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Wysteria's Secret

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If you believe what you see is real, blink and you'll see that not everything is as they exist. Day and night are two sides of the same coin but more is out there if you look in the right places. Meet Laura Cempage, a young girl working her days away at Lady in White Inn and Tavern in the small town of Allerdale, Styria. Her days are usually packed with chore after chore until a certain nightly adventure with a certain friend. After going through the woods of her nearby town, she discovers more than she thought was real. Even though everything may seem quiet, more is bound for her with mysteries, magic, and marvels galore. Join Laura as she learns the hidden mysteries of Allerdale and an unraveling mystery that's sure to keep you bound to your seat and begging for more. All there needs to be is just a look in one's eyes and a rose.

Chapter 1 - Prologue

By the time you read or even hear this, you're probably going to think I'm crazy. Well, that's your case and sorry, it's not that sort of situation. Seriously, I don't wanna throw you off your block or anything but know this, this ain't no love story. I was part of this along with a few others. I won't say their names now but I'll get to that in a bit. I'm not good at storytelling but I wanna get one thing straight here: Don't do the same thing I did because you'll get screwed. And when I mean screwed, I mean really screwed. The shit I went through was crazy. I may get this posted somewhere but I want to get things straight with you guys. I mean, you're probably thinking: What's a dude like me doing? Well, what do you think? I couldn't hold it back any longer. So many went away and I find myself guilty for what happened. You're probably thinking that I'm going to end my life. Well, not really but the thought scares me from time to time. I might as well get this over with. Someone has to know something after what I've been through. Again, it scares me. You're also thinking that I may be in a psych ward or something like that. Well, I can't tell you. My memories are jogged but this is all I know. For now, like I said, I'd like to keep this between us. Don't let anyone else know about this weird shit! This is nothing from what you've probably known for a long time. Get rid of everything you know about shit and take a moment with me. This is going to be a long ride.

~Sep. 23rd, 20XX~

While jamming to my tunes, I was finishing up an order or two. You can say that I'm a delivery driver from some shitty little company. For now, out of just privacy issues, I'll name it "Dominic's", and yes, I worked for them for a little while. Unfortunately, I didn't want to be with them anymore since the pay was shit and it wasn't to my liking. Now, I'll get to that later. My phone was up and running, playing the songs of old metal and rock'n'roll. It was my shit! Seriously, can't a dude like me have anything in the world? Hell fucking yes, and it was jam session. Yet, I swore and rolled my eyes, "C'mon! Right in the middle of a good song? Are you screwing with me?" I parked the delivery car on the side of the neighborhood road and got on my phone just to see who flipping interrupted my session.

"This better be good," I pulled my phone out and began yapping away. Well, more like the other side of the line to be yapping his damn head off. "Dude, will you calm down? I can't drive and talk on my phone! I'll be fired." I calmed the caller on the other side of the call. You're probably thinking that it's some random customer that's complaining about their delivery being later than normal. Well, not really. This guy was a little senior friend of mine from high school. Again, out of privacy issues, I'd rather use a different name and use the name 'Robbie'. Yeah, so, Robbie was calling me about some weird shitty place and he needed a ride over there. Obviously, I didn't have the money or time to get a car for my own job, "Hell fucking no! I'm not doing this! Get a taxi or something, man. I ain't doing your shit." He begged me to at least let me do it since I possessed money. The dude didn't do that Redlight credit or whatever banking shit the kids now own. Well, I wasn't happy with his childish behavior so I couldn't refuse. I huffed a little, "Okay, so, about this place you're heading off to, right? I'm only doing this favor, and that's it! Got it?" Robbie cheered on his side of the call while I rolled my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose. There goes another paycheck.


"This is a joke, right," I glanced at the tall abandoned structure and gave off a frown while "Cinderella" was blasting in my ears. I frowned while continuing to glance at Robbie going through his things and I wasn't happy when seeing a buttload of shit come from his bag. I didn't like it at all. It looked like ghost hunting equipment from those paranormal documentaries on TV. I didn't like where this was going. It felt uneasy and I felt unnerved. I wanted to be beside him but also leave him behind. Just by looking at the broken glass, the cobwebs, and even the wooden boards covering the windows, I didn't like it. It gave me a bad vibe and I didn't like it. I frowned at the sight of all of it and glanced at Robbie doing something that sounded like he was part of some documentary thing online for the social media sites.

