Chereads / Moon Lovers: Craving For My Fake Vampire Mate / Chapter 12 - Emperor Azezal Laroch

Chapter 12 - Emperor Azezal Laroch

Lenora knew her father, but regardless of whether she had been turned into a vampire, he never cared about her. Her father put an effort into compelling her to forget her past was something he would never do. She could only think that it was because of the latter reason.

With a sigh…she bowed her head.

"I wish… I could end my life as a vampire and live like a human. A normal one. Is it too much to ask?" she muttered to herself.

"My Lady, please don't be sad," Celine tried to comfort her.

"Yeah… despite everything I shouldn't be sad. I never killed my sister. But I was blamed for it and took the punishment that I don't deserve. My brother hates me, my mother hates me and my father doesn't care about me. But despite all that, I shouldn't be sad," Lenora vented out in a sarcastic tone. She could only mock herself for her inability to prove her innocence.

"My Lady…" Celine wanted to say something but she was cut off by Lenora.

"If I get a single clue or lead on what happened that day to me and my sister. I would find out every last detail and dig up the one who is responsible for her death," Lenora said.

"My Lady, what made you think there is someone behind this?" Celine asked.

"That day… Victoria was neither staked in her heart nor was her heart contaminated with Boswellia. Her death was different. Her fangs were cut off, and her venom was extracted. When she died, it looked like she was turned into a human. It cannot be done by a vampire but by some other species," she said thoughtfully.

Lenora didn't know that someone was listening to their conversation. Storms brewed in his chest listening to her words. Not knowing the effects she created, Lenora switched the topic.

Lenora took a deep breath and walked outside her room followed by Celine. Soon, she reached the stairs where the present king was waiting for her. A broad smile formed on her face the moment she saw him like that. Even last time, when she was crowned as a princess, he was her escort.

Zaros Orpheus Valorine, the king of Vampire Kingdom and belonged to the Original's bloodline.

He stood there with a stoic expression, almost seeming like he didn't want her there. As the golden rays fell onto his side profile, he looked majestic. She couldn't wait to see the day a wonderful woman (or man) was going to attract this amazing man. Her brother only deserved the best.

Zaros saw his sister descending the steps. When his eyes fell on her, a wide smile plastered on his face. She looked beautiful just like his mother. But at the thought of Victoria, his mood turned complicated. His face returned to his usually stoic face. If that incident hadn't happened then he would have been talking with her and playing with her, he would still have been sharing his worries and burdens with her.

Despite the feud between the vampire and werewolves, Zaros had to agree that William Maximus Elisaveta was a great man. He was glad that she was going to marry him. At least she would have peace there. In the past two years, he saw how she had had to live. Those dreadful conditions. Despite his confusion and hatred, he still loved her. After all, she was the only sibling he had.

She drank animal blood as she fought her craving for human blood. For a vampire, fighting with the human blood lust and then getting habituated to the animal blood was something that cannot be achieved easily. And she did. After fighting with the blood lust, if she tasted human blood again it would be just a matter of time for her to go crazy.

Like a gentleman, he offered his arm to her. Taking his arm with a smile, she walked ahead like a proud peacock.

She interpreted his courtesy as his reducing hostility towards her. With these thoughts, Lenora felt happy. Her brother still cared about her. He didn't hate her as much as she thought. Even though it seemed silly, she was willing to be silly for the sake of her brother.

As she walked into the throne room, she saw Queen Mother and the previous king sitting in their previous seats. Zaros left her arm and sat on his throne. He signaled the men to start the ceremony.

"Dear Citizens,

Our Kind King decided to restore the ti…."

Da da da da da duh duh duh.

The sound of drums could be heard. Everyone turned their gaze towards the voice. They saw the line of drummers separated into two rows leaving space between them. That was when Emperor Azezal Laroch, the king of the Witch kingdom appeared in everyone's sight. Lenora's chest tightened at the sight of Azezal.

Suddenly her body started sweating. She clenched her fist tightly. She didn't know why but her mind was asking her to run far away from this man.