Chereads / In HOTD with The Satou System / Chapter 49 - Chapter 49 - Prince of Hell

Chapter 49 - Chapter 49 - Prince of Hell

"Shit shit shit!!", Jeong replied, "I am trying to shut it down, but the system isn't responding!!"

Trying to stop the code he was sending out, something started to hack into his system. Realizing that the infection was trying to take over the automated defenses as well, he slammed his laptop over his knee breaking the computer.

"Something tried to hacked my computer, and started taking over the defense system!!", Jeong informed them, "I can't pull the code back now!!"

"Fuck, everyone get back to the ship!!", Victor ordered, "I am not going to be able to hold them here. They are targeting the large amount of living people on the other side of the wall!!"

"God damn it!!", Jeong spat, "I tested this on small groups, and it worked perfectly!! What went wrong!?"

"Now isn't the time to worry about that. Elite Team, pick up Jeong at the radio station and get the hell back to the ship.", Victor commanded.

"What do we do about the civilians?", Saya asked.

"We can't take everyone in the city, we don't have the space.", Victor replied, "I will leave the selection up to you Saya, I am going to buy you all as much time as I can. The way they are acting you might have fifteen minutes before they breach the wall!! Have the idiot leader of theirs open the rear entrance, and have people drive to Seoul. They won't make it on foot!!"

"Roger that!", Yuriko stated.

---Five Minutes Prior, Victor POV---

"You fuckers just don't know when to die!!", I shouted blasting a hole through the horde with my fist.

Seeing the Marauders and Doom Hunters at the back of the horde guarding the Spider Masterminds, I felt something was off here. They weren't acting concerned about my approach, it made me think I was missing something. Pushing my way closer towards them, the horde pushed back harder the closer I got to them. When I reached the halfway point, a humanoid looking Demon walked up to the Marauders with a pompous look. Using my system the creature came up as a Prince of Hell, a Demon I wasn't familiar with.

"Kill the humans!! Kill the Slayer!!", he rasped.

'What the fuck!? It can fucking talk!!', I thought.

Following his orders to the letter, the horde moved immediately and I noticed the defense system was also moving as well. Realizing that they couldn't kill me, they were going for the people that couldn't fight while stalling me here. The Prince of Hell was smarter than the demons I remembered in DOOM, but it would be killed one way or another by me. Just as I was about to move in to attack him, and alert came in on my HUD.

"Alert, World Stage progression adjusting...Outside Entity adjusting difficulty", the system told me, "World Stage now at twenty percent of World Phase 3."

'Shit!! That damn thing hacked the broadcast, and somehow upgraded the World Phase!!', I thought, 'Fuck that means the horde is going to swarm!!'

---Current Time---

Using my martial arts to make a beeline for the Prince of Hell, it understood that I was out for blood now. Splitting it's horde in half, one part went to slow me down while the other was stampeding towards the wall like rabid beasts. Watching the terrain shift as the horde crashed up against the wall, they started buckle as the Demons and Undead began to tower up the wall.

"Victor, something has gotten control of the defense system!!", Jeong informed me, "The defense system is attacking people all over the city! I am completely locked out, and I can't get the system to respond!"

"Jeong, just focus on getting to the ship!!", I told him, "The situation has changed, we aren't going to hold the city."

"This is my fault!! I...I should have done more testing!!", Jeong panicked, "All these people...all of their deaths are on my hands!!"

"Jeong!! Focus on keeping your group alive damn it!! It's their damn pride and emotions that kept them tied to this place. They have had weeks to clear out of the city, but they choose to stay!! This is exactly why I didn't want to come to this place!!", I spat Spartan Kicking a Cyberdemon into the horde charging me, "Team, only half of the horde is staying on me. The other half is stampeding to the wall, there is a Demon here that seems to be control the whole horde. From what I can tell it hacked Jeong's program and the defense grid. I am making my way to it now, once everyone is onboard the ship get the hell out of the-"

Seeing the Spider Masterminds charging their plasma cannons, I cursed into the radio.

"ANYONE NEAR THE WALL GET DOWN!!!", I shouted raising my shield.

