Chereads / Tales of the Implock - A LitRPG Monster Evolution Story / Chapter 89 - The Implock – Chapter 84 – “A Full-On Melee”

Chapter 89 - The Implock – Chapter 84 – “A Full-On Melee”

∼ A Full-On Melee ∼

Chapter - 084

‹ Nyx ›

In the crags of the Spine's tall and innumerable peaks ran a silent but ruthless wind. Nyx felt the cold bite beat at his face, rustling his robes. They were only a quarter of the way up the mountain range, yet breathing was already strenuous with the thinned air. It had taken them a whole day to merely reach this point, and that was saying something considering the physical ability of everyone present.

The Orphan's finest.

All around Nyx were men clothed in mismatched and patched clothes that hid the thick armor underneath, leather and metal, wearing scarfs that covered their faces from the nose down. But contrary to their vagrant-like wear, they all looked a menace. The air about them alone told of battle-hardened warriors. Killers every single one. People who had seen some of the worst that the world had to offer - yet remained to bear witness to more.

Admittedly though, out of their group that ran nearly fifty strong, only a dozen of them were amongst the actual elites of the elusive gang that was the Orphans. The remaining, including Nyx, were the grunts of the mission. The Orphans couldn't mobilize their true force as this would have to be resolved in a covert manner.

A strange noise that carried on the wind, barely even picked up by Nyx's high perception, alerted the group leader, a man who had scars running up and down what little of his face was exposed. "Forward scouts have spotted the caravan," He said, face grim. "They'll be here soon. Prepare yourselves."

As he adjusted a latch on his leather armor, he fixed everyone with a look, lingering on Nyx for a little longer than anyone else. "-Remember, hijacking the wagons and procuring the weapons is only the secondary objective. Main priority remains that we have to sabotage all modes of transportation for the cargo - none can be allowed to slip through. If The Stained Tooth gets these rune-forged dwarven weapons, it could turn disastrous for any conflict between us going forward. Be quick, be swift, don't hesitate, for if they start arming themselves with the weapons, we'll stand at a considerable disadvantage."

He rose to his feet. "We'll hold off their overseers whilst you complete the mission at all costs. Understand?"

So even though Nyx had initially been furious at being counted amongst the bulk and common soldiers, he was appeased knowing that they in fact had the most important task but he'd also be thrown in the thick of it. Exactly how he wanted it. In silent acknowledgment to the commander, everyone nodded.

"The Blind Eye be with you all."

And with that, the commander ran off with his dozen other men, moving with inhuman speed and maneuvering the rocky landscape with incredible agility yet not making a single sound. Nyx tried to keep his eyes on them, but they slowly became harder and harder to see as they settled into their spots in the shadows of the crag. Even though Nyx knew exactly where they were, he could not see them. It was stupefying.

The second-in-command who remained behind, one Macathy Brindleholm, quickly began giving out orders. "-Squadrons three and two, take flanks." He paused, looking at the demon in mage robes. "And Nyxel, you keep to the main squadron. With us." Nyx barely acknowledged the order as he was practically bouncing with excitement. But even as the men gave him askance looks, nothing was said as their quarry came in sight at that very moment.

Three wagons with overhang tarps - discreetly transporting unknown cargo - were groaning their way down the narrow incline of the valley-like crag. Around sixty or seventy-five men guarded the caravan, though none donned the colors of The Stained Tooth. Everything was put up as a facade, masquerading as any other plain caravan that traversed the lower parts of the Spine.

It would've fooled most. It was far from an uncommon sight in these parts afterall. But as Nyx watched the men, he saw the unmistakable gait of trained warriors amongst them all. Even the looks in their eyes couldn't be completely hidden as they carried a certain competent danger about them. They were no mere travelers or third-rate caravan guards. They were exactly like the men surrounding Nyx. The number of men was a little under the expected amount, however, still enough for a good fight; Nyx reasoned.

Watching with bated breath, the demon was a little shocked to see some of the men in the caravan who radiated a little more presence than the others suddenly paused, faces scrunching. They definitely sensed something. Nyx was astounded as they could clearly feel the presence of the warriors in the shadows, now right above them. The instant the men began tilting their heads upward, flickering shadows in the wintry winds descended upon them, cloaks billowing and the glint of metal brandished.

"Ambush!" One bellowed.

Followed moments after by Macathy's roar. "Now!"

All pandemonium was unleashed as Nyx charged down the ledge of which his squadron had been lying in wait. As he ran, he watched as the two other squadrons, smaller but consisting of much faster individuals, sped ahead to either side. They vaulted boulders, jumped deep drops, and scaled the rock faces as some moved to activate multiple booby-traps along the crag, causing a small avalanche of rocks to befall the caravan.

