Containing full instructions ccneerning the work, both.
ancient and modern.
The Art of Invoking Spirits in the Crystal, or the process of Spiritual Development, has always been a most important part of Divination, and the old "Grand Grimore"states that it was known and practiced by the ancients, asall those who read sacred or profane history may discover
for themselves. It is further said that the sacred texts con-tain many references to invocation performed by theCrystal, and, that in the opinion of many learned and eminent men, the Urim and Thummin of Holy Scripture wereused for a similar purpose to that of the lucid pebble in our own day.
The following Ritual is found in the document known as the "Grand Grimore;" it exhibits the methods by whichmagic in the past produced results that were identical with
many which are now obtained in a much simpler manner,with possibly greater success, but which require a longertime and possibly more personal will power. Those who are inclined to attempt the ceremonial experiment may rest assured that the use of an ordinary crystal with the most simple method of mounting will serve the purpose. The
proper mode of inscription should be, however, observed,and also the other conditions before and during procedure, as carelessness in this respect is not only calculated to void the experience, but it is dangerous.
All those who wish to obtain the assistance of the Good Spirits in the Crystal must lead a pure life, keeping themselves, as it were, apart from the things that are vulgar.
The invocant must maintain himself in an orderly, clean and pure manner, using frequent ablutions (bathing in cold water being best) and prayers, for at least three days before beginning the work; and the moon should be on the
increase. The invocant may, if he wish, have several interested people, as companions, to assist him in the work; but they must all conform to the rules and forms necessary
to be observed in. the practice of the great art. He must be firm, daring, strong in faith, filled with great confidence and must be careful that no part of the ceremonies be omitted, if he wish for success in the work. The accomplishment of his design vrill depend upon the performance of all that is prescribed herein. The invocant may
proceed to the work at any time of the year, providing that the two Luminaries, namely, the Sun and Moon, are in a fortunate aspect, with favoring planets ; but when the Sun
is in his greatest northern declination is the best time.
In order to carry on his work, the invocant must have a small room in some retired part of the house. It should be devoid of all adornments, since these might distract his attention ; but the floor must be perfectly clean, so as to re- ceive the lines of the circle and the characters to be traced thereon. The circle may then be drawn seven feet in diameter and the characters with the holy names inscribed duly and clearly, in accordance with the following model (see Cut A), using charcoal. The room must be kept free from the hurry of business, as well as from prying and curious intruders, and should
be locked when not in use. The invocant must bear in mind that preparation belonging to the art must ever be made during the moon's increase.
The operator must be provided with a small tahle, covered with a white linen cloth, with a chain, with the necessary materials for a fire, in order to burn the incense proper to the planet governing the hour in which the work is performed ; with a torch and two wax candles, placed in brass candlesticks, and engraved, as shown in Cut B, on the pedestals. He must also have a pair of compasses, a knife, a cord, a pair of scissors, a magic sword of pure steel, as shown in Cut A, a magic wand, pens, ink, paper and parchment. All these instruments should be used by him for the first time, but may be used by him always thereafter.
The invoeant must be provided with a crystal ; it must be properly polished. In fact, such a one as usually used by the seer. It should be inclosed in some box, made of oak or any other polished material.
The holy names must be written round about it in gold ink. If the oak box is used always, the letters may be written thereon, but in such case it must never be taken from the box. Any suitable will do whereon to place the crystal and the names written.
Bless, Lord, I beseech thee, this ground, even this place, and expel all evil and wickedness from this circle. Sanctify it and make it meet, becoming and convenient for Thy servant to begin and bring to pass therein all his desires, through our Lord and Saviour. Amen. Be thou blessed, creature of this crystal, be thou purified and consecrated ; in tlie name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.