that could fit over 1000 passengers and was one of the 3 Great Boats. I was heading to Babel, the capital city of Shinar, or, as the legend goes, "The Land of God."

"Attention, everyone! We are arriving at the dock in 10 minutes. would you please grab your belongings and prepare for departure."

"Yes, we have arrived" I was happy that the long journey has come to a close. Now I could start my true journey. To the Tower of Babel!

Fishermen occupied the dock; seeing this many people out and about was a sight for sore eyes. I could only take so much of that boring water. LOL. I knew that Babel was about an hour away from the docs, and with no other means of transportation, walking was the only option.

I usually would dread the idea of walking, but being at sea for nine months could make a man grateful for touching the earth again.

Eventually, after walking for about 45 minutes, I arrived at an outpost. I could see the city walls in the distance so I knew I was close. I approached the outpost.

"Welcome to the city of Babel traveller, how can I help you today sir?", said the man working the post.

"Why is the outpost so far away from the city?" I said.

"The king of Babel ordered it so, the purpose for this post is to alert they city of who comes in and out. What's your name stranger?"

"My name is Obasi."

"Obasi? Obasi what? You don't got a last name?"

"Nope just Obasi."

The outpost worker gave me the most snarling look. "And what brings you here to Babel?"

"I want to climb the tower."

The worker busted out in laughter. Tears streaming down his face.

"You're just a kid. You look no older than 20 years of age. Why would you want to climb the tower? You know that most people don't ever come back once the enter the tower?"

"Yeah yeah. I know about the tower and the stories of who came and and went. But the reason I want to climb the tower is to speak to God."

"God? What business do you have trying to talk to God? He is a ball of destruction, that never looks out for the people of earth, but you got moxy kid. Keep heading down this road path it leads to the city entrance."

Obasi gave the worker a weird look of confusion, thanked him and continued walking towards the city.

The worker waves off Obasi and watches him walk into the distance.

"Well well well, it looks like we might have our selves a descendant."

Obasi had reached the entrance to the city. It was grand. At the entrance stood two massive doors made of crystal and glass. There was two guards who stood in front of the doors. The guards were made up of of stone and similar material to the city walls. Obasi went and reached for the doorknob, but the doors were to strong and big to open himself. He called out to the guards.

"Hey, big guy. Why don't you open these doors for me, I need to get in"

No answer

"Hello are you guys listening?"

Obasi jumps up onto one of the guards head staring directly into its eyes.

"Hello….mister guard sir thing let me in"

Still no reply just as Obasi is about to go back to where he met the first outpost worker the guards suddenly say in unison "an eye for and eye, a tooth for a tooth, gold for gold", they then repeated this statement of a total of 3 times and silence once again. Obasi stood there confused.

"What do you guys want? You want to trade something?"

One of the guards immediately stretches out its hand palm up. Obasi reaches into his pocket and pulls out 5 bronze coins, 3 silver coins, and 1 gold coin.

- 1 gold coin is worth $100

- 1 silver coin is worth 25$

- 1 bronze coin is worth $5

Obasi gives the guard 2 silver coins, "here this is worth the same as a gold coin." Again the guards repeated "an eye for and eye, a tooth for a tooth, gold for gold". Obasi was frustrated and reluctantly handed the guard a gold coin. "Uggghhh that was my last gold coin…I hate my life," the 2 guards pulled open the city gates and behold the grand city of Babel land of Shinar.

I walked through the massive gates of the city the buildings stood tall and high, and the stretched far past the eye could see. The Tower could be seen from anywhere it seemed. It was so tall you couldn't see the top though. I stood there in amazement of how nice everything was. I strolled down the white sand covered road towards the direction of the tower. I passed by many different shops and homes. Seeing people of all kinds working together, eating together, living together. It was a nice change of scenery from where I'm from. As I was walking a group of what looked to be priests of some sort was yelling at a women.

"You vile creature, how dare you touch my robe with such filth," one of the priests who were wearing red and gold smacked the woman, and she fell onto the floor. He picked up a small stone and looked at the woman. "You will pay for your sins, woman," he said. He threw the rock at the women's head, causing her to bleed.

"Please, please, I'm sorry. I won't ask again, please stop," the woman cried out with streams of tears and blood fell onto her cheeks. Then the other priests who was with the priest dressed in red and gold, also casted stones at the women. They all laughed and scoffed at her, spit flew from one of thier mouths and hit the women. Then they began to walk away. I quickly ran over to the women. "Are you alright?," I said wrapping her up in my arms. She was bleeding from her head and nose. Blood poured out like a fountain. I could tell that she was trying to say something to me, but she was so dazed she couldn't make out the words.

