Chapter 2 - Chapter 2

I was very much left astray to the corners of town till I saw an alleyway.

My growing curiosity ached as I inched closer despite not being wary of the danger about to fall onto me.

It was a raging noise. Almost like a rally or a feud. The crowds' roar in argument spurs. I wonder what was the ruckus all about?

I lured in closer. The shouts and raise of voices to authority were deafening. What am I doing? What if my ladies-in-waiting find me to find out I am left astray? The dread sips into me as I took a step back. But the rush of people block my exit and enclose my way out.

Bullocks! Now I'm in deep trouble. It trapped with a guard of muscle stand me.

Carrying myself with guts of steel. I tried to talk to them.

"Why is the door closed?"

"Master's orders. Madam," It was a bargain.

Again I caught myself off into the shadows and into supposed mischief.

As I try to squeeze my way out the guards made it difficult to escape. "I'm sorry madam but we cannot allow you to leave"


"I SAY SO!" a fat pig face and dressed handsomely in the clothing of fancy. I look at him dead in the eye. "Tell your men to let me out"

"HOW DAR-! ,"

He raised his hand, shushing his minions. He raised a brow at me "And, who might you be?" He touches the tip of my hair strands and fiddles with it. This piggy is a creep! I slapped his hand from my face. Disgusted by this guy's demeanor.


I went my way to spectate the trinkets of sorts being sold to the highest bidder.

They attracted me to the wonderful stuff on display but disinterested in joining at first

but when the announcer spoke,

"Gents and ladies, we have a new batch of slaves for the picking they are quite the-diamond-in-the-rough might, so we add. A little fixer-upper should do the trick. As they come in young age and highly skilled and trainable from the country of Efua."

Now my interest is peaked as I seat closer to the stage where the nobility's positions are in the far shadows where no one noticed my presence.

. . . . . .

I got seated just to watch but in turmoil with my gut. I didn't plan on buying a slave since my family had loads and loads of slaves and butlers that wait on my every beck and call.

. . . . . .

The bargain began, the audience wait eagerly. Then began the cries of an angry mob that was about to take over the stage by throwing things in distaste of the wait that they eagerly long upon. Few hours passed and the chiming of metals chains was whistling to the air. Do they still hold them in a chain rut rather than rope? The thought of it made the mistress reflex an upcoming gag that didn't come, it was only to display her disgust and uncomfortable behavior towards the reek and grim that the slave put out a stench that was mixed with blood flesh and rusty metal that scraps the skin making a terrible odor was the very strong pungent kind made my head spin with a headache.

But she shook her head vigorously, swallowed her distaste, and braced herself of the sight she was about to be exposed to. The drapes were open...

. . . . . . . .

Without a moment's waste

The noblewoman instinctively bids. I follow suit and bid for a slave that I didn't need. But I felt the attachment to the shackled boy. I didn't know if it was a mix of empathy or loneliness. Which made me do my decision. All I knew is that every bidder's eye was on me. Like I was once again catching the eye and making a scene to make my presence known to every take part of the nobility. I was a jest. As some cup their hysterics of laughter. "The kid wants to join." The other said flicked her wrist to unfurl her hand fan as her eye roll that accompanied it.

"She's the daughter of the Count!" As the person behind me took off my hood. I turned in surprise as my pale face was now glittering in aura to everyone. All in shock as they saw my face, and they all bowed down. The other aristocrats kneed in respect. I didn't know how much my status is so predominant that it makes me thankful that I'm a part of it.

"But where are her maids? If she is indeed the daughter of the count."

Some speculated and raised a brow and question my identity. But as soon as he said that, my maids in cloaks start running to me. "Mistress. mistress. we thought we've lost you.." as the click sound from the merlot's tongue from the wrong accusation made her red. Envying the attention given to me. "Are you alright?" I nodded "I want this slave."

"Then you would have to bid higher milady. This imbecile cost me my life in obtaining him."

The chained boy possessed the most beautiful face and eyes I had ever seen. The honey dewy gloss of emerald green pupils dilated at me. I knew he had to be mine.

"500 Gold Nobles."

The price stunned the crowd of aristocrats into a frenzy and a ruckus that my ears have gotten used to hearing. "600 Gold Nobles." the fat woman with a red cheek smirk hidden beneath her fan. As I persisted to give him to her "1000 Gold Nobles." the crowd left as most of the aristocrats and their purchases. Bewildered by the stacks as the risk that was beyond their capacity. The fat woman was furious as the payments staked. I return the smirk to her with a playful tongue-out expression that soured her. As the steam from her ears from the wrath as she left.

As the black-masked handler of the slave handed the chain to Bethany, the twin of my current head maid. As the chain had such weight as they fell on her hands, she slumped and gained composure to manage it. She was new to our household. So in order to impress me, she dusted and lifts the metal with pride that she can do it properly. I giggled with glee as the merchant whispered me a secret as a chill went to my spine.