Chapter 6 - Starving

The staff was stunned at her words. Of course, Lenora knew the difference between the reheated dishes and freshly cooked dishes. After all, for the past two years, she lived on cold and reheated dishes. How could she not differentiate them?

Lenora couldn't help but sneer at them. The Former king knew she wasn't guilty just because Emperor Azezal Laroch said he turned blind to her. She blamed herself for forgetting everything.

That night, When she woke up she saw that her sister was dead, her heart was plucked out. And coincidentally there was a ring of Lenora's in her heart. And Lenora was still in the room and her hands were filled with blood.

She wanted to argue about how a killer could leave her ring and so obvious evidence when they killed someone… but coincidentally or to her horror, The emperor Azezal Laroch entered the court, hearing the case, he declared Lenora was stupid. Lenora couldn't help but curse everyone as fools. But she has no chance.

Lenora couldn't help but feel that Emperor Laroch was related to this matter. Beating her on her thigh, she decided to put her thoughts at rest. She took another bite from another dish and frowned.

"Remove all the reheated dishes," Lenora commanded. And the kitchen did the work for her.

Coincidentally, the Lady-in-waiting of Eudora came into the wing.

"Princess, Empress Dowager asked me to check on you," she said, bowing her hands in front of her.

"I am fine. The maids are doing good… for now. But the kitchen staff. They sent me burnt food first and I asked them to remake the food. If not I will be sharing meals with the Queen Mother. Now… They sent me the same reheated food. Looks like the Kitchen staff forgot that I am a princess," Lenora said with a mocking tone.

The Lady-in-Waiting frowned at Lenora's words.

"Forgive us, Your Highness. We won't repeat it again," the workers from the Kitchen staff bowed to Lenora.

Everyone knew that Celia, The Lady-in-waiting of Empress Dowager, was a bird to Eudora. They couldn't afford to lose their jobs. Being a part of Royal's kitchen gives them a high salary. If they lose it they couldn't find another high-paying salary.

"I will let her highness know about it," Celia said.

"Celia, I wouldn't dare to bother Queen Mother with these trivial things. If I do, I will be talked about as saying that I am throwing my weight around.

"I will just eat these reheated dishes," Lenora said.

Celia crinkled at her words. This girl turned smarter. It's just that… she was using Eudora's name left and right. Looks like Lenora was hell-bent on going against Eudora.

"Please have some fruit. I will personally assist the kitchen this time in cooking food," Celia said.

"I have been starving since last night," Lenora said.

"I will have these for today. After all, I ate these burnt, leftover dishes for the last two years. If not for Queen Mother asking me to look presentable in the next fifteen days… I wouldn't have made a fuss over this," Lenora added with a sigh.

Celia's eyes widened at the realization. Indeed, Eudora asked Lenora to look presentable. In the next fifteen days, Lenora should look presentable and chubby. She was too skinny… and her bones could be seen. After all, Lenora was given less amount of blood than a maid receives. Being a royal Vampire, she will have more hunger than usual.

Glaring at the stupid maids and staff, she looked at Lenora again. "I will take care of it. Have some fruits and snacks till then," Celia said.

"Celia, just send me lunch instead of breakfast," Lenora said. Celia looked at the sky, indeed the moon was hanging in the middle of the night sky.

"The princess has to suffer a bit," Celia said and dragged the maids and kitchen staff.

Lenora ate her breakfast and left the soiled dishes in the same place.


Lenora just couldn't understand how her parents could think that she would just accept the things they arranged for her. She thought they would send her back when she made enough fuss. But from Eudora's words from earlier, she knew it was hard to change their minds.

Even though Lenora was sure that she wouldn't get married for her horrible reputation, she held a small hope that one day she would get married and will have her own family and will have someone to talk to. But… in the end, she arranged to marry a werewolf.

Werewolves and Vampires were arch enemies. And a scratch of a werewolf can poison a Vampire to their death and their bite can give them instant death. How could they marry her to a werewolf? Do they hate her so much to the point they were trying to drive her to death?

Sitting near the window, she saw the beautiful night sky. As it was the middle of the night, she could see the beautiful view of the moon.

The silvery moon shone brighter than ever. A small smile formed on her face. Going into the backyard of her wing, she let her body bath in the rays of the silvery moon rays, making her feel refreshed. As the chill breeze hit her skin, she sat on the bench.

Lenora heard footsteps but she didn't turn her head. She can guess who they were.

It's Celia and the kitchen staff. This time the Chef came personally, what timing for them to ruin her perfect lunchtime. Sighing… She looked at them.

"Princess, I will let the maids set the lunch here for you. Where are your maids, Princess?" Celia asked, looking around.

"I dismissed them after they were done cleaning," Lenora said.

"But one should have stayed back," Celia mumbled to herself.

"Celia…" Lenora called out.

"Where are my old maids?" Lenora asked with guilt in her eyes.

"In dungeons," she replied.

"I want to meet them," Lenora said, surprising her.

"Take me there," Lenora's voice resounded in the hall.

"Miss. Lenora, you can't go there without the Dowager Queen's permission," the maid said.

Lenora looked into the maid's eyes, dilating when the maid's eyes rolled back for a few moments. "You will take me to the dungeons where my maids were held captive and you will help me in getting them out of that place," Lenora said.

The maid was at a loss when she heard her words. "I will take you to the dungeons and help you to get back the maids to you," the maid echoed her.

"Then we are good to go," Lenora said.

As they walked they came across a beautiful flower garden that was filled with night-blooming flowers. Unknown to her, a smile formed on her face. They did look awfully beautiful.

"My Lady, we cannot stay out in the open for too long if we're going to do this," the maid warned her.

Lenora sighed inwardly and set off again, walking at an even faster pace.