Chereads / Moon Lovers: Craving For My Fake Vampire Mate / Chapter 3 - Angry Queen Mother

Chapter 3 - Angry Queen Mother


Lenora stood in silence watching as the maids packed her clothes. She wanted to say something but she knew that whatever she said would be useless.

With a sigh, she sat on her 'bed'. If anyone saw her bed, they would never guess it even was one. It doesn't have mattresses, the bed frame was missing, and a few bed slats were broken. But she didn't mind. She had grown used to sleeping on this for the past two years.

When they were done, they bristled out of the room without looking at her and she followed them. She knew they were repulsed by her but she knew that the last warning from their former Empress made them shiver at the thought of disrespecting her.

They took them back to her old room, which had become foreign to her since the last time she had been in the room. She looked around, and nothing much had changed at all. The room was still the same, it's just that… the room seemed a bit too dusty despite having been 'cleaned' by the maids.

Lenora said nothing, even though she was no longer a princess, it didn't mean she didn't deserve basic decency. If a mere maid can stamp on her then… she would not be able to survive any longer, since Lenora was returning to her past luxurious life. But it had its cons: returning to that life meant she would have to face fake faces with fake smiles, respect those stingy old men, be obedient, and act polished.

Apart from living luxuriously, she has nothing but snatched freedom. Despite her poor living condition in that shabby wing, at least she could say she lived in peace. The silence turned into her best salvation. She felt that she could live her whole life without any worries in that wing, but God has different plans. He returned to her previous life and He shoved the things she wished to never see again right back in her face.

During her life in the wing, she realized what was happening to her. And the most dreadful thing she came to acknowledge was that Ophelia was never her mother, to begin with. But she dared to claim herself as her real mother and Eudora as her stepmother.

She wondered what was the mystery behind her birth. But she chose to delay the worry for when she would meet Ophelia in person again.

The maids 'helped' her with 'arranging' the clothes. Meaning they threw her clothes like they were trash bags. Lenora still chose to stay silent. She could, and she would stab them without a knife in her hand.

The maids left after they were done with their 'job' in her room. Lenora waited for them to bring her food. But no one brought her anything. She took a bath by herself and pulled on one of her old dresses. It was a blue gown with three layers. After several times of being in the wash, the vibrant blue had faded a little.

She walked out of her room and wandered to the garden, where the Former Queen would pass through at least twice a day when she monitored the performance of the palace staff. Half an hour later, she saw the Former Queen walk towards her. She got up and bowed to her to show her respect. As the King's Mother, she ought to be respected regardless of her titles. Even the king respects her and he held a higher authoritative position than her.

"You may rise," Eudora said curtly.

"I hope you have had a pleasant day so far, Queen Mother," Lenora said cautiously.

"You look the same as yesterday. Did you not have breakfast?" Eudora asked with a frown. Lenora should look healthy in the next fifteen days. It wouldn't do if she was as thin and as sickly as a starved cow.

"I was about to head to the kitchen, Queen Mother. But… I felt that it wouldn't do any harm going there after enjoying this scenery," Lenora said.

"You're getting your food? What happened to your maids?" Eudora asked.

"I have maids?" Lenora wondered.

"I apologize, Queen Mother. I am too used to not having maids around me. And I confirmed that I have no maids when I settled into my new wing," Lenora said.

Eudora knew Lenora the best. She can be innocent in many instances but she takes the blame. But on the other hand, just because she looked innocent didn't mean she was daft. She is smart. She was a manipulative woman. Not that she would lie but she tells the truth only if she needs justice. But again… if she had sought justice for herself two years ago, she wouldn't have had to distance herself from Eudora.

"But still, in two days, your title as Royal Princess would be reclaimed back. Emperor Azezal Laroch would be becoming. At Least dress up to your title," Eudora said. Even though she sounded calm she was angry, nope she was more than angry.

How could she not be?