The amount of skillful coordination on display was a testament to the Orphans fighting style.

"Protect the wagons at all costs!" The so-called overseers of the caravan commanded, whipping the startled and chaotic men into shape. However, the men were soon bereft of their superiors' orders as the elite of the Orphans clashed with them, pressuring them away from the caravan to allow for the squadrons to complete the operation without being slaughtered by the much stronger men.

But of course, it wasn't that easy. Around two dozen men, all armed with the rune-forged weapons, jumped out of the wagons, having hidden inside all this time. They all stood around the wagons, on the defensive, making sure no harm came to them. Yet this did not deter Nyx in the slightest as his charge was only kindled by the challenge.

Sliding in between the legs of an unsuspecting human, Nyx cackled as he tore the ligaments in the leg of the man's opponent. He didn't even pause as he went on to the next, assaulting another unaware human preoccupied in a heated battle with an Orphan. He cracked the man's knee by kicking it in, scaling his body as he tumbled over with a yelp.

[LVL: 15 - Human "Scrapper" has been slain!]

The man died before he hit the ground as Nyx's sharp claws tore at his throat, nearly severing his head clean off if not for his spinal column. Even though Nyx was training himself in hand-to-hand like the humans, that did not mean he would hamper himself to only use his fists. For he had what humans didn't. Razor-sharps blades at the ends of his fingers. Pairing that with [Hand-to-Hand Combat] made for a lethal fighting style.

[LVL: 14 - Human "Thug" has been slain!]

[LVL: 18 - Human "Swordsman" has been slain!]

[LVL: 12 - Human...]

Nyx was a demon of death as he flowed like a fish in water amongst the chaos unfolding on the narrow mountain pass. In disarray, Nyx thrived. Blue and red notifications flickered by the demon's consciousness as he ended lives one after one, receiving only glancing blows and cuts as a cost. Nyx was reaping the kills from all the people caught unawares, avoiding anyone too strong like those with the dwarven weapons or who from a first glance would be too time-consuming to take down. It might have been considered very underhanded and dishonorable - but as if Nyx cared.

However, the enemy's officers guarding a wagon quickly picked up on this, recognizing the small menace for what he was.

Surrounded, Nyx had three men staring down at him, blades drawn and glaring something fierce. Two of them had the supposed rune-forged weapons in hand, expertly crafted tools of killing. Their silvery frames with beautiful rolling layers along the metal gleamed with runes that almost didn't quite seem like magic but still were.

"You-" One of the men growled, but Nyx didn't wait for a monologue. He sprung into motion, dirt flying into the human's eyes as he swiped the ground. The man yelped as the other two moved in to help.

Nyx was fast and would've killed the man in one easy move but it would seem that they hadn't just sent anyone. Even semi-blinded, the man's blade moved to kill, missing only inches from the demon's throat as Nyx drew back in haste. The other two descended on him, Nyx doing his best to avoid a hatchet and two daggers making for a kill.

[You have taken 5 damage!]

As the hatchet slashed for his shoulder it was only a glancing blow without much force behind it, however, the rune blade possessed such an unnatural sharpness that it could've probably taken Nyx's arm if not for [Demonhide]. Nyx did not waver, as that would certainly mean death. In a show of acrobatics, Nyx kicked off the ground, vaulting over a slash of the longsword, the semi-blinded man going for his back.

The human had barely any chance to react when Nyx landed awkwardly atop the man's head and shoulders. Nyx quickly found purchase and raked open his throat, ending the man's life with a slow but inevitable certainty as he rode the human down the ground. A sound alerted Nyx; a whistle. His last-second reaction saved him a lot of pain as he twisted his body, allowing the flying dagger to fly harmlessly through his robes, cutting two holes in its passing.

Nyx did not dawdle in fright as he lept for the nearest human. The hatchet-wielding one. Nyx's small and light frame paired with his abnormal strength made for an impressive leap, one that the human had little chance of protecting against. The demon crashed into his abdomen, knocking the air out of his lungs. There was enough force to even break a few ribs as they snapped audibly. Suffice to say, as he tackled the human, there was little he could do to stop Nyx from taking his life.

[LVL: 20 - Human "Lumberjack" has been slain!]

[LVL: 22 - Human "Swordsman" has been slain!]

Cackling maniacally as he could feel the experience surge into his small body, the last remaining human was stricken. He faltered and simply tucked tail and ran. A voice suddenly cut over the cacophony of clashing blades and dying men's cries. "Wagon! Now!" Nyx turned to look, only to see the second-in-command, Macathy glaring right at him through the crowd. It was first then Nyx realized he was close to one of the wagons, having fought his way through the throng of humans without even noticing. He had been too preoccupied slaughtering and reaping all the sweet sweet experience for himself.

There were no rune-forged weapon wielders around this