"No! You're not getting me involved!" I glanced at him as he backed off with a laugh and began his little antics. The last thing I wanted was to get involved with any shenanigans. I watched him continue his antics and I, again, wasn't happy with what he was doing. This dude was crazy and I didn't like it. All I wanted to do was just finish my day and jam on Ol' Bessie (I'll get to details on that later, okay. It's a long story.) Yet, I felt something as the doors sounded like they were singing something. At first, I thought I was going shitty in the head but it didn't seem that way. Feeling it was one thing but knowing it was another situation. Kidding around wasn't going to get me where I wanted to go. Of course, I was thinking of leaving but Robbie's little head began peeking in the holes left by the boards and eventually opened the door. The sound of rusted iron didn't satisfy me and I wasn't liking it. I glanced at the yellow orange sunset as if telling me to go home but it was waning to deep reds. I wanted to just leave the kid behind but the more I glanced at the doors, I felt like something was calling me. Calling me to leave the light and head inside the abandoned place.

"I'm heading in!" Robbie's platinum and silver blonde hair whisked past the shadows and headed inside and I wasn't going to let him get stuck in there. I freaked out and followed him. Above my head was the name of this shitty place. Seriously, 'Two Swing Time Theater'? What a lousy name… The doors remained wide open and stale air hit me hard in the face like I was hit by a train or truck going over 65 mph in half a second. The heat from the sun was on me and sounded like it was begging me to head back. I didn't want to deal with this fucked up place but all I wanted to now do was listen to that little brat Robbie. I gritted my teeth as I continued hearing the kid going oogly about this place. Seriously, what was this kid's idea just heading into a place like this? I didn't like it one bit and betted Robbie used some sort of drugs just to get all hyped for this shit. I rested my headphones against my neck as I began to search around the place. It smelled like shit from the walls to the ceiling. I saw busted walls and pipes that looked like crap. I even stepped on old syringes with disgust, "Drug dealers? Really?" Old torn posters were everywhere from older times and I didn't give a fuck. I kept hearing something that sounded like singing. It wasn't a melody that sounded like something I enjoyed. It was more of something that sounded like a kid's lullaby and Robbie was acting all nuts about some other lore about this place.

I kicked a few pebbles or rubble aside as I continued going through the abandoned halls. I felt my feet snap either some sort of old prop that was probably part of something or something like a syringe or rubble. I glanced high but there wasn't a single ray of light from the holes. It seemed like the roof devoured everything that was from outside. Yet, I felt drops of something cold hit my face or head. Yet, the weird shitty thing was that old lights like some sort of candles from the old times were lit but about to die due to the wicks being burnt. Was someone else here? Maybe some homeless shitlife was here? How funny it seemed since I was like that for a few good years of life. What did seem strange was that old wallets and IDs were here but they were all torn up. What was going the fuck on here? "More addicts… Fuck them." I rolled my eyes and kicked them aside.

I continued looking around and eventually found the main auditorium. The seats were all shitty and broken beyond repair but I heard something or someone singing. It sounded pretty, not going to lie, but I wasn't charmed by the sound. I was more curious as my feet guided me to the stage. The rotting wood under my feet felt like they were going to give from my weight. Along with it was the smell and it was shitty. It smelled like an old meat locker from older times and I was about ready to throw up. I did have a good stomach but the smell was pretty fucked up. Why did it smell like something died here? I continued looking around and eventually found my way on the stage and backstage. The smell grew worse but also a shitty smell that was like some sort of rotting flower arrangement. What is this? Some sort of knock off flower shop? I had no idea what was going on. I saw old racks where costumes were long gone from them and nothing but rags and torn pieces. Old props were good as fucking dead but the smell continued to rise. What was this? Some sort of ghost story? I wasn't part of it, right?

