Many centuries ago, in exactly the thirteenth century a young boy named Etergul became bey(leader) of the kayi tribe after his dads death. Sadly Etergul and his brothers did not meet eye to eye in migration(moving to somewhere). So Etergul and his brothers moved to different places while their mum went with Etergul. But Etergul had a cause and that cause was to obey show love and fight for gods sake. Etergul had married a beautiful woman named Halime . It was tough for halime to migrate beacuse she was pregnant with Etergul's first child . Altogether there was four hundred households with Etergul on this migration. But the worst enemy of Etergul was vizier Sadettin who was one of the most powerful viziers of the great seljuik empire. Now Saddetin knew Etergul was migrating he sent his best soilders to go and kill Etergul and everybody with him .So now Saddetin soilders has arrived to kill everyone .THEY LEASHED OUT ON EVERYONE! Etergul and his soldiers are starting to retaliate and so are the innocent people.