Chereads / [BL] His Omega / Chapter 102 - Chapter 101

Chapter 102 - Chapter 101

"Would your parents be terribly offended if I wore my joggers to dinner?" Hu Yetao asked, standing in the middle of Oscar's bedroom at the Manor and staring at himself in the floor-length mirror. It was just easier, not to mention more comfortable, to wear his casual clothing now that his belly was continuously extending outwards and making buttoning his fly so difficult. Apparently male Omegas started to show much earlier than females as their bodies needed time to shift and alter internally to accommodate the foetus.

"I would be offended," Oscar replied without looking up. He was sitting on the end of the bed, pulling on black socks and looking impeccable in his black trousers and plum-coloured shirt.

Hu Yetao sighed. "Fine," he capitulated sullenly. "But fair warning, I won't be able to eat anything because my trousers will be too tight and then I'll probably faint because I won't have eaten a thing for hours."

Oscar laughed and finally turned to look at his mate. "Salazer, can you hear yourself Taotao?"

Hu Yetao scowled as he slipped out of his soft grey joggers and picked up the charcoal-coloured trousers laid out over the chair next to him. "Yes I can," he replied acerbically.

"Then you can hear how ridiculous you're being. You do remember you're a wizard, right?"

Hu Yetao glanced up, fingers struggling with the small black button. "What do you mean?" he replied with a huff, irritation colouring his tone.

Oscar stood and calmly walked over, withdrawing his wand as he went. He pointed his wand at Hu Yetao's waist and whispered, "Sartor Dimisso Capite."

Hu Yetao watched as his trousers gently stretched to accommodate his small baby bump, the button miraculously then re-buttoning itself with ease. Somehow the fabric had changed too; feeling softer against his skin than it had just moments before.

"I'm going to have to learn that one," Hu Yetao muttered, glancing up at his mate somewhat sheepishly. "Thank you. And er, sorry."

Oscar smiled and lifted his hand to drag his fingers over Hu Yetao's Claiming Mark, lightly running the tips of his fingers over the silvery scar in soft soothing strokes. "You can repay me later," he murmured in amusement. "I just want you to be comfortable while enduring dinner with my parents."

Hu Yetao smiled and stepped forward to press a chaste kiss to Oscar's lips. "I will. And I promise to behave."

Oscar smirked. "Why? My parents won't."

Hu Yetao laughed as he returned to dressing for Christmas Eve dinner, feeling much calmer. He knew he was becoming moody and that it was mostly to do with the pregnancy, but he couldn't help lashing out sometimes or sniping irrationally at his mate. Luckily Oscar took it all in his stride, and more often than not his gentle mocking quickly snapped Hu Yetao out of it again.

About ten minutes later, he and Oscar ascended the stairs to the entrance foyer and were greeted by a house-elf bearing a silver tray which held one glass of wine and one glass of water.

"Wonder which one is yours?" Oscar whispered aside with a smirk.

Hu Yetao grinned and reached for the water, wondering if the stern little elf would've allowed him to take the wine instead.

Oscar took the glass of red and they both wandered onwards through the house towards the large dining room in the east wing.

Hu Yetao gazed at the huge assortment of Christmas decorations as they walked, appreciating the sophisticated and beautiful detailing involved. The richly coloured silk ribbons, delicate baubles, and fragrant Spruce garlands adorned the walls, and nearly every piece of available furniture was embellished with something festive. It was all very tasteful and refined though of course; no gingerbread men with silly faces or sparkling snowmen, only the most elegant of colours and materials had been used. The effect was stunning in its opulence and grandeur, as though Hu Yetao was strolling through one of China's poshest hotels.

As lovely as it was, he knew it would never compare to the familiar warmth and cosy atmosphere of The Burrow.

The two mates entered the formal dining room together and Hu Yetao smiled in greeting at Shui Xian where she was seated at one end, wearing a long crimson-coloured dress that did wonders for her fair complexion.

Hu Yetao avoided eye contact with Xiaocheng, who was standing next to a long table laden with drinks along the far wall. He still felt a bit awkward around Oscar's father; the last time they were together was the day of Su Miake's party when Mr. Wang had said some rather horrible things about the pregnancy.

