Chereads / In HOTD with The Satou System / Chapter 60 - Chapter 60 - Island Invasion

Chapter 60 - Chapter 60 - Island Invasion

Thanks to the storm that was brewing in the area, we managed to safely get within ten miles of the Yam Islands undetected. Red and White Queen also managed to shield us from the radar systems by making the system not register us on their end. Keeping the lights off on the ship so we could observe the situation, it was pretty clear security was very lax.

"I actually don't blame them.", Kikyo said, "Most of them are probably exhausted from fleeing for their lives."

"Still though they caused all this mess!", Saya disputed with a disgruntled look.

"I agree, I am just saying if it were us fleeing as fast as they did I would be exhausted too.", Kikyo stated with an apologetic look.

"So what's the plan?", Chun-Li asked awaiting orders.

According to the information Red Queen provided me the safest point of entry was the west side of the island. The security cameras on that side had yet to be repaired so they wouldn't see us coming. From there we would secure the power plant then proceed to the dorms, and finally the office building. To cover our activities White Queen would cause some havoc with their systems so security would be busy false positives as we took over buildings.

"Simple enough.", Lara said examining the island layout.

"How do we treat the people on the island?", Saeko inquired.

"We kill every damn security guard on that island, White Queen showed me footage of them crippling survivors to use as bait.", I growled, "All of the security guards are guilty, none of them live to see the sunrise tomorrow. As for the scientists, these are the people we are looking to capture alive."

Using the projector screen to show them the faces of twenty scientists, I told them that they were all associated with various ongoing Umbrella Projects regarding various viruses and other things. They were are our main targets as they held the most value, all of the other scientists were attempt to be capture alive if possible. In the event they couldn't be captured safely, they were to execute them with prejudice.

"For those of you that have some conflicts with killing them remember", I said showing them pictures and footage we had from all over the globe, "They helped bring this about disaster. All of us have lost people we loved, and many other unknown people along the way. These people didn't give a rats ass about what they were going to do, they were greedy, self-centered individuals. Do not show them a shred of mercy, they can beg God for mercy when they are dead."

"Do we know if they are infected?", Takashi asked with a serious expression, "Like us I mean."

"They are, if you kill someone make sure you crush their heads. We don't want to cause additional issues for ourselves.", I answered.

"Roger!", everyone in the room said.

Sending them out to get prepared, they got others up to speed so we could hit the island hard. Helping suit up several of my lovers, I noticed that Shizuka looked at the others with confliction. I could see that she wanted to help out, but understood that her combat power was next to zero. Even after all the training she had been given, the best she could do was fight off a drunk man. She relied heavily on me for protection, something that she understood herself.

"Do I need to go with you?", Shizuka asked me.

"No Shizuka, you can stay here. If you want to help out, be ready for potential injuries that may occur during the assault.", I told her, "We will want to make sure they get treated as soon as possible."

"Okay!", she said with a determined look.

I knew Shizuka was the last person in my harem that would want to actually kill someone...aside from Kensei. Speaking of that man, once he was let down from the flag blow I beat his face in till he nearly blacked out. He was having to sit this operation out as he was recovering from his injuries...and the mental abuse I gave him. I had given him his last chance to straighten up his act, or I would rip his head off. As for Kenichi, his little group of women spent nearly four hours lecturing him before they let him go. Since he didn't purposefully mean to do it, they let him off with just the lecture.

Once all the assault teams were gathered up, I brought the ship around to the western side of the group of islands. Using a small rocky outcropping of rocks to hide the ship from their view, we used the smaller boats to make a run on the island. Keeping the lights off, we used night vision goggles to get to shore. Tying the boats off so they didn't get pulled out to sea, all of us made our way to the power station with me taking point. Making a hand motion for everyone to stop as we drew near, I did a quick headcount of guards at the station. Sending the hand signal for six guards, the groups spread out making sure to stay out of sight. Silently climbing up onto the roof, I waited for them to get into position before attacking.

Jumping off the roof, I landed on one guard crushing him beneath the weight of the Doom Armor. Turning to attack me after watching their comrade get crushed, they failed to see the attackers coming from behind them. Maya, Saeko, Renka, Miu, and Rei all sprung into action with a seamless motion, they killed the men by decapitation, neck snapping, or puncturing their heads off. Leaving several people at the power station to secure the inside, the rest of us continued on. Splitting up into two groups, Hayato lead his group towards the dorms while I led mine to the office building.

Having my group split up to encircle the building, I wanted to ensure that every exit and entrance was covered. Once everyone was in position, I asked for details on what they saw.

"There are three guards on the east side having a smoke.", Chun-Li reported over our private radios.

"We have two on the west side.", Nathan stated.

"No one at the back.", Arashi said.

"About ten at the front...they seem to be on high alert.", I told them, "Judging by the way they are acting the thing running around the island made a recent attack."