---3rd Persion POV---

Hearing Victor shout over the radio, the members that were driving alongside the wall put the pedal to the floor. Not more than a few moments later green masses of energy started shooting through the walls melting everything they touched. Hitting the buildings, the skyscrapers started to buckle and lean towards the wall as they were being melted down.

"Shit shit shit!!", Nathan said hitting the shifter again, "What the hell was that!?"

"I think those were plasma rounds!!", Kohta remarked, "Don't touch them, you will be reduced to ashes instantly!"

"That's easier said than done!", Guile replied swerving to miss one of the rounds, "Where the hell did these things get this equipment!! The US is still testing this stuff!!"

Looking in his rear view mirror Guile watched one of the skyscrapers collapse. Falling onto the wall, it took a whole section of wall down with a loud crashing sound. On impact a giant cloud of dust and debris kicked up blocking their view of the damage. Watching the scene, a few moments later Undead and Demons started flooding in like a dam that had just broke.

"You have to fucking kidding me!!", Rika hissed firing at them, "Attention all teams, the wall has been breached! I repeat, the wall has been breached! All units are to fall back immediately!"

"Is it okay to freak out now?", Kenichi asked.

"We are beyond that point kid!", Nathan stated pulling the handbrake to take a corner, "You better be ready Jeong, we have thirty seconds to get in! If you aren't in I am peeling out of there!"

"Understood, we are ready!", Jeong replied.

"Saya, you are going to want to make sure the ship is ready to move immediately!", Mikoto told her firing at a few Hunters that were catching up to them.

"We are already on it!", Oriha responded, "Once you come into view I will blast the-"

Before Oriha could finish, the defense system locked on to them and started firing on them. Several people in the group were injured but no one was killed thankfully. Cursing the whole situation they kept pushing to make it to the ship in time. Meanwhile citizens were hurriedly rushing out of the city in droves trying to avoid the stampede that was pouring into the city. Driving over people on foot, no one gave a damn...they just laid on the horn and kept driving.

Driving through the streets towards the radio station, the group saw people running and pleading for help or to take their children. Continuing down the road, some of the people in the cars felt sickened and disgusted that they were leaving these people to die. Turning their heads away as they heard the screams of the people being torn apart, it was something none of them had wanted to see or hear again.

Living under Victor's protection had deafened their minds to what the rest of the world had been enduring. They had denied what had happened prior to his intervention as life was very different, he made the reality of the world feel like a distant dream as the threat of attack was minimal when he made the decisions. Realizing the danger he put himself into for the group time and time again, many of them had a new found respect for him. Most of them couldn't even consider standing their ground against an enemy like this, yet he jumped in first to fight them and was always the last one out.

---Victor POV---

Having blocked the bullets that would have hit me, I made a mad dash to take the Spider Masterminds out. If the walls near the ship came down they would have a clear shot at the ship, and potentially sink it or detonate one of the powder rooms. Jumping on one of Spider Masterminds, I jammed my sword through it's head and boot slammed the sword into the ground. Screaming in pain as it's blood sprayed everywhere, the next moment it's body exploded as I pumbled the Demon's body to mist. Engaging the Marauders and Doom Hunters next, I pulled out Ebony and Ivory to started blasting them with demonic bullets.

Surprisingly the bullets were far more effective than I would have thought. Cutting through their armor like it was melted butter, the only issue was that it was like firing a peashooter at them. The bullets were injuring them, but it wasn't going to be enough to bring them down. Having spent all of the minigun ammo, I was going to use my assault rifle to continue the fight.

'I can't stay here, I need to get back into the city!', I thought looking back at the city to see the breach, 'Fuck it!'

Opening the Item Store, I purchased the Blades of Chaos and immediately equipped them. Fusing to the bracers on the armor, the blades glowed a fiery red as my anger grew. Pointing my right blade at the Prince of Hell I made a declaration.

"This ends now!!", I shouted whipping the blades around like a tornado.

Tearing the Doom Hunters to ribbons in a matter of moments, the Marauders used their bodies to shield the remaining Spider Mastermind and Prince of Hell. Wrapping the chains around two of their necks I yanked them towards me, and ripped their heads off with my hands. Grabbing their their axes, I threw like tomahawks bisecting the remaining Marauders.