"Okay," I turned, "Robbie, I think you had your fun." I wasn't feeling good since the smell was getting even worse as I continued my visit to this place. I felt extremely sick inside and could feel my face turn into a green color. My stomach was growling and I ran outside from backstage and onto the main stage. I felt like crap and my long hair curtained my face. I threw up and my stomach wasn't getting any better from this shitty place. I wanted to leave but my body didn't move from the stage. My vomit spilled and seeped into the old cracks as I cursed, "Okay, that's it. I'm done." But I felt like something was snatching my ankle and it told me not to move. I coughed and choked on the smell more, followed by more vomit and my hair smelling like it. I needed to leave! "Robbie!," I screamed, "I don't feel so good." I laid on my side as my stomach churned from the smell. I knew I smelled horrid shit but this was worse. I didn't hear him and screamed, "Fuck me! Where the fucking hell are you?" I felt worse than before and felt cold inside. I tried getting up but felt screwed inside and out. I eventually rose to my feet and stumbled since my stomach wasn't holding me well. I wanted to leave, "Robbie, I don't want you doing this anymore. I'm fucking sick of this shit." This wasn't a game he was playing just to scare me, right? It was nearing October and everyone would usually do this sort of shit. I didn't hear him trampling towards me and I didn't like it. I continued feeling sick inside and out while teetering and colors being in front of me. I felt the wood give way and I screamed, feeling the air rush against my body. I felt nothing for a few good minutes, eventually hitting something that didn't sound right.

I groaned from the pain and shook my head against whatever shit took place. My hand felt something sharp and I yelped as whatever knife-like object cut into my skin. Blood dripped from it and splashed against the floor covered in a sea of aging yellow and brown. Yet, that smell was stronger and I hated it. "Fuck!" I covered my mouth and attempted to hold back any vomit. This was faked out, right? Was this supposed to happen? I didn't feel anything cushioning my fall except for the strange shit under me. I felt the clattering objects collide against my mangled body and found myself lucky that I was still alive and kicking. Yet, I felt some of the knife-like objects within my body. I glanced at my leg and my eyes widened in horror. One of the knife-like objects went through my leg and it hurt like Hell. I screamed out, "Robbie! Get me the fuck out of here!" I didn't hear him as I began pulling at the object. To be honest, the more I kept going at it, the more it felt like it was something that seemed human and not plastic. No! This couldn't be right!"

"For fuck's sake, get me--mmmph!" I felt something cover my mouth and pull me under the so-called 'objects' like I was drowning. I descended deeper and began grabbing whatever was on my mouth. I kicked and screamed but nothing came. "Please! Don't scream!" Hold on! Robbie? Why do you sound like a girl? What the fuck, dude? What're you doing? I continued struggling but froze when hearing something that sounded like a screech of some sort of animal. "Please! I beg of you, sir! Don't scream! Please, stay quiet." "Mmmph!" My eyes grew wide as I heard something that sounded like another animalistic scream echo through the higher halls. I also heard a horrified scream echo and screamed in horror. It was Robbie! No no no! I continued to kick but felt something wrap against my legs, "Hush now! Please!" This fucking chick was having a hard time with me. Was this a joke? I grew angry at whatever this shit was going down and screamed again. "Stop! Please!" I felt something near my face and my eyes grew wide at whatever was in front of me. In front of me was some sort of shadowy thing and it felt freezing against my face. What the actual fuck was this thing? "Please, for the fourth or even the hundredth time, you must obey like a dog. I beg of you," this shadowy figure with a chick voice continued, "You have to remain quiet."