"How do you want to proceed?", Cammy inquired.

"We hit them in thirty seconds, all at once.", I ordered.

Since the ten men were walking in our direction this would be easy. At the thirty second mark, Chun-Li and Guile killed their guards by exploding their heads with their fist or a kick. Nathan and Lara used knives to cut the guard's throats out, and dumped their bodies in the bushes. My team was incredibly quick to disarm the guards...literally. Moving like anime samurai's Maya, Saeko, Yuko, and Yoko all dashed forward with blades drawn appearing behind the guards in question.

A split second later the men's rifles and heads were removed with shocked expressions on the guard's faces. Applauding their skill, I told them they looked very attractive doing quick draw techniques like that. Giving me a playful smile, they told me they liked my technique better. Moving towards the front entrance, the other two groups went to Arashi's location and made their entrance in the back. Stealthily entering the building, all of us quickly secured the ground floor. Capturing the scientists and executing the guards silently, we started moving clearing floor by floor. By the time we finished we had the majority of the scientists we wanted plus a few extra.

"Mrs. Ju how goes securing the bunkhouse?", I radioed.

"Bunkhouse is secure, but...well everyone here is dead.", Ju replied, "Something attacked them shortly before we arrived."

"Alright, if you don't see any survivors fall back to the office building.", I ordered.

"Roger, moving out.", one of her pupils stated.

"So the entity is still living on the island then...", Saya stated, "Do we know what we are looking for?"

"A woman with small horns and pink hair.", White Queen said looking out the window.

"Specifically that woman.", Red Queen added pointing to a woman staring at me through the window.

Looking out the front windows, a beautiful, pink haired woman was peeking out from some bushes. Observing us closely, she appeared to only register Sayo and I as she didn't bother looking at the others. Quite honestly...she was one of the most beautiful women I had had ever scene. She had long pink hair, draconic horns, and a ginormous set of breasts that were larger than Shizuka's...quite a feat since she had been living on the island alone for so long.


"Something wrong?", I asked glancing back at the others.

For some reason the others were feeling a sense of dread coming from her. I knew she likely hated humanity, but to act like this was strange to me.

"The feeling I get is...unease.", Shigure stated tensing up, "Something like death is coming."

Coming over to us, she entered the building causally like she owned the place. Seeing the reactions from everyone in the group, I decided to see if she would let up a bit.

"Miss, could you please stop exuding killing intent.", I inquired, "You are scaring my lovers and subordinates."

"Humans are bad.", she said staring at Miu and Renka behind me, "Humans are very bad, and mean!!"

"Miss, I can assure you they won't hurt you unless you attack them first.", I told her as Renka and Miu moved out of her view.

"You two aren't humans.", she said observing Sayo and I closely, "You are similar to me, but are different."

"That's because, from what I was told, you are my predecessor.", Sayo stated with a smile.

"Predecessor?", the woman asked, "What does that word mean?"

"The scientists that escaped from here the first went on to make Sayo and others. They used what they learned from you to make more people like you.", I answered honestly.

"I think humans are bad?", she questioned Sayo.

"I think the ones that lived here are, yes.", Sayo agreed, "Everyone that follows Umbrella are bad people! They torture you, and make you do things you don't want to do!!"

"Yes!!", the girl snarled in agreement, "Those people are bad, and must die!!"

Patting her head to calm her down, the woman's expression changed immediately. Looking at me with a dumbfounded expression on her face, she felt something happen when I patted her head. Thinking that I may have upset I went to pull my hand away, but she grabbed my hand desperately. Instead of anger her face was painted in she was about to be left behind.

" feel different from humans and this woman.", she stated, "I...I like this feeling you have, makes me...happy? What are you, an experiment like us?"

"I...I am a High Human, like you I am something above humanity.", I told her with a smile, "I wasn't an experiment, I was exposed to something from another world that Umbrella use to power-"

"You mean those scary rocks with the anger voices?", she questioned, "The ones that said terrible things to me?"

"Say terrible things?", Yuko asked.

Glaring at her, Yuko immediately hid behind me. Realizing that she was going to lash out at everyone else, I decided to set some ground rules.

"Some of these women are my mates, they are very important to me. Please don't hurt them.", I said, "No one under me will hurt you, unless you attack first."

For some reason she just accepted that without hesitation, and promised to play nice.

"The scary rocks said things like crawl into a hole and die, and sometimes I could hear screams coming from them.", she informed us.

'Interesting...her telekinetic power must allow her to hear thoughts from the other side of GATE.', I thought, 'If they used them to make her, it would explain why she is mentally unstable...on top of being left alone here.'

Arriving on the scene Hayato's group approached us, and caught the woman off guard. Turning to face them like they were her enemy, they immediately got into a defensive position to fight her. Sensing that she was becoming uncomfortable with the situation, I decided to step outside with her. Telling Hayato's group to stand down, I said that she wasn't a threat unless they provoked her. Taking her away from the others calmed her down substantially, and she opened up a lot more.