"GET OVER HERE!!", I snarled at the Prince of Hell as I threw the Blades of Chaos forwards, "YOUR HEAD IS MINE YOU BASTARD!!!"

Stabbing him through the back in two places I yanked him backwards. Trying to struggle with me, I used my superior strength to quickly drag him towards me. Pinning his shoulders to the ground with the blades, I pulled out a chainsaw from my storage. Starting the engine, I revved the motor a few times before jamming in its guts and pegging the engine. Screaming like a banshee as I forced the chainsaw up it's body, it spoke again.

"You will not stop us!! We shall not fall by your hands Slayer!!", he howled.

"Good, I have plenty of gasoline for all of you!!", I chuckled cutting his head off.

Turning to the Spider Mastermind who was backing away from me as I held the bloody chainsaw, I pulled a MOAB out of my storage. Stowing the chainsaw away I picked up the MOAB with a mad smile on my face.

"Special delivery you sick freak!! Have fun in Hell a second time!!", I shouted slamming it into the ground detonating the bomb.

---3rd Person POV---

Having collected Jeong and company from the radio station, Nathan was leading the convoy through the maze of city streets headed for the ship. As they were flying down one of the main streets, a massive explosion shook the ground and caused a pressure wave that shattered glass all over the city.

"What the hell was that!?", Jeong asked.

"Was that a MOAB!?", Guile questioned, "That felt like a MOAB!!"

"Sorry about that, there was a missile silo out here!! I dropped the cap down on the missile and it went off!! It's non-nuclear!", Victor reported, "I am headed your way now, keep moving and don't stop."

"Roger that.", Chun-Li replied, "Keep them off us damn it!!"

"Hadoken!!", Ken and Ryu said launching energy blasts at the horde not more than a hundred feet behind them, "We are doing the best we can!!"

Watching in horror as the Undead and Demons washed over structures like water, everyone wished they had taken Victor's concerns more seriously. This wasn't like anything they had seen up till now, this horde wasn't going to stop chasing them no matter what they did. Leaning into the .50 machine gun, Cammy was spraying them with bullets but the effect was inconsequential as the horde just trampled the dead and kept surging forward.

As the harbor into view, the group saw the ships guns pointed in their direction. Telling them that they were opening fire, Oriha started the bombardment of the horde. Shells screamed overhead and detonated sending enemies flying in every direction. Firing the forward machine guns into the immediate enemies, the crew on the ship told them to hurry up as they were coming from other directions as well. Leaping out of the cars as they reached the dock, everyone took off running towards the ship ramp.

Hot on their heels, the group knew that they weren't going to make it at this current rate. The enemies were coming from every direction in the city, and they just couldn't provide enough fire from the ship to stop them. Realizing this as well, the crew started to plead to set off.


Doing as she was told the ship started to back up as they group made a made dash for the ramp.

"We aren't going to make it!!", Kenichi shouted realizing the ramp was moving faster than they were running.

"Don't say that kid!!", Nathan retorted, "We are going to make it!!"

"They are right behind us!!", Mikoto informed them.

"Grandfather!! Everyone!! Keep moving!!", Miu shouted along with several others fighting the dead off the ship.

Knowing what he needed to do, Hayato spun around to engage the undead. Knowing that someone had to stop them from boarding and overwhelming the crew, he was willing to sacrifice his life if it meant his granddaughter and the others could flee. Bombarding the immediate Undead and Demons with a barrage of his strongest blows the threats were exploded in just a few moments. Trying to intimidate the main group pouring in from the city didn't work so he readied himself to fight till the end.

"Grandfather!! You can make it!!", Miu pleaded, "Keep moving!! You can jump onboard from there!!"

"Miu, I want you to know that no matter what you have made this Old Man very proud. Thank you for giving me something to make this life worth living.", Hayato stated, "Go and live!!"

"Someone save him!!", Miu screamed trying to jump over the edge to help, "You can't die!!"

Stopping her from jumping, Kiriko and Yuriko told her there was nothing she could do.

"He is the only family I have left!!", Miu cried, "Don't leave alone!!"