"Hey boy, what do you think you are doing?"

I looked up to see the priest in red and gold standing over me and the women.

"You must be slow boy, that women there is filth and trash. You have no business attending to her at all. What is your name?"

My heart was pounding, and my nerves quicky came into effect. I looked up to the priest and saw only evil and bloodlust in his eyes. I mustered the courage to stand up and face him, "my name is Obasi," I said. He looked me up and down then proclaimed that I was just as filthy as her and deserved to be punished. The priest raised his hand to the sky motioning he was going to slap me. But without hesitation my body moved on its own, I ended up punching the priest directly in the face, sending him flying backwards on to the ground.

"My nose, you broke my nose you little shit," the priest yelled. I could feel the eyes of everyone staring at me. The other group of priests has surrounded me, "Teach that man a lesson of what happens when you mess with the kings council," the red and gold priest said. They grabbed me by arms and sat me down onto my knees. I knew I was about to be in a world of pain so I prayed to God. "All mighty Father please help me," the group of priests began throwing a series of punches and kicks to my face and body. One after the other continued to beat me. I could feel my face swelling up and my left eye began to shut close. The wind had been knocked out of my body multiple times, I tried gasping for air, but with every breath came a strong kick to the chest. I thought I was going to die in that moment. All that work to get to Shinar was about to go to waste, over helping a stranger, I guess this death was an acceptable one. Then I heard of voice in the distance, "what seems to be the problem gentlemen?" I looked upward with my one good eye and saw a very tall man dressed in royal garbs, with a symbol on his chest that looked like circle with feathered wings around it.

I glanced around the street and saw everyone on one knee bowing. Even the group of priests had bowed.

"My king…we were just handling some business with these…commoners," The red and gold priest said.

"What is your name child?"

I looked up at the kings face, I couldn't quite make out his facial features because of the sun behind him blinding his silhouette.

"My name is Obasi…what's yours?"

"You arrogant little mule, show some respect to the king of Babel," the priest said.

"Enough Julius," the king said, "my name is Bell the King of Babel and the Land of Shinar. Your a lucky man Obasi, if I had been any later you would've been a dead man and food for the crows."

The kings words sent shivers down my spine and arms. Everything had started to spin and go black. Was I passing out, drifting in and out of consciousness I heard faint words come from the king "escort him to the guest quarters and bring the women as-well." I hung my head in relief and passed out.

I had woken up in a bedroom, it looked like a fancy hotel, there was a terrace and out onto the terrace was the women from earlier. I sat up and looked around, I was bandaged up and felt great to be honest. I looked around the room to get a better feel of where I was at, there was a small coffee table that had a tray of fruits and wine. A massive pool, and beautiful painting of the Land of Shinar. Then I realized I was naked under the covers. Did I have sex….wait no no no no…I must have been drugged. I looked back out onto the terrace and stared at the woman. She was wearing a light purple dress that hung just above her knees, she had long black hair, and very pale skin, which was surprising since it was so hot in Shinar. I couldn't help but notice that she also had the most beautiful body I had ever seen. I was In love. The women suddenly turned her head at me and we locked eyes, at first I was startled, the I looked away. I noticed there were some clothes at the edge of the bed so I put them on. There was a white shirt with the same crest that the king had on the back, also a pair of black pants and socks with brown shoes. I walked out onto the terrace and stood next to the women.

"Hey," she said.

I finally had gotten a good look at her, and my oh my was she stunning. She had piercing green eyes, and her bangs hung just above her eyebrows. She had nice big lips, I was practically drooling out the mouth at the sight of her.

"Hello?" She said again.

I had totally forgot she had said something.

"Oh my bad hey"

"Thanks for saving me back there, it was sweet. Risking death like that…"

I didn't know that I would be risking my life to save this girl, but I could use this to my advantage.

"It's no big deal, I'm happy I helped you"

We locked eyes again, this time I really could feel something in my light ablaze.

"What's your name hero? I've been dying to know", she said after putting her hand onto my forearm.

" Obasi, my name is Obasi. What's yours?"

"My name is Eden," she said smiling.

"If you don't mind me asking, why did those priest attack you Eden?"

She paused and looked down towards her hands.

"I am a escort. Then priests and his men hadn't paid me for 3 months so I went to ask them for my payment and so on and so forth." I paused. I didn't think that a pretty soft spoken women would've been an escort. Usually back in my hometown, women were usually escorts because they were slaves or the had to do it for money. It didn't feel like my place to ask her much more detail so I nodded and looked out over the balcony overseeing the city.

"Why brings you here Obasi?" Eden said.

