Chereads / THE 7 ABSOLUTE RULES / Chapter 1 - Prologue


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Chapter 1 - Prologue


A boy -no older than 9- sat alone in an empty room void of sunlight. It was a small room. Only large enough to fit both the child and his bed.

Darkness surrounded the room like a thick blanket , worming it's way into each and every crevice of the room. The boy seemed accustomed to this though as he did not move in the dark .

You may be wondering what in God's name a 9 year old was doing in such a sorry excuse of a room . The answer to that question is quite simple actually.

The child's mother ( Let's call her Beth for the sake of simplicity) was a pityful women really. You see, unfortunately she was schizophrenic which - if you know anything about schizophrenia- results in hallucinations sometimes for the individual that suffers from it . She had been plagued by these hallucinations ever since she was little. It's a miracle that she managed to get pregnant and have the baby actually. Anyway Beth was schizophrenic and before she had gotten pregnant and had her child , she had been taking medicine that the psychiatrist had prescribed for her . Obviously when she had the baby she was monitored and she had to make sure that she had been taking her medication regularly.

Daily visits were arranged to make sure that both her and the baby were doing fine. Once they were sure that she could take care of the baby by herself, those daily visits turned to weekly and then from there it became monthly and so on and so on until finally they just never came back. Sad isn't it?

Anyway once Beth realized that the nurses and psychiatrists had finally stopped visiting and demanding that she take the pills, she in turn stopped taking her pills altogether. This resulted in the hallucinations coming back though unfortunately.

Now you may be wondering what all this had to do with the 9 year old in the room. Well I'll tell you. You see when Beth's hallucinations started coming back there was a time when she thought that her baby had been swapped with the baby of a changling from Irish folktales. Yes that's correct . Beth thought that her baby had been switched and was now instead the baby of a fae . Ridiculous, I know but it's TRUE. In fact she was so convinced that she decided that since it wasn't her child she had no obligation to care for it . And so she dashed the then 4 year old child in her smallest guest bedroom . I personally don't think it should be classed as a bedroom, it seems more like a jail cell but to each there own I guess.

Luckily Beth wasn't so heartless as to not feed the "fae" child , and so twise a day the door to the room would be opened and light would flood the room , cutting apart the thick blanket of darkness. If we wanted to start being technical maybe we could even go as far as to say that the darkness could be classed as the boy's second mother. They both seemed very accustomed to one another.


The last few days however, it seemed like Beth had forgotten to feed the poor boy... and there also seemed to also be a rotten stench making it's way through the tiny crack at the bottom of the door . The boy scrunched his nose in disgust. He had never smelled something so nauseating. It would probably have been enough to make him double over and puke his guts up ... well if he had been fed and actually had anything to bring up anyway.

Suddenly there was the sound of heavy footsteps outside the door . The boy's ears perked up . Had she finally remembered that he was still alive and was finally going to give him food he thought. No. The footsteps outside the door were far to heavy a loud to belong to a female. So who could it be he mused?

The question was soon answered as the steps paused outside his door. He could here mumbling and the sound of what he assumed to be a radio . Then silence.

"BANG!" the old yet sturdy wooden door -that had probably stood for hundreds of years- had been knocked down like it was nothing . Light flooded the small room and a sharp intake of breath could be heard from the 9 year old . Quickly shutting his eyes as they tried to adjust to the bright light streaming in , he listened to what was going on around him. From what he had gathered it seemed like two sets of feet had intruded on his territory.

DANGER! DANGER ! DANGER ! his brain seemed to scream . YOU ARE IN DANGER, YOU NEED TO FIGHT. FIGHT TO SURVIVE. FIGHT ... TO LIVE , it told him.

Unfortunately the boy wasn't able to act on this before he was quickly subdued and bound. The boy's feet flew in all directions as he desperately tried to survive. To fight. To stay in his sanctuary. To stay with the darkness that protected him like a motherly embrace. He didn't want to go . They couldn't separate him from the only environment that he has ever known . He wouldn't allow it , even if it killed him . So he fought.

"KID! STAY DOWN! STAY THE FUCK DOWN BEFORE I PUT A BULLET IN YOUR FUCKING SKULL!" A gruff voice shouted "Alister get him out of here before I get convicted of murdering a kid cause his foot kicked my balls" it said again. Before the boy could even attempt to keep struggling, he was lifted up and put on the mans shoulder - that he assumed was the Alister that the first voice had talked about- like a sack of potatoes.

Alister then strode out of the room with the boy on his shoulder , when passing through the living room the boy quieted down and looked around. The first thing that caught his eye was Beth sitting in a chair with a puddle of blood surrounding her . The metallic smell of the blood and rotting meat pervaded the air making him dry heave . So that was were the rotting smell had come from he thought . How disgusting.

It turned out that 5 days ago , Beth had decided that enough was enough and had slit her wrists . Finally ending her life . No thought or care about the child that she had locked in the room at all.

As the boy turned to look at her corpse again he could see the hint of a smile on Beth's face . As if to say "FUCK YOU WORLD , I SURVIVED THIS LONG AND EVEN NURSED A CHILD ALL WHILE BEING SCHIZOPHRENIC. I DESERVE SOME PEACE AT LAST" . The boy slowly turned his head away too , a hint of a smile adorning his face too. She wasn't so bad he thought. For the first 4 years of my life , she was a pretty ok mother wasn't she? so I'll allow her to go peacefully. It's not like she could help it , he understood that and so the boy had never blamed Beth for anything. He had always known that she had tried her best .

"Bye mum ... and thanks for trying your best " he whispered to himself.


So there you have it folks , the first official chapter ,well prologue but still.

please please please give me feedback on what you guys think of this first chapter .

I'm so nervous ahhhhhhh. I don't need votes right now , I just want feedback please on what you guys thought.πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί