"Mr Serge we understand that your other roommate killed herself and did many otherworldly stuff and weird stuff so we are asking you if you want another roommate?"
I pace the room as the superintendent of the university asks me this inside the meeting room where all meetings are held at the university.
I shrug "I don't know sir"
He handed me a key and smiled "It's so you can lock the door when you don't want anyone to barge in"
I grab it and head to my dorm room and as soon as I get there I take a hot shower.
Once I dry up I notice a girl at the door and she's hot as fuck. I scowl
"Are you my new roommate?" I ask her
She nods and smiles
"Are you going to stay here for long?" I groan
She smiles and nods but still don't talk
"Do you wet beds? Are you a witch? Vampire?Any cults?" I arch my eyebrows
She shakes her head
I hear back to comb my hair as she goes to her bed and organized her belongings.