Empress Lysirea observed the young woman in silence for a few moments. The air of superiority that the First Princess carried could not be recreated by anyone under any circumstances.
This was the face of a pure blooded nobility. The arrogance was engraved in the marrow of her being. Empress Lysirea understood that very well, being pure blooded herself.
"It's a pity that you have Ravena's face," She said lightly. "You are not like her at all."
Verinia chose not to answer that provocation. She hated being compared to her mother the most, and it didn't help at all that she was her mother's exact copy where their faces were concerned.
Empress Lysirea sighed. "She's threatened to spread vileness if I don't help her find higher standing within the sovereign court."
It wasn't difficult to suspect that as Talented Consort Viola's goal. It was nothing new. "Vileness such as?"