And she woke up with a jerk. Cold sweat drippinp through her forehead. He didn't kill me . Who was . He. Was ita he . It can't be. What was he if not he . Uuugggghhh. What am I even saying clenching a handful of hairs she stood up. Checking the time god its already late rushing in her morning routines she forgot the obvious. She was already late when she woke up . Which makes her the best candidate for today's scrunity. "I don't know about other places but my office definitely have some serious hierarchy shit going on. As You see in oversized costumize drama when a princess isnot in favor with king even the servants don't hold back showing their displeasure thats exactly what I face on daily base. From getting judging looks from security guard to cafe employees I pass with my thick face like I can't see their obvious intentions . I got everyone's order from my department and rush to office. And I was the start of hell I was going to face today. It was not my office wasn't good it was good with professionals minding their own business. Who won't even flinch if someone dies in front of their eyes since it's not their problem. If you are wondering what I do I'm advertisement script writer. But what we do is from writing to researching product value to shoot it to direct it to promote it we cover everything. And despite having the most ads covered The marks of. Door the cigarette ashes littering the ground and the broken door lock