Hello there this is Lilly from Ottawa Ontario Canada how are you doing
I have a very eclectic taste in music or very arcane interest in music right and listen to the insane clown posse watching rolls people dressing up as grounds and wrapping like hip-hop and people screaming in the microphone like metal or sometimes just normal mellow stuff. The insane clown posse is a bunch of people who were clown make up and they scream and rap into a mic which is my car in a cup of tea because I like the loud music to begin with I also enjoy some hip-hop and some metal as well as punk and post punk. I'm not much of an alcohol drinker because of my mental health issues I'm afraid that I could switch at any time if I were to drink because I have a minimal amount of D ID or associative identity disorder. So I stay away from alcohol and the other stuff as well. My favourite holiday is Halloween and Christmas Christmas because I I got to go on the adventure with my family that I don't usually get to do outside of my group home but I actually can see people even during this writing pandemic. I am hoping that this year I'm able to go and drop off gifts with my brother and see my mother this Christmas she lives in a nursing home and is very depressed in the nursing home but other than that she's doing well. I have also been reunited with a brother I haven't met since the age of age which was pretty good yet emotional at the same time. I found Out he was alsoEmotionally creative as well or mentally ill if whatever term you want to use. I just started a starter organization on Facebook called team squirrel which is about mental health because if we all can get a little squirrelly at times.
Hope to hear from you soon your friend Lilly