The immortal Shangti goes back to heaven and tells the whole story of the yilling patriach to the Jade Emperor.After that the Jade Emperor says, send a message to the Dao clan to inform all the clan together that now heaven is going to judge the yilling patriach.So all those clans have been prepared for the judgment of heaven.
Dao clan
There in Sheng hun mountain (mountain of holy spirits) a clan is called daoyin clan of yinshi(priest)
This clan spends its time in the worship of God from the very beginning and always lives in the mountains Only very important thing has to be told, only then it comes out of those mountains,
Dao clan sends this message to all the big clans.
Unaware of all this, lan wangji and wei wuxian reach Gusu.And when lan wangji enters in Claude recesses with enters with wei Ying .He sees that everyone is staring at him
Right now the lan xichen comes there and hurriedly brings them both to the jingshi. After which he takes the lan wangji to talk in private.
After which the lan xichen tells the wangji everything that is happening in all the clan s.Hearing this, the lan wangji gets very angry and he says how can they do this brother.I'll talk to them myself
Lan xichen says wangji we should talk to uncle first.After that all three of them go to Uncle and try to convince him.On which lan qiren says ok, whatever you said, I will accept it and for this the wei wuxian will have to appear in the court of heaven.
Hearing this, the wangji categorically refuses.And says no I won't let this happen.
But the wei wuxian sits on his knees and says if this is what Uncle wants, I will do it.I'll do it for you lan Zhan To prove that my love for you is true and I'm not wrong,
My only mistake is that I only used black magic but there was a reason behind it I agree that I have made a mistake and I am ready to take such punishment.