The entire room became tense upon hearing these blatantly threatening words. Many of the Su'ne who were silent up until this point turned red in the face. They grit their teeth in anger.
"I had heard that Siraea is a peaceful country with a strong sense of tact and diplomacy," First Prince Halen followed up. "But perhaps I heard wrong."
King Reshan turned his attention on the young boy. His youthful voice was strange to hear in a room full of battle-hungry men.
"This is the First Prince of the Su'Ailfi?" King Reshan smiled until his back teeth showed. "This is how New Oalta teaches its children?"
"It is how New Oalta teaches its heirs," Halen said before anyone could retort.
King Reshan looked at the Su'Datheram. The look in his eyes was dangerous. "I'd heard the heir to the throne had changed."
The Sovereign felt a cold sweat gather on the back of his neck. He didn't like the look that this barbarian was giving him.