I froze in horror when hearing the screaming from both this weird animal and Robbie. I heard something rattling as the shadowy thing vanished in less than anyone hitting climax from sex. I did the same as something was on top of me and whatever was caging me from it. I heard something that sounded like a crazy rabid dog or some sort of mad lion. The 'props' rattled and collided with me and I shut my eyes tight, begging for this animal thing not to find me. What I wanted to do was leave this place and whatever shit was here. I didn't care about that Robbie kid! I wanted to leave! I did what that shadowy chick or whatever the fuck that thing was told me and whatever was above me was continued moving. My leg felt like crap and the smell of blood wasn't helping either. I felt that animal near my right leg and it pulled me out by my ankle. I froze and my heart stopped as whatever grabbed me examined me. I couldn't see the eyes since the body was covered in black shadows. Fuck that! I couldn't see anything! Not even a shimmer of light! I felt my face nearing whatever face that was this creature held. I felt it sniffing me and I remained quiet. It growled and slammed me against the ground. I let out a few hitched breaths of pain as it screeched out loudly. I think my ears bled from that scream. Fuck the ringing in my ears! That thing rushed away from me but I froze when hearing Robbie screaming in so much fear and shock. As much as I wanted to help him, I wanted to leave. I heard that thing growl and scream like some sort of mad dog or animal. I heard Robbie beg for me to save him but I kept myself quiet. Even with all the screaming, I hid it by slowly moving away from the shitty scene. I hated hearing the sound of him screaming and me acting like some sort of fucking yellow belly, leaving him in the dust. My leg felt like crap and kept bleeding. I pulled my shirt off and tied it on my leg to stop the bleeding.

"What're you doing?" That chick was screaming at me to stop moving but I refused to listen to her, "Shut up! Get out of my way." "You have to stop moving!" She grabbed me by the ankles and shoved his hand against my mouth. I heard that thing scream again and froze again. There was no way I was going down but this chick was all over me. "Please, cease this at once." I did when hearing that thing come back for me. I froze in fear and stifled my breath to nothing. My eyes grew wide through the peeping holes of these props. I saw something but I didn't know what it was. I didn't recognize it but it smelled like shit! It screamed again and I felt something drip against my damn face. It felt warm and whatever it smelled was metallic. No no no! That wasn't what I thought it was, right? I didn't want to think like that since it was coming from my leg but smelled like copper. I did my best to keep my face from warping into a disgusting look as that thing smelled me from head to toe. I felt the poking against my body and the thing on top of me attempting to claw away these props that kept me from dying. My eyes grew so wide that they were going to pop out of my skull. That thing was closer to me and I kept so still that I was dead inside. I even may have pissed my pants just from this shit!

Before I knew it, that thing was off me and headed back to Robbie who was also trying to escape. I heard him screaming crazy shit and then it was no more. The silence filled the dark room and I gasped for air. My entire body was shaking and I rushed to grab my phone from my pocket. I turned on the flashlight and flashed it around a few good times. I glanced at my feet and my eyes grew wide in horror. I wasn't standing on props but they looked like bones. No! They were bones! I screamed but I felt that hand against my mouth, "Hush! Please, it'll hear you!" I was scuttling against the bone covered ground while trying to get whatever hand was on my mouth. Get the fuck off me, bitch! "I apologize for my rudeness but you need to leave." She got off me and I turned my flashlight against her but she screamed, "Please, that hurts my eyes." "Sorry, lady," I lowered my light while limping my way out of this shithole. What surprised me when looking at her was the fact that she wore a shitload of black clothing. I liked her style but didn't like her hiding her face. Not to mention her wearing what looked like some sort of dress from the old days. Was that some sort of costume on her? Who was she and what did she look like? Who was this chick hiding in all the shades of black? "Who the hell are you?" I gave her an enraged look but she remained cold like ice. I didn't know what her problem was but she knew something was up. She felt real but at the same time, didn't feel real. She felt cold but also warm. Was she alive or dead? Was she real or some sort of hologram? I asked her every single question that went through my damn head. She was completely confused when I asked her everything. What the heck was wrong with this girl? "Talk about being cut off from the world." I gave her an eye roll but she seemed quite irritated, "I can assure you, sir, that you are correct, but please be some sort of guide for me. I'd love to know more. Along with this, perhaps I'd leave this place behind. I bore myself with this dismal place." What the heck? She talked like she was some old lady but she sounded like a young girl. What the heck was with this chick? Aside from that, she did sound like she was down in the dumps. She looked around the piles of bones but I really wanted to get down on this girl. I needed to know who she was. I was going to regret this but I wanted to leave not by myself but with her by my side. As much as I wanted to get Robbie involved, I didn't know where to start. I needed to leave. "You're coming with me," I snatched her hand and she was shocked, "Wait, what?" "You wanted to leave? Let's go!" I pulled her away with my shirt hiding my wound. I needed to leave and so I did. Goodbye, Robbie, for now… I'm sorry to leave you in the shadows.

