Chereads / Tales of the Implock - A LitRPG Monster Evolution Story / Chapter 102 - The Implock – Chapter 97 – “Demonic Omens”

Chapter 102 - The Implock – Chapter 97 – “Demonic Omens”

∼ Demonic Omens ∼

Chapter - 97

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∼Demoniac∼ (Specialization - Epic)

[Attribute Gain]

Vitality (+1) Endurance (+1) Intelligence (+2) Unallocated Attributes (+1)

[Skills and Traits]

Embody - (Specialization Skill)


-Skills and Masteries-

Hand-to-Hand Combat - [Superior], Words of Power - [Moderate]


Rune of Embodiment, High Demonic-based Accomplishment, Demonic-mana Affinity


Demoniacs, demon-crazed battlemages. Unreliable, unstable, and often insane, these reckless warlocks have completely surrendered themselves to the demonic, manifesting the very demons they bond. Both body and mind bear the ever-corruption strain in exchange for unbridled power, leaving them vulnerable of mind yet strong of might. Whether to their own swift demise or great potential, it is without question that they wield unmatched power.

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∼Demonologist∼ (Specialization - Epic)

[Attribute Gain]

Intelligence (+3) Unallocated Attributes (+2)

[Skills and Traits]

Demonic Horde - (Specialization Skill)


-Skills and Masteries-

Summon Familiar - [Moderate], Demonology - [Superior], Mana Manipulation - [Moderate]


High Demonic-based Accomplishment, Demonic-mana Affinity


Demonologists, puppeteers of great demonic hordes. Walking anchors to the infernal beyond, they command numerous familiars and demonic spawn. Equipped with curses, powerful spells, and supporting auras, they are armies themselves. To fight a Demonologist is often a fruitless endeavor, as none can withstand - the horde.

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∼Infernal Caller∼ (Specialization - Epic)

Intelligence (+4) Unallocated Attributes (+1)

[Attribute Gain]

[Skills and Traits]

Infernus - (Specialization Skill)


-Skills and Masteries-

Demonbolt - [Peak], Mana Manipulation - [Superior]


Extreme Fire-based Accomplishment, Fire-mana Affinity


Infernal Callers, conjurers of the very flames of the Netherworld itself. These warlocks are destruction incarnate. Calling upon the pit flames and fires of the infernal abyss, they leave but smoldering ruins and ash in their wake. Specializing in fire magic, Infernal Callers often leave no room for considering safety, betting all on incinerating their foes before they ever come close. A strategy that all living Infernal Callers find utmost effective. Fear the flames of the infernals - for they are inescapable and all-consuming.

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Arrayed with such a varied choice, Nyx could say that he was more than pleased.

Although all three specializations gave considerably fewer attribute points per level than what his race did, that was also within expectations. After all, while humans and other enlightened didn't evolve their races, they still got a base amount of attribute points from being said race at every level. If Nyx remembered correctly, humans got two unallocated points per level, and when they finally hit level ten and got their classes, they would get the addition of class attributes on top of that. But of course, that was never enough to truly match how much monsters slowly but surely accumulated over time.

However, whereas monsters came in every shape and size, sporting health pools and stamina pools many times greater than any enlightened, they shored up that difference with skills, masteries, and techniques. Through that, they were able to bridge the otherwise inconceivable gap in attributes and scale between monsters and men.

Returning to the matter at hand, Nyx focused. Five points for every class - that admittedly did sound pretty damn good. With this, he would be getting a grand total of fifteen attribute points per level. A staggering amount to be sure.

Though Nyx found it unfortunate that there weren't any higher grade classes, all three of them only Epic-grade, he couldn't complain. Epic-grade was already much better than what most could ask for. It was simply that Nyx hadn't met the prerequisites for better or rarer classes as he was bottlenecked with his skills and masteries. At this point, when advancing their classes, most people would've gotten at least one or two skills and masteries at Peak rank. But since Nyx's growth had exploded into heights before he could really focus on them, they were a lot lower than even the common standard.

Enlightened that had the potential to achieve a specialization or even hit level twenty-five, often spent years and decades, before they ever reached it. Meaning they had plenty of time to focus on their skills and masteries. Perfecting them, even those who didn't possess Nyx's natural aptitude and reckless "training" endeavors. The only reason why he even got something as good as Epic-grade was because of other very peculiar requirements he just so happened to meet.

Nevertheless, Nyx had been presented with three damn good choices. Each one seemed viable to his current path, and none looked to be pulling ahead of the others. It was all around a good selection to choose from. From the Demoniac with its unusual fighting-based style to the Demonologist who commanded swathes of familiars, and even the Infernal Caller who reminded him a lot of the Infernal Keeper - though a lot less glamourous and ethereal.

