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The Love Shack

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Alayna has just graduated high school with her best friend, Kouver. As an early Christmas present from Kouver's parents, the girls, Kouver's boyfriend, Mason, and her jaw-dropping brother, Emerson are gifted a two-week vacation in a beautiful cabin in the Great Smoky Mountains. Find out what happens as the four of them go on an adventure of a lifetime in the Love Shack!

Table of contents


Chapter 1 - Prologue

Walking through the hallway towards my locker, I put in the combination and grabbed my textbooks from the bottom shelf. Closing my locker, I turn around and promptly head to the library. Taking in my surroundings one last time as I pass through the long, widened hallway into the courtyard. Strolling through, slowly making my way towards the library.

Arriving at the large double doors, I grab the door handle on the right side, opening the door and walking over to Mrs. Z's front desk, watching her as she continues to type on her keyboard.

"Hey, Mrs. Z!" I whisper enthusiastically, laying my books on the counter separating us.

"Miss Alayna! I haven't seen you all day. How are you? Are you excited? Two more weeks until Christmas and if I remember correctly, today is your last day as a high school student since you're graduating early!" She says as she starts scanning my books.

"Yes, I'm very excited! And I'm not gonna lie, Mrs. Z. I'm going to miss you and this library, but I'm sure as hell not gonna miss anything else about this dreaded place." I say, looking at all the returned books on her roller cart as she signs off her computer, grabbing the recently returned books from the counter and placing them in her cart.

"Oh, hush, doll. You're going to look back in a few years and really miss this place, but I'm very glad you came to see me before the day was over." She says smiling as she walks around the counter, pushing her cart towards the bookshelves.

"Of course! You know I had to come see my all-time favorite teacher. I wish I had stopped by earlier so I could stay longer, but I should start heading back to the front before the bell rings. I just wanted to drop these books off and say goodbye." I say, extending my arms out to her.

"Bye Mrs. Z!" I say, as I hug her before turning to walk towards the door.

"Bye, A! You'll do amazing out there on your own." she says smiling as she waves at me. I open the door and walk out into the hallway, out of sight.

Making my way down the hallway, glancing into other classrooms as I pass by. I walk out through the courtyard and into the main lobby.


As the last bell of the day rings, I hastily exit the building and descend the stairs before striding through the parking lot towards my car. As I get closer to my car, I notice Kouver already beat me there and is currently leaning against the hood with her bag on the ground beside her, waiting for me. Her long strawberry blonde hair pulled up into a messy ponytail, slightly bouncing with the wind. Today she wore her old white t-shirt and cutoff jean shorts, paired with her white Adidas. She always manages to look good even when she doesn't try. No fair.

"Today's the day, Kove! We're both free at last." I exclaim, finally making it to the car.

I struggle for a second, looking for my keys, only to find them at the bottom of my bag. How does that always happen? I thought to myself as I got in, throwing my things into the back seat.

"Yes! I've been waiting for this day for so long!" She says, laying her stuff down in the back seat before hopping into the passenger's seat just as her phone starts to ring.

"Hey mama, what's up? Oh? Alright, I'll ask her! I love you too, bye!" She says excitedly, hanging up the phone before turning towards me.

"What's up?" I ask curiously, raising my eyebrows.

"So, my parents are out of town for the next two weeks as of this morning. My mom just called to see if you could come stay with me until they get back. They figured I'd feel more comfortable with you there and I think it'll be fun! So what do you say?" She said eagerly, slightly jumping in her seat as I turned the car on.

"Sounds like a plan to me, I just have to stop by my place and grab my stuff. Now, let's get the hell out of here!" I exclaim as we both squealed excitedly. I pull out of the parking space, rolling the windows down as Kouver leaned over, turning the radio on and the volume up. Exiting the parking lot and turning left onto the highway, we start to head towards my apartment, which is only five minutes from the school.

On my 18th birthday last year, with some help from my grandmother to cover expenses, I finally moved out of my parents' house. I knew I needed to get my own space or I'd go crazy and I'm glad I left when I did because the timing was rather impeccable to rehabilitate my sanity. A few months ago, in February, my relationship with my parents started to improve slightly as well. It's a work in progress, but I know now that living apart was the only way to fix the smaller issues we were having.

"When we get to my place, I'm just gonna run in and you can just stay in the car. I'll be quick!" I shout over the music as we pass the gas station marking the end of the drive to my apartment.

When we pull into the parking lot, I swerve into my designated parking space, number five. Putting the car in park and leaving the engine on for Kouver, I got out. I hurriedly walked up the stairs to the second floor, sprinting down the hallway to apartment B5. I use the keypad to unlock my door and quickly pass through the kitchen on the way to my room. Walking into my closet and pulling out my overfilled duffel bag, I lay it flat on the bed.

Kouver's mom had called me earlier last night and went over everything that Kouver had just told me. So since I had a head start on packing, all I need to grab is some last-minute items. Quickly walking to the bathroom and grabbing my toothbrush and toothpaste. I look at myself in the mirror, my blue eyes staring back at me. My platinum blonde hair with unkempt waves laid a few inches past my breasts as my light pink dress flowed just under mid-thigh, which I had paired with a pair of cream sandals. Grabbing my lipgloss from the cabinet and applying it before placing it in my pocket, I rush back to my room.

I throw my stuff in with my makeup pouch before throwing it all into my duffel bag and zipping it back up. Seizing my favorite pillow and my bag before hurriedly heading back to the front door. I lock it before darting down the stairs, back to my car.

"That was fast." Kouver said, sounding a little shocked as I opened the door. She proceeded to flip the sun visor down and fix her lipstick in the mirror.

"I know right! That might've been the fastest I've ever done anything in my life." I joke as I get into the car, throwing my things into the seat behind me.

"May I borrow your lipgloss real quick? This matte lipstick is just not doing me any justice today." She says, leaning towards me as I remove the lipgloss from my pocket, handing it to her.

"I'm ready to eat, I'm starving." I say as I lean back in my seat, looking up to my apartment.

"We'll eat as soon as we get to my house. Em is supposed to order takeout for us tonight." She says, turning to face me smiling, handing my lipgloss back.

"Hell yea, let's go then." I say, taking the lipgloss, stuffing it back into my pocket. Turning the music up, both of us started to sing along as we pulled out of the parking space. Driving to the other end of the parking lot, we exit out onto the main road again as we head to Kouver's house, which is only about ten minutes from my apartment.

After taking the more scenic route, we pull around the corner from her house, noticing more cars than usual taking up the whole driveway. We turn into the cul-de-sac and park in the grass by the mailbox, turning the engine off.

"Em had a few friends sleepover last night and it looks like they haven't left yet, but you should be able to move your car into the driveway in a little bit." Kouver states, shrugging. She gets out of the car, opening the back passenger's side door to grab her stuff.

"It's fine as long as we don't have to speak to anyone." I say as I quickly get out of the car and grab my stuff from the back seat, pressing the button to lock it.

"Agreed, I need to change my clothes as well. Hurry! Let's go!" She says as she looks towards the house, stepping onto the driveway.

We hurriedly walked together to the side door, letting ourselves in through the kitchen, hoping to avoid anyone seeing us. Unfortunately though, we are immediately met with the gaze of three extremely hot unfamiliar men before locking eyes with Emerson as he smiles while hastily making his way over to us.

Emerson is breathtaking with his dark brown hair and piercing green eyes. He's honestly the hottest guy I've ever met, but I'm never telling a soul. When he makes his way to us, he maneuvers his way between Kouver and I, draping his arms across our lower backs.

"Hey, guys! Let me introduce you to my sister, Kouver, whom you've already met as she was leaving the house this morning and this is her best friend, Alayna." Emerson says, acquainting us with everyone.

"This is Ashton." He says, pointing to the man with two complete sleeves of numerous diverse tattoos, dirty blond hair with natural highlights, and light grayish-blue eyes. Ashton flashed a panty-dropping smile and slightly waved before turning to grab some grapes from the fridge.

"And that over there is Chandler." Emerson says, now pointing to the rather tall man standing closest to the door. He has light blond hair and deep blue eyes, with a dark navy shirt that made his eye color pop even more.

"Nice to meet you, ladies. You can call me Chan." Chandler said with an enticing smile as he crossed his arms, enhancing his muscles, leaning back against the counter.

"And last, but not least. This is Cade." Emerson says, moving to point towards the man sitting at the kitchen table stuffing his scruffy face with pizza bagels. He has shaggy auburn hair with golden-brown eyes and a tattoo of a broken skull with a snake coming out of the top on the inside of his forearm.

"Hey, guys!" Cade said after he was done chewing, smiling sheepishly before taking a big swig of his soda.

"Why don't you guys go put your stuff down and I'll be up there in a sec, I'm going to walk everyone out." Emerson says as he motions for us to go upstairs.

"Oh, they're not staying longer? We just have to change and we'll be right back." I say smiling as we strut by. The men's gazes follow our every move before Emerson interrupts their thoughts.

"Um, no. They have to leave now. Right, guys?" He asks, eyeing them all down with a stern expression as he tries to hide his clenched fists.

"But-" Chandler starts to say before being interrupted by Ashton.

"Yeah, we have somewhere to be. Come on, guys." Ashton says, understanding the hint and elbowing Chandler in his side. They walk over to Cade and collectively smirk as they walk towards the door with Emerson trailing behind them. Kouver quickly pulls him back and proceeds to ask him a question.