Ol' Bessie was within my arms as I strummed her nervously. I couldn't stop getting the feeling out of my head but this chick covered in black from head to toe was marveled with the apartment I called home. It was a shithole but at least I had a roof over my head. This chick kept going through my stuff. From the old records to the posters and framed t-shirts of old rock and metal bands, I felt comfortable with it but not so much with her touching everything. I laid back on the couch (and bed) as I continued strumming the strings Ol' Bessie and letting her sing to me. Yet, I eventually placed her aside and leaned forward. My long tresses of black hair fell against my back and sides (I'm not kidding about the length. It was near my calves and I'd be happy to cut it but kept the look going.) with parts of it hiding half my face. "Look," I gave off a slightly irritated yet tired sigh, "I wanna know a few things about you. Who are you? What are you? Where did you come from beside that shitty theater? Why were you there? How did you get in there in the first place? Tell me everything you know. Also, tell me what the actual fuck that thing was? Why did it sound like some sort of animal? Was that some sort of--"

"Enough!" She screamed and every light in the room burst. I freaked out and ducked for cover when the lights went out and my room was so dark that I couldn't see anything but an outside light from the streets. My entire room was quiet except for the echoing of my shaky breath or the occasional car passing by. I turned on my flashlight from my phone and flashed at every single light that burst from that scream she made. My eyes grew wide while looking at her. There was something cold against her feet and like mist, it floated against the ground. She looked at me, and for a moment, she backed away, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do that." "What…" I looked around, "How did you…" "I didn't mean for it to happen!" She continued to back away but froze when hearing my neighbors freak out from the blackout. They began yelling and even asking other neighbors about what the fuck happened. I looked at her with shocked eyes as she held a shaky breath. She collapsed as that dress of hers was nothing but a puddle of fabric. There were layers of white underneath but the fucking veil she wore over her face was so thick that I couldn't see it. "I didn't mean to do it. I--" "Look, I'm going to have to pay for that, okay? I'll listen to everything that you know but you have to promise not to do that again. Just tell me who and what you are. Tell me about that thing that tried killing me."

She turned her head to me as I wanted to take off the veil but her hands caught my wrists, "Don't. I'd rather not let you see." "Why not?" I asked her but she paused me, "I have a lot to tell you. I can't just start with only my identity. You'll only be seeing the surface with me." I gave her a little look that said 'what the fuck' all over it. Now, for this part, she was already someone who lived so I won't go hiding her name. This was her name and it was real. I won't go back but her name was simple yet weird. I cleaned my seat but she wished to bring candles into the room. I was afraid to set my place on fire but I did it. I remembered the previous owner holding some candles so I went to the cupboards, grabbed a lighter, and placed them on the front table in front of the couch. I placed Ol' Bessie back in her case and sat with the candles lit and ready to flicker. Again, I was afraid to burn the place down but at least my room smelled nice. It smelled like autumn memories as if I was at some sort of countryside farm. Warm apples and cinnamon mixed with pumpkins and vanilla filled the room. I relaxed a little but the chick asked me a weird question.

"Do you own a good stomach?" She gave me a curious mood and I gave her a weird look, "Excuse me?" She asked me again and I gave her my answer, "I'm fine, girl! Geez!" "Very well, but perhaps just to know you more, perhaps you'd introduce yourself."

Now, for privacy reasons since the internet is a crazy place, I came prepared just to get something done. For now, the name I gave myself and the name you'll remember is Tristan, Tristan Jones. My background, you ask, I'll get to that shit later. But for that girl? Well, like I said, she already lived but her name was known as something simple but weird. Now, I'm not going to give up my present location. You're probably now thinking that I'm either in a prison cell, a hospital room, or worse, dead in an alley. Well, like I told you, I'm not telling. But, back to the girl. Her name was Laura, Laura Cempage, but she was known to others as 'Wysteria', and this was her secret.