Chapter 12 - Chapter 12


The court room was as domineering and spacious as I last remembered. I don't go here too often as I mostly get lost in my way to my quarters that is how overwhelmingly labrinth-ish it is, in here.


I feel the feeling of bad things are just bubbling up to the surface ready to pop open. I am here to witness it just pop before my eyes. It's like waiting for a time bomb to explode in your face. But unless I detonate it, I won't feel safe at all.


It was a rollercoaster of guilt tripping. The tension was there like a weight of a ton of steal weights were on my flimsy thin shoulders. It's like I was about to hyperventilate. 'Stay calm. Calm. Calm.' My footsteps softly echoes to the thick Persian velvety wool carpet that my father adores so much. I walk in speed as to like I was late for a ball.


I remember that may the time that I screamed so hard that my father may have heard me. Well... my hypersonic voice was a blast of a sound that was too obvious reason to not be noticed. 'I'm done for' I can't think of any explanation or reasoning that could combat anything. I will not falter with this predicament I know my faults but this would not hinder me in giving the most reasonable and excusable explanation I can muster. All I have to say is I bought him out of leisure since I have always been confine within the castle walls I might at least have a friend in my solace to avoid me spiraling in depression.


That I was hiding something. Him. Max, I mean. the man-slave that I have kept for myself. I knew what was in it for me and punishments in our family were no laughing matter. They might make me hibernate once more for another decade or eons, if I dont use the right words to my dear father. this is so nerve-recking, I might as well be preparing myself for an exam that I wont excel in. I have confronted my dear father and many than most I havent succeeded in convincing him at least.


It was pretty obvious. I'm oblivious to the fact that, I may not succeed, again. Positive thoughts, positive thoughts. There is not room for mistake. " Don't be so tense, my leige" "It will be alright, The Count is in a good mood." Yessabelle comforts me with her words but I should be too complacent I know my father is a busy and well-put man. I dont harbour an ill-intent in purchasing a servant of my own even knowing I have a hand ful of them already. My mother, the Countess Via was very particular in what servants shall serve us all. But she too is away in a business negotiations with perfumers that intrigue her senses it is her festivities, as may count as a part-time hobby.


I never been so on guard as I was now. But this secrecy is sure is out as I made as ruckus beforehand. But did I ever not have made a ruckus over petty matters. Max. I cannot afford to lose the poor handsome soul of a being that I have become so attach to. However what else can I banter about to make them lose the focus on him.

'What is father fond of?' I remember a research about black market investors are scouted out by our patrol called Vlad Knights. They were resilent to silver and selected to guard our mansion and faction, from the time of our passed progenitors.


I can sense the scent of my father's Christian Dior in notes of scanderwood and cranberry. I feel slightly dizzy and light-headed but I can't show weakness now. I am a few steps in the door of the court room I can't back out now. I muster the courage of the shred of confidence that I have remaining. I won't let it go to waste. My dear father hates cowards, he loves the most benevolent and most tankiest of his followers. '"Are you ready, madam?" Earl the head butler knew of my nervousness kept me in check in of most his gloved hand pressing as to holding the golden embellished elongated vertical handles waiting for my signal to open.


Father was on the throne in the shadows


About my father and his discipling tactic is the same it has always been. A bit strict but at a reasonable circumstance. I wonder if I haven't forgotten all that I have thought about early on. Oh, right! The black market. I nodded at Earl. as a ray of soft light illuminated my face momentarily making me sparkly and dazzling like a diamond's brilliance as it hits into the light it shimmers in a cascade of vivid colors of the holographic rainbow in which makes it more alluring and attractive to its value as a precious stone that has been harvested and cleaned in harsh sanding.


As I saw Garen all suited up, he had been on a business trip earlier with my father. Garen's gaze penetrating into my own. I knew he had already told my father everything to the last detail to him. I was awaiting my doom of a ton of scolding to no end. I entered in finesse as my escorts announce my presence to my dear father. Count Vlad. " Your Lordship, Lady Veronica is present" Earl shouted in a clear and precise pronunciation. Henry, My father's head spokeperson spoke in my father's behalf " Acknowledged" Looming in the black shadows, my father becked and sat in judgemental state with his left hand resting in his face and his pointing finger in his brow and the rest of his fingers just a breath across his mouth. " Do you know why I called for you?"

My words came out in a mush and I was left speechless. The courage I muster had drained from me, in an instant.
