Blood Upon The Risers
"Drones" in other words a militarized black ghost/phantom. When a child is born there is a rare chance for the child to have what we call a "Drone". If the military does figure out that a child does have a drone the child will "Disappear". Only to be taken to a Military training center where they will spend their entire life upon the end of their teenage years only to be bread to be elite militarized soldiers. In the United States alone there are only 13 known children with Drones. I am one of them.
My name is 004, Codename "Yeager". My physique? It doesn't matter. The only thing that does is when I raise my gun, All my enemies see is a Cold-blooded killer. Raised to Kill the targets my superiors order me to without remorse. "Yeager, the hell are you doing? We are set to take off at Zero Two Thirty Hours(2:30 AM)" I put my blade back in its pouch that I was using to clean the dirt out from under my Dirty Nails. "I'm aware
Sargent" I raise my hand and take a look at my watch, the watch reads "2:03" I quickly hop out of the cot I was lying on and head to the exit of my room. My room only consisted of a cot, A locker where I keep all of my personal belongings, and a green military Crate that has my Uniform, a handgun, and a few military books teaching proper strategy all Drones were forced to read.
I finally enter the Armory. Quickly I open my locker that has my rifle plus my military grade spec op armor. The armor was pure black And it had a Pitch black gas mask. I quickly equip all my gear and head for the hanger. The hallways were Concrete grey, the only thing lighting them up was a row of caged lights hanging from the ceiling. There were many people in the hallway with me whether they be scientists, soldiers, my superiors, and hell, I even saw a few other drones on my way. Once I entered the hanger there were pilots preparing for the mission along with a few squadrons of soldiers prepping and I saw the two other drones going on this mission with me. In the hanger, there were many Helicopters some of them were either entering or exiting the base it seemed to be pretty busy if you didn't know better you would think we were preparing for war. I mean I had no idea if we were or not all I knew was what my superiors wanted me to know. I quickly hop on one of the helicopters and take a seat. I begin to doze off. I'm Jerked awake due to the sound of the helicopter "CRRT, Drones prepare for war we have arrived at the target location give em hell"