Hu Yetao took a seat midway down the table, carefully placing his water down next to the complicated layout of plates, bowls, silverware and empty crystal flutes - and a myriad of other things which Hu Yetao had no idea what to do with.

"Good evening Hu Yetao," Shui Xian said while he frowned down at the table in bewilderment. "How have you been feeling?"

Hu Yetao looked up and couldn't help but smile at her warm expression. She looked cheerful, but also invigorated, as though hosting Christmas for her son and his mate was all she could've asked for.

"I'm fine; just a touch of morning sickness now and again," Hu Yetao replied. He glanced up at Oscar as his Alpha took the seat next to him. "Erm, I've been a bit emotional too," he continued, turning back to Shui Xian. "Poor Oscar has to put up with my mood swings."

He thought he'd better put a caveat on his behaviour just in case he made an arse of himself at some point during his stay.

Shui Xian smiled in amusement. "And he shall put up with it, right darling?" she said, turning to Oscar with one brow arched. "Hu Yetao will be the one giving birth so I believe you may cheerfully suffer the odd bout of irrational behaviour now and again."

"Careful how you answer that Oscar," Xiaocheng interjected warningly as he joined them, seating himself at the head of the table, his long pale hair pulled back in a low ponytail over dress robes the same colour as his wife's.

Oscar closed his mouth with a smirk and wisely remained silent, causing Hu Yetao to snort as he reached for his water.

Hu Yetao nearly upset his drink when a house-elf suddenly appeared next to his elbow with the first course.

"Oh er, thank you," he said to the elf, who frowned censoriously at Hu Yetao's acknowledgment of his presence.

Oscar snickered as he picked up a small fork from the left-hand side of his place setting. "Don't speak to the help Taotao," he uttered out of the corner of his mouth.

Hu Yetao grinned as he carefully selected the same fork as his mate. He was too hungry to be bothered by anything else at that point, and the hors d'oeuvres looked and smelt delicious.

"How are your classes Oscar?" Xiaocheng asked as he took a sip of wine.

"They're going well," Oscar replied officiously. "Top marks in Potions, of course."

"Tied for top," Hu Yetao corrected, knowing Oscar shared the honour with Jing Long.

"Hush you," Oscar responded with narrowed eyes.

Hu Yetao laughed before spearing a chunk of warm crab cake onto his fork.

"And classes are going well for you also Hu Yetao?" Shui Xian enquired politely. "It mustn't be easy concentrating with everything that's been going on this year."

Hu Yetao paused with his fork in the air. "Uh, not too bad. I mean, I'm passing everything but my marks aren't anything like Oscar's. Except in Defence," he added as an afterthought. Hu Yetao put the bite of crab cake into his mouth and nearly groaned aloud at the wonderful flavour.

Shui Xian smiled gently. "I am pleased that Mika is your professor, I know he will look out for you both."

Hu Yetao nodded as he swallowed. "Yeah, I'm not sure how we're going to explain why I'm no longer taking part in spell work anymore. Professor Mika has been ensuring that we do a lot of theoretical study lately, but he can't keep it up forever."

"We were thinking of possibly faking an injury," Oscar interjected as he used his knife to gracefully slice off a bit of crab cake. "That way, no one will question why Hu Yetao isn't taking part in class or Quidditch anymore."

"A sensible plan." Xiaocheng nodded, wiping his mouth on one of the silvery cloth napkins.

"How long do you plan to keep the secret though?" Shui Xian asked, looking concerned. "If you intend to finish the year then the truth will become quite obvious."

Hu Yetao set his fork down and pushed his plate aside, not wanting to fill up when there were still nine courses to go. "As soon as they catch those two nutters," he said bitterly. "Not that we'll be taking out a page in The Prophet to announce it," he added. "But I won't be actively hiding it from the other students or professors."

Oscar squeezed his thigh under the table. "I propose no more talk of such things; its Christmas Eve and my first Christmas with my mate, so I ask that we only speak of cheerful things henceforth. Hu Yeto needs a break from the stress, and so do I."

Hu Yetao smiled gratefully at his Alpha as a house-elf appeared to collect his plate. "Here here," he said in quiet agreement.

Oscar returned the smile and left his hand where it was while the house-elves brought in the soup course.

"May we speak of the baby then?" Shui Xian asked, eyes softening at the mere mention of her future grandchild.

Hu Yetao's smile grew into a wide grin. "Yes, of course."

"Have you planned where you are going to have the baby?"

Oscar shared a look with his mate before replying. "We were actually planning to ask if we could possibly have the birth here," he said. "We would prefer the extra security of the Manor as well as having you and father here for assistance. Then, once Hu Yetao has sufficiently recovered, we will begin looking for our own home."

"You would be more than welcome here my darling," Shui Xian instantly replied, tone warm and eyes sparkling; clearly pleased. "We will bring in the Clan Healer for you as well."

Hu Yetao looked up with interest as he swallowed some of his delicious smoked haddock and corn chowder soup. "Is that just in case the baby comes out in Nundu form?"

Shui Xian smiled gently and shook her head.

"The baby will be born in human form," Xiaocheng answered from his end of the table. "Nundu children do not generally transform until they are around the age of two or so."

"Oh right," Hu Yetao replied, remembering.

"The Clan Healer is brought in because Oscar may inadvertently transform," Xiaocheng explained, pale gaze flicking to his son for a moment.

Hu Yetao's eyes widened in surprise as he turned to his Alpha. "Really?

Oscar shrugged uncomfortably, swallowing his soup. "It's been known to happen when Nundu are under a lot of stress."

"As you know, Alpha Nundu are very protective of their mates," Shui Xian clarified, "and if the birth is a difficult one, then there is the increased risk of them transforming under the strain of the situation." She paused and looked up at her husband with a tiny smirk. "They feel useless during the birth because there is nothing they can really do to stop the pain for their mate and it is… challenging for them, to say the least. I remember Xiaocheng being in more distress than I when I had Oscar."

Xiaocheng slid his empty bowl aside, a house-elf immediately appearing to collect it from his Master. "That may be an accurate assessment," he conceded in response, eyes glimmering in amusement as he gazed back at his wife.

Shui Xian smiled as her own bowl was swiftly taken away and replaced with the next course.

"I've heard that male Omega's almost always have complicated births, so I'd be glad to have the Clan Healer there," Hu Yetao said tentatively, setting his spoon down.

Oscar stiffened beside him and Hu Yetao gave Oscar's hand, which was still lying on his thigh, a quick squeeze.

"You will be fine," Shui Xian replied firmly. "You are young and strong, and you will have anything you require at your disposal. We will ensure that you are comfortable and taken care of to the best of our ability."

Hu Yetao smiled shyly; body filling with liquid warmth at the sincere care and consideration with which Shui Xian who don't care,  treated him. He truly felt as though he was a part of her family; as though she loved him as a son.

"Thank you," he said sincerely; hoping those two words conveyed just how deeply he was touched by her consideration and kindness.

It must have worked because Oscar flashed him a warm look that shone with gratitude and pleasure.

Hu Yetao smiled back before digging into the third course. He hadn't even noticed the elf placing the fish in front of him. He inhaled the wonderful smell of the salmon before placing a juicy bite into his mouth and, again, nearly moaning aloud at the rich flavour which burst forth onto his taste buds.

"When is your due date Hu Yetao?" Shui Xian asked absently as she cut into her fish.

Hu Yetao swallowed before replying. "Around the twelfth of August. Zhang Xinyao told his parents about the pregnancy, er, and Mrs. Zhang is hoping for the baby to come a day early, because then they would share a birthday."

He glanced over at Shui Xian, wondering what she thought of his adoptive family.

She smiled serenely as she took a delicate bite of salmon. "I know you and our grandchild will be in good hands with Mrs. Zhang," she commented. "Isn't that right, dear?" she added, looking pointedly at Xiaocheng.

Hu Yetao turned to glance at him and nearly chuckled at the look on his face; as though he were having trouble swallowing.

"Yes," he finally replied stiffly, as though with great self-control. "I believe the Zhang family know a thing or two about rearing children."

Oscar snorted and then smiled apologetically when Hu Yetao glared at him.

"Are you hoping for a boy or a girl?" Shui Xian asked, clearly wishing to chivvy the conversation onwards.

"Er…" Hu Yetao stared at his food as he replied somewhat reservedly. "I'll be happy with either, but… I am sort of hoping it's a boy. I can't help envisioning a son with Oscar's colouring and who is also a Nundu." He stopped and shrugged, suddenly embarrassed. He hadn't even told Oscar that little fantasy.

Xiaocheng smiled, for perhaps the first time all evening. "Another Wang for the Clan would be a very welcome addition," he said proudly, then paused, glancing at his wife for a brief moment before turning back to Hu Yetao. "That is, if you are allowing the child to take both names."

Hu Yetao stopped chewing in surprise; he was quite shocked that Xiaocheng wasn't demanding that the child be a Wang. Shui Xian must have had quite the chat with him in order for him to suddenly show such open-mindedness.

Oscar cleared his throat. "We have already discussed this father, and the child will be taking both names."

"Hyphenated," Hu Yetao added, still reeling at Xiaocheng's progressive behaviour. "Haven't decided in which order though, we just want to see what will sound best once we pick a given name."

Xiaocheng nodded, looking as pleased as it's possible for him to look while still carefully schooling his austere features.

"And will you be sharing these possible name choices?" Shui Xian asked with a coy smile.

"Oh, no," Oscae exclaimed, causing Hu Yetao to cough in order to cover a laugh. "You will hear the name when it is official - and not before. But be warned, we've already decided to break with tradition and not go with a family name; from either side."

"Oh?" Xiaocheng replied, brow arching in a way which was very reminiscent of his son.

"Yes," Hu Yetao confirmed with a nod as his grumpy little house-elf returned with the next course (which appeared to be some sort of wild game accompanied by roasted vegetables). "It'll probably be something horribly Muggle, like Bai."

Oscar laughed at his father's stricken expression. Even Shui Xian was smirking into her napkin.

Hu Yetao grinned; feeling that same happy, warmth washing over him again. A feeling which gave him hope for his future with Oscar's family. Perhaps over time, Hu Yetao would feel as comfortable with the Wangs as he did with Zhang's family. It would always be a different sort of feeling to that of being with the Zhang's, but Hu Yetao thought he could learn to love them both for their singly quirky ways. Even Xiaocheng; if he continued to demonstrate a willingness to be less intolerantly Pureblooded.

"He's joking father," Oscar finally reassured when it appeared as though Xiaocheng wasn't quite certain.

Hu Yetao stared at Xiaocheng as the man's lips twitched into an unexpected grin.

"Bob Wang," he muttered and then chuckled, his eyes on his plate.

Hu Yetao gaped incredulously and then bit his lip to keep from laughing; he didn't think he would stop if he got started.

Unfortunately Oscar couldn't conceal a snort next to him and Hu Yetao instantly began to laugh. Soon Oscar and Shui Xian were both laughing along with him, Shui Xian's eyes sparkling with mirth.

Xiaocheng merely smirked at the three of them and then began to eat his dinner, utterly composed.

Once they were all under control again, Shui Xian dabbing at her eyes with a napkin, they fell into a comfortable silence as they enjoyed the remainder of the meal.

Hu Yetao frowned when, after enjoying a small bowl of citrus-flavoured sorbet, the house-elf brought out a large roast and more vegetables. Oscar whispered in his ear that it was a palate cleanser and Hu Yetao rolled his eyes. Mrs. Zhang made just as much food, if not more, but it was not delivered with such pomp and circumstance. Hu Yetao knew which one he preferred, but he also couldn't help but appreciate the traditional ways of Oscar's family.

After another course of salad, sweets (including treacle tart), and then fruit and cheese, Hu Yetao was completely full. He couldn't have eaten another bite if he'd wanted to.

They all adjourned to the parlour room for after dinner drinks and it was all very cozy and warm next to the large fire that the house-elves had kindly lit for them.

Hu Yetao leaned against Oscar's side on the sofa and it wasn't long before his eyes fluttered shut. He never managed to stay awake past nine anymore, and with his Alpha's arm around him, warm and strong, Hu Yetao quickly fell asleep.