"NO ONE IS DYING ON MY WATCH!!", Victor shouted as he blasted the undead on the street with an incredibly powerful punch that blew the enemies back from the docks.

Quickly reforming from the blast, the horde came rushing back at them. Lowering his stance, it appeared that he was readying for another attack.

"SCHOOL OF THE UNDEFEATED OF THE EAST!!! ULTIMATE SECRET TECHNIQUE!!!", Victor shouted swinging his right fist forward, "SEKIHA TENKYOUKEN!!!"

Suddenly a giant hand manifested in front of him, and flew forward at the horde like an unstoppable object. Crashing into the horde like they were made of paper, the enemy was forced back in a heap as they were crushed by the hand. Turning to the group that had momentarily stopped moving, he started shouting at them


Getting everyone onboard the ship, Saya threw the ship into full reverse to get away from the dock as fast as possible. Continuing to fire on the horde, Oriha wasn't going to stop till they were clear. As the hand faded away, the horde started to regather and make another charge for the dock. Turning to his left. Victor ran to the skyscraper a few feet from him. Grabbing the corner, he started to grunt as his fingers dug into the concrete walls.

"What is he doing?", Cammy asked, "Has he lost it?!"

"He hasn't lost it, he must have some sort of-", Yuko started to say before a loud cracking sound pierced the air.

Looking at the skyscraper's walls, the building started to buckle and the walls on the ground started to split apart. Watching in utter disbelief everyone on the ship watched Victor start to lift the corner of the building. Tilting it towards the incoming horde, Sayo understood what he was doing. Telling everyone to get inside, she said he was going to collapse the building on the horde.

"RRRRAAWWWRRR!!", Victor roared as red aura engulf him and the building started to fall towards the horde.

Most of the people on the deck retreated inside as once the building fell the area would be covered in dust and debris. The martial artists and Victor's lovers stood and watched as the skyscraper crashed into the horde. A gruesome sound of squished flesh and death throes of the dying enemies rang out as the horde was crushed under the mass. Wasting no time, Victor jumped into the air spinning rapidly as two hot, bright red blades shot out from him tearing the surviving enemies to pieces.

Grabbing an Ogre by the arm, Victor spun it around and used it to take down another skyscraper. Throwing it through the support pillars, the giant collapsed the building into another causing a domino effect to happen. Bring buildings down on the enemy, a large portion of the horde was wiped out in just a few minutes. As for the rest, they ran headlong into the torrent of red hot metal that Victor was rotating around himself like a tornado.

"Where the hell did he get those!?", Nathan asked covering his face to block the impending dust cloud.

"I don't know.", Saeko replied, "I haven't seen him with them before."

"At this point all I can say is that those are freaking bad ass!!", Souichiro shouted with excitement, "They can't even get close to him!!"

Tearing the enemy horde apart till the ship was far enough from shore that the enemy couldn't jump to it, Victor leapt from shore back to the ship.

---Victor POV---

"Victor!!", Mikoto said leaping into my arms, "Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!! You saved our lives!!"

"Next time I say something is a bad idea, I hope you will take me seriously.", I replied holding her tightly, "Sorry I cut it a little close there."

"It's fine.", Rei said wriggling in next to Mikoto, "You came running just like you said you would."

"Saya, how many people did we end up taking on?", I asked over the radio.

"Four hundred, a lot of them have trade skills or were displaced families.", Saya told me, "We quarantined them since we couldn't check them under the time crunch."

"That's my girl, you did the right thing.", I praised her.

Seeing a young woman approach, my HUD told me who she was. Walking over to me nervously, it was clear she knew I understood who she was.

"I...I...", Ji-u stuttered.

Leaning forward I glared into her eyes, and exuded my killing intent and intimidation.

"If one of my people had lost their lives I would be throwing your ass into that horde right now.", I growled before I grabbed her shoulder, "If one of my lovers had been killed...I would be beating your face into the side of our ship. Since Saya let you on the ship I will let you stay, just give me a single reason to rethink that and I will throw you overboard."

"I...I...", she said shaking like a leaf, "I understand."

"Kiriko, she is clean find her a room.", I asked, "I am going to check the people in quarantine."

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