"I haven't met a man like me before, I like being around you. There were other girls like me, but they all died because of the mean people. The mean people that were here before killed when they were playing games.", she stated as she took me to her home.

Having made a makeshift shelter out of an airplane wing, she had been collecting stuff from the island for many years. Seeing notebooks and paperwork from the labs on the island, I asked her if I could look at them. Giving me permission, she said that it was too complicated for her to understand. Flipping through notebooks from deceased scientists, it appeared that Umbrella had been dabbling in altering embryos to artificially trigger human evolution.

From what the documentation said, they made over four hundred attempts with only this girl being able to survive. Being the only successful product made her prime research material for Umbrella scientists who used her like a lab rat. Like Sayo this woman had no childhood, the only thing she understood was pain and suffering under Umbrella's care. She was injected with caustic substances, exposed to chemical agents that would have killed any normal human, and they had cut her head open to see how her brain worked.

Noticing my sad expression, she understood what was written there. Sitting on my lap, she wrapped my arms around her like I was a safety blanket. Shivering in my embrace she told me about her childhood.

"The people weren't nice to me...we would play games that weren't any fun. They would tell me to move things with my mind, or asked me if I could feel anything when they had my head open.", she said, "Poking me with needles, making me bleed, beating me when I didn't do as they said, and they even tried drowning me. If was so scary...if I misbehaved they would zap me with a electric thingy, and it would hurt so much!!"

"I am sorry you never had a childhood like a normal young girl.", I stated holding her tightly, "I can't imagine having to live here alone for all these years after enduring that."

"Humans are evil.", she told me with a serious look, "You shouldn't trust them!! They will hurt you too!!"

"I can protect myself, and my mates won't hurt me.", I chuckled, "As for the other people from Umbrella, they will try to kill me. I am going after them for attacking me, my mates, and those that work under me."

"I understand, I want to go too!!", she said firmly looking at me with determination, "Some of the bad people escaped the island before I could kill them. I want to find them and make them suffer for hurting me! I want to make them suffer like made me do!"

"If you promise not to hurt my mates, I can have you stay in our cabin so you don't have to be around the other humans on the ship. Do you give me your word that you won't hurt them?", I questioned.

"I will not harm them as long as they don't hurt me.", she assured me, "The Umbrella people...I will kill on sight."

"Agreed, I have a few on my ship that we captured and they are currently working themselves to the bone to fix the global disaster they caused. Once they have finished their job, I will give them a quick death.", I told her.

"I promise not to break anything of yours.", she nodded her head.

Throwing the things she wanted to take into my storage, she watched with amazement as the items disappeared from sight. Saying that I was really different humans, she gave me a big hug in which I felt her enormous breast even better. Having never likely worn a bra...I was momentarily shocked at how large and soft they were.

'This softness...I could sleep on them.', I thought.

"Is something wrong?", she asked with a confused, "Something is poking me in the belly."

"Eh...well that is a natural reaction to being hugged by a beautiful woman.", I chuckled not sure if she would understand the more technical phrasing.

"Beautiful, me?", she asked as she smiled.

"Of course, I like you pink hair and these cute horns.", I said cautiously scratching them.

Unlike the girl from the anime, this girls horns actually looked more draconic than cat ears. Most likely she was altered due to Umbrella using her like a guinea pig.

"Hehe, I like it when you scratch my horns.", she giggled, "If I become your mate, will you never leave me? I like being around you, you don't feel evil like the other humans do."

"Do you understand what the word mate means?", I questioned.

"It's when a female and male do things to make a child!", she boasted, "One of the mean scientists talked about it before."

"Ah...", I said, "You want children with me?"

"If it means you won't leave me, I will do anything you want.", she told me desperately, "I don't want to be alone ever again."

"Alright, if that is what you want I am okay with it.", I told her as I patted her head, "I know it's a bit late, but what is your name?"

"I don't have one, only a number.", she said showing me her right shoulder which had the number twenty-three tattooed on it, "No one ever gave me a name before. You can give me one!"

' hair, large breast, no knowledge of human stuff, and has dragon horns...pretty simple to name in my book.', I thought, "I will call you Ilulu."

"Ilulu...Ilulu...Ilulu!!", she repeated with the biggest smile I had seen yet, "I...I have a name!!"

It was at that point I realized how much she had been wanting a name. Saying her name over and over again, she started to cry. I couldn't imagine the frustration she had towards Umbrella, they used and abused her. Not once did anyone give her the small kindness of giving her a name, up till now she had nothing but that number. To be called only a number all these years...I couldn't imagine how terrible that would feel.

"Alright Ilulu, let's go home.", I told her reaching out my hand.

"Home...", she said taking my hand, "That sounds...nice!"

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