Milena sighed and stretched her hands before running towards the warehouse area to be able to record everything that was in that place.
When she left the incinerator, she walked through the corridors of that place until she reached the warehouse where she could see hundreds of boxes with some glass jars.
So she checked if his tablet was recording, realizing that if it was, she opened one of the boxes.
In them there was a liquid that had a blue color. When reading the packaging, she realized that it was a kind of drink.
So, like a normal person, she opened the bottle and drank the contents.
'Blackberry flavor is not bad at all.'
When she finished drinking the substance, she could feel a heat in her stomach.
At that moment, she sighed and felt how her body was full of vitality. It was as if he had rested for countless hours, so she smiled and opened another of the bottles to drink it.