Chereads / System Collapse / Chapter 3 - Death

Chapter 3 - Death

Resigning myself to death, I closed my eyes as I held Park closely. I placed him away from the bathtub as clutch me knees, assuming the fetal position. I tried to think of happier times. My childhood, friends, family… Elena, anything to get my mind off this situation. "This is it, isn't it?" I asked aloud. Dents were forming around the door, and I doubt I have that much time left. I laughed, crazed by the sudden changes of the world. Just yesterday, I was promoted. Just yesterday… I was planning to ask her out. Just when my life was taking a turn, the world had to go and end itself.

"What is this garbage life?" I questioned the empty air. Every story had a climax, a resolution . But I guess mine would be end here, just another side character. I hate this, the unfairness of it all.

Suddenly, a chorus of heavenly voices rang throughout the street. Humming a strange tone, I peered out my bathroom window. The entire world that I could see was engulfed in a glowing golden light. Monsters screeched and screamed, as they slowly turn into dust. However, it doesn't seem to be affecting the monsters in the building. Help has arrived.

"I'm going to survive!" I yelled like a excited child.

The door swings open, revealing bees that swarmed the outside of my bathroom. I scrambled backwards, just to realized I trapped myself in the bathtub. Park unleashed a loud growl, and prepared to pounce on the cluster of bees. "PARK! DOWN!" I yelled desperately. A bee rushed forward, and immediately Park tackled it to me. I stepped on it's massive head, stomping out it's brains.


That was the sickening sound of my spine snapping. I looked behind me. In all of this chaos, a bee had broke in through the bathroom window. Now, it's stinger piercing my back to my belly.

With a grunt, I collapsed to the ground. The poison was filling my veins, as sparks danced in my eyes. The incessant whine of their wings is now deafening, filling my ears and with nonsense.

Am I gonna die? I coughed out blood. Is this it? Tears flow uncontrollably out of my eyes. My vision wavered. My heart slowed. I don't want to. IdontwannaIdontwannaidontwanttoplease. Someone help me. Please. I opened my mouth and screamed as loudly as I could.

"Someone save m-"

My vision blacked out, as my body went limp.