Chapter 104 - I KNEW IT!

A fuming Chastain watched the "Chief's son" as he drawled on about his so-called exploits...after a minute of listening, she had enough....before approaching, however, she took some time to calm herself down...

'Breathe...breathe...breathe....don't let it get to you, he just didn't want to tell you he was a Traveler...what do you care anyway? Just a random guy....just breath...'

After some inner zen maintenance, Chastain's face turned blank and she walked towards the quest center at a normal pace...

As she approached, she was noticed by the excited quest giving lady and, being the professional that she was, she turned her attention towards the incoming hunter before she goes back to talking to the Chief's Son.

"Hello, are you here to check the quest list again today for your squad?..." inquired the young miss, as she offered the mentioned information in the form of a scroll.

Chastain took the offered scroll without commenting or giving the man nearby even the slightest glance....she just read her scroll in peace.


Seeing that Chastain simply came by to get information and didn't even pay him any heed, Tracha (Raven) knew what was going on an a small smile crept on to his lips before he forced it away.....assuming a serious face.

"Ya know.....young miss, I've been thinking that you've heard some of my exploits, maybe you can help me in my decision..."

The young quest-giver was instantly excited and looked at the Chief's son expectantly with bright eyes...

"I think I need a new fit for me as Tracha just isin't good enough and my older brother also has an additional name; Junior meaning that he is the Junior Chief, don't you agree?..." posed Raven sincerely to the young woman as she nodded firmly in agreement.

"I agree! But what kind of name did you have in mind!?..."

"Ahhh.....what a good question, since I'm constantly putting my self in grave danger and jumping into the thick of it like a spear fisherman jumping into the ocean.....I thought "Diver" would be a good name..."

When the words left his mouth, behind the two talking, there was the sound of the crushing paper...

They both turned to see Chastian who, after hearing this guys "new name", was livid and crumbled up the quest scroll without realizing it. However, before either two could notice, Chastian fixed her face and began to smooth out the paper.....she didn't want to give this man the satisfaction.


Seeing Chastain's reaction, the small smile creeping on Raven's face grew bigger ever-so-slightly and he turned to look at the young miss once again...

"Good name right?... I was thinking of that or a name representing the fact that I have to Travel great distances to go on my adventures but I'm not decided..."

He then heard heavy breathing and a quiet scoff behind him but after turning to Chastain once more, he saw that she was "completely focused" on the quest list and the sound must've come from something else...

Time passed quickly with this weird atmosphere continuing before Chastian couldn't handle it anymore and simply approached the young miss, again ignoring Tracha, and quickly asked...

"Is this it? Is there no appropriate quest available for my squad today either?...."

"I'm sorry miss, the earthquake that happened yesterday has caused many of the mosters to go into hiding and things have not went back to normal yet....I'm sure something will come up..."

Before Chastain could thank the girl and walk away, she heard the irking voice speak up, interrupting the two women....

"Actually, I have a task that my Father asked me to look over today when I passed him earlier, I could use another four people....the farms have been destroyed and the Felynes have ran away in fright so I need to complete repairs on the now abandoned farms..."

"In fact.." raven continued, looking towards the young miss..."it needs to be listed as an Urgent Quest as it relates to village stability and the compensation for such messages should be much higher right?..."

The young quest giver nodded thoroughly in agreement before looking towards Chastain..."will your hunter-squad be willing to help the honorable chief's son in his urgent task?..."

Although the quest giver was genuine and asked innocently, the look on Chastain's face was anything but pretty as her eyebrow kept spaciming while looking at Raven's smug smile...

....."yes, I suppose I have no good reason to refuse the chief's son..." the words were spoken through gritted teeth. No man has ever bested Chastain in this way and it irked her beyond measure....she was what she considered to be a powerful and accomplished woman who was a respected Traveler in her own right, but this guy.....this guy...

"GREAT! While the young miss gets her paperwork done, let's walk together to get your team....I'll show you guys the farms after that..." Raven responded with a happy smile she gestured Chastain to walk in the lead in a flamboyant manner...