"Hey, I thought Mace was here. Where is he?" She whispered curiously.

"He went to the bathroom before you guys walked in. I'll send him upstairs when I get back inside." He says as he turns to walk outside.

"Hey, Em, wait! Would you mind moving my car into the driveway after they leave while you're out there?" I ask as I hold my keys out to him. He turns to look at me, smiling.

"Sure. Anything else, love?" He asks.

"Yes, actually." I say, trying to hide my smile.

"What's that?" He asks, slightly tilting his head to the side.

"Never call me that again." I say, laughing as he smiled, shaking his head.

"We'll see about that." He says before running out the door after the others.

Kouver and I shake our heads as we quickly walk up the stairs towards her room. Entering the room, I lay my things on top of the dresser and sit down on the edge of the bed. Kouver in tow, locks the door behind her, throwing her stuff on the nightstand, pulling her phone out of her pocket.

"Where did Em meet those guys? They're all so fucking hot." I say as I lay back on the bed.

"They met during their college campus tour. They were in the same group and really hit it off. I don't know much besides that though." Kouver says while rummaging through her drawer for a new shirt. She quickly changes and sits on the bed beside me when we hear a loud pounding on the door.

"Kouve! Let us in!" Emerson shouts from the other side.

"Coming!" Kouver yells as she gets up from the bed, unlocking the door and letting him and Mason in.

Mason has platinum blond hair and crystal blue eyes. He's wearing his favorite t shirt that Kouver got him for his birthday paired with grey sweatpants.

Mason has been Emerson's best friend since they were in the ninth grade. Everyone knew he had a crush on Kouver ever since he met her as a freshman during his senior year, but last year he finally worked up the courage to ask her out.

"Hey, jellybean." Mason says before pulling Kouver closer to him by the hips and leaning down, giving her a quick peck on the lips.

"Hey!" Kouver says cheerfully, smiling and lifting herself on her toes to give him another kiss.

"I'm glad to see you made it home safe from your last day of school. Congrats, sweetpea. I love you." He says as he kisses her nose. She giggles, looking up at him lovingly with her hands resting on his chest.

"Thank you and I love you too. Now, both of you, out so Ali and I can finish getting ready. We just have to redo our makeup real quick and we'll be right down." Kouver says as she pulls away from Mason, slightly pushing him towards the door.

"Fine. Hurry up though. The faster you girls get downstairs, the faster we get to celebrate your freedom. Come on, Em." Mason says, patting Emerson's shoulder as he heads out of the room.

"I'm coming." Emerson says as he walks to the door, stopping to turn around and meeting my gaze.

"Hey, uh, I ordered Mexican for dinner, it should be here soon." He says awkwardly as he turns back around and begins to walk towards the door again, glancing back at me once more before closing the door behind him.

"Hey, is it just me or does Em seem to be acting a little strange today?" I whispered as Kouver locked the door behind them.

"I haven't noticed, but you know how he can be." She says, shrugging it off.

We head to the bathroom connected to her room, makeup bags in hand. I look myself over in the mirror, scanning my face for places that need to be touched up. I pull out my lipstick, lip liner, eyebrow pencil, and my angled eyebrow brush with a spoolie.

After quickly applying our makeup, we clean her counter off and touch up our hair. We head to the door, unlocking it and walk downstairs to the kitchen where we find the boys waiting patiently for us. Kouver walks over to Mason and sits down on his lap as he slides her a shot glass.

"Finally! Took you guys long enough. The food has arrived and Ali, this is for you." Emerson says, handing me a shot glass.

"Thank you." I say, taking the glass and sitting down across from him at the table.

"You're welcome. Now, before we eat I want to tell you guys something. Before mom left, she told me she bought an early Christmas present for everyone." Emerson says smiling as he looked at me before turning to look at Kouver and Mason.

"A present? Oh my god! Where is it?" Kouver says excitedly, now scanning the room for any clues.

"I'm about to tell you. Calm down." He says, chuckling as she huffs with anticipation, leaning her back against Mason's chest as he wrapped his arms around her.

"On Monday, the four of us are going to the Great Smoky Mountains for the next two weeks during Kouve and Ali's birthdays, Christmas, and New Year's Eve! We're going to stay in a cabin! And, best part, it has a hot tub!" He says eagerly as everyone screams with joy.

"That's the best present I've ever received. We're going to have to facetime your parents later to thank them." I say smiling as I pick up my glass.

"Agreed, we'll call her tomorrow. Now, let's take our shots and eat because I'm starving and so ready to celebrate!" Kouver says as she leans forward to grab Mason's glass from the table, handing it to him.

"Cheers!" Mason shouts as we all yell 'cheers', clinking our glasses together before we tilt our heads back, downing our shots.