It was a hard choice. First of all, the Demoniac of course called out to him. Unsurprisingly. It seemed pretty geared to what he was already doing. Though Nyx hardly understood what it was all truly about. The attribute distribution was definitely strange for a mage class - and the description stranger still. But while the attribute distribution was a little odd, it did shore up his weak points by making him overall more resilient and hearty.

Then there was the Demonologist that tickled a certain fancy of his. Thoughts of watching as an army of demons descend on his foes were a tantalizing fantasy. Fighting alongside them in the thick of battle, even more so.

And lastly, the Infernal Caller. Pure and unadulterated destruction. What wasn't to like about that?

Yet, Nyx's gaze kept sliding back to one specialization in particular. The Demoniac.

Upon achieving a specialization, one would receive a specialization skill, which would become the core of one's class. It was arguably the most important skill out of your whole repertoire, around which your whole fighting style would end up revolving. It was a true difference-maker in battle and set the tone for your path.

As for the Demoniac, its specialization skill for one was quite interesting - [Embody]. Alongside the description of the class, it painted a somewhat vague picture of what it was all about. Vague or not, however, Nyx was still intrigued with what it could mean.

Although it didn't look any more special than the others, and probably wasn't, it was the one calling out for him. Not to mention, it had something to do with that dodgy old human. The first one he had met, that is... One of the prerequisites and focal points of the specialization was this so-called Rune of Embodiment. The very same rune he had learned from the old coffin dodger.

While the mention of those individuals who picked this class often went off into the deep end or was already so beforehand, Nyx wasn't particularly worried about that. Warlock gained their infamy of being insane with one too many screws loose because of the very demonic mana they wielded corrupting their minds. For the reason that without a powerful will, a mind prone to the wiles of their own emotions and desires - a dangerous quality for any mage - one would inevitably succumb to the demonic mana's corrupting wiles. Nyx was different, however. For he was already a demon. A living, breathing being of demonic energy. He simply couldn't get any more corrupt than he already was.

So, considering only those downsides described in the specialization, there were virtually none for Nyx in choosing Demoniac. In fact, he might have somewhat of a cheat here. A gross advantage. An impish smile formed on his lips.

He chose Demoniac.

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[You have chosen a specialization]

∼Demoniac∼ (Specialization - Epic)

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As the other roads and the figures disappeared, leaving only the Demoniac, a long silence drew out. As nothing was happening for a lengthy moment, Nyx started dreading that he might have to fight yet another Vainlord. However, that thankfully wasn't the case as something unexpected happened.

From within Nyx - came floating out a glowing symbol. It hovered in the air, distorting space with ripples of power, a golden aura around it. Nyx instantly recognized it - the very thing already imprinted into his mind.

The [Rune of Embodiment] "Rah." He muttered, the word itself humming with power on his tongue.

It just hovered there, in between him and the Demoniac, until it started coming back. Slowly, it settled onto the left side of his chest and began searing itself onto his skin. Rather contradictory to the sizzling meat and steam that rose from his flesh, Nyx actually felt no pain. It was slightly surreal watching himself truly burn for the first time in his life. The System must be doing some strange System-y things as it so often did to make that happen.

Nyx didn't bother fretting over it, however, inspecting his new marking with great interest instead. The [Rune of Embodiment] had now been inscribed onto his very body. And Nyx had a sneaky suspicion that was what Demoniac was all about. Talking about manifesting and drawing power from his familiar - this rune was definitely the center point.

The world of gray faded to darkness - claiming Nyx yet once more.


Deep within the forbidden territories, a regional belt that stretches the length of the Spine within the darkest depths of this inconceivable range of sky-breaking mountains, a permeating miasma of darkness reigned an oppressive rule as not even the sun could reach this godsforsaken place.

A singular figure stood within a cloud of dust and rubble that was slowly settling all around, its stature minuscule in the grand scheme of this forbidden land - supported on what but a gnarled wooden walking stick.

The figure, a withered old man in a mage's dirty robes, turned suddenly, looking off into the distance as if his gaze could actually penetrate the darkness and dust. "Hmm, what a little monster..." He shook his head wistfully, a smile on his lips. "Young'uns these days, tsk - tsk. I can only hope that this old heart of mine does not give out before I see what lies in store for them. For what a spectacle it will be."

The old man cut off his connection to the mana vein that ran through the very ground he stood on, allowing the demonic mana that had traveled down it to continue its passage throughout Argon - spreading the word far and wide. Looking around as the dust finally settled, the old man shook his head with a sigh. "Getting old, indeed."

Walking off in a slow amble, the old man left the scene of utter carnage without as much as another glance at the bestial creatures the size of buildings and monsters so abyssal they might've been the spawn of the void itself bestrewn across the now disfigured landscape - everything left in the wake of this otherwise unassuming old man.