"I want to climb the tower." I said.

She looked shocked "I too want to climb the


I smiled, and stared off again. We didn't say anything to each other for the next few minutes. You could only feel the awkward tension. But some time after that I caught myself looking at her again. She broke the silence and said "why did you help me…back there?"

It caught me a little off guard at first but I responded "because I would want someone to do the same for me." We locked eyes once again but this time Eden had moved closer to me pressing her Body up against mine, I blushed and put my arms around her waist. She stared deep into my soul, "should I kiss her?" I thought to myself. I've never kissed a girl up until this point. Back home all the girls were stuck up and mean, I didn't bother pursuing them at all. But this girl here…Eden felt different.

Just as I was about to lock lips with this hottie the king had appeared, opening the doors to the room.

"Obasi your awake I — oh. Am I interrupting something?" Without hesitation I pushed Eden off me and fixed myself to thank him for his hospitality. "No no your majesty…thank you for this and everything," the king shook my hand with a firm grasp pulled me closer and said, "we need to have a chat Obasi."

I got the sudden feeling that I was in big trouble, I swallowed the frog in my throat and said "as you wish."

The King and I walked out the room, I waived bye to Eden but her head was turned already. The king saw the disappointment on my face so he put his arm around my shoulder. "Don't worry my friend, there are plenty women out there that will satisfy your needs. We are going to my study room, there are some questions I want to ask you," we proceeded throughout what seemed to be the quarters of a castle of some sort. Probably the living areas of the royals that stay in Babel. We approached the study room and it was smaller than I had anticipated. Is looked to be a small 8 x 8 room with a desk and two chairs on each end. We sat down.

"You seem uneasy Obasi, are you feeling alright?"

"It's okay I'm fine. Just my head is hurting a little," I felt wrong for lying to the king but I couldn't show any signs of weakness.

"First and foremost, where are you from and how did you get here?" The king gave a sharp impression, he had a longer pointy face , but he was very handsome. He has a brown beard that was only a few shades darker that his skin tone. His nose was firm and big to add at that. He also had long flowing hair that curled near the ends.

" I am from the West, from a small village in the mountains. I travelled her aboard ship for 9 months."

"A traveller from the west, I heard many stories of that place. Is it true monster roam free over there running rapid around being controlled by the demons," the king laughed after his remark.

"Yes some of the myths are true, but they aren't the type of monsters of fairytale. But of people themselves. These people worshipped the Demons and Devils that walked that land to gain power. Ultimately they lost control of themselves, allowing the demons to posses them. When I was young my village was attacked by those monsters, they burned everything and killed everyone, my mother had hid me in a underground bunker. I didn't exactly see these monsters. But I can always here them tormenting the people in the village."

I looked up and saw fear in the eyes of the king. I apologized for giving to much information but he didn't seem to mind. He looked rather interested yet uneasy.

"Well what brings you here to Babel. It's a long way from home." The king said.

"I am here to climb the tower," it had felt like I've explained myself over and over again, but since this was the king of Babel I let it slide.

"I figured you'd say that. I once knew a boy back in my younger days before I was king, who came from the west to climb this very tower, he wouldn't stop talking about it. He said he wanted to talk to God."

My eyes lit up "I want to talk to God too! I know many people say it's impossible but I don't care, I have faith that I can do it."

The king looked at Obasi with a grin, "excellent. I have a gift for you, for when you climb the tower of course."

The king opened one of the drawers to the desk and pulled out a long object wrapped on cloth. He placed it on the table and said "for you my fiend, I hope you enjoy it." I grabbed the gift and unwrapped the cloth around it. It was a sword. The sheath was black, along with the handle. I unsheathed the blade at it too was black.

The king leaned into his desk "do you like it?"

I nodded my head, it was beautiful craftsmanship and felt super light in my hand.

"The blade is called (The black Megalodon), this is a very rare blade, legend has it that this was one of the blades of the angles that fought in the Great War. That same boy I was talking earlier gave me that blade, and told me to give it to someone who I found fit to use it."

"Why me King what makes you think I'm worthy of carrying such a blade?" I said confused.

"Call it a Kings intuition," he smiled. "Come let me escort you to the tower."

2 hours later.

"Here we are Obasi," the Tower of Babel." A

The king had said. I nodded and thanked him again for his kindness and for the gift. As I left the coach that carried us to the Tower the king stopped me and gave me a word of advice.

"Obasi, listen and listen good, that tower is full of unknown dangers and traps. There is no telling what you will encounter when you enter. MayGod be on your side Friend." I bowed for the final time and the coach took off.

"Finally what I've been waiting for time to get going."