"Everyone, calm down!" Said Garro. Everyone turned back to the platform. "I'm sure most of you are familiar with the story of dragons that live on the mountain top." The crowd roared in outrage. "What!? That old story!?" You're joking right? Why are you bringing that up?" "This is serious! We don't have time for old legends!" Shishi spoke up "Enough! Listen to what he has to say!" Garro nodded. "Thank you. Now, as the legend goes, there are supposedly dragons that live at the top of the mountain in the middle of the forest. Dragons are fantastical creatures who have the ability to learn and speak any language, fly, breathe fire, and are incredibly intelligent." "Our plan is to go up the mountain, find the dragons and get them to help us with negotiations." Said Tsubasa. A member of the Neko clan spoke up. "But we have a dragon with us right now." Everyone looked at Gin. "You're right. Why can't he do it?" Garro stepped forward. "Gin has been with the Okami clan since he was very young. He has never learned to fly, or speak any other languages. If he could we wouldn't need to have anyone go up the mountain to possibly find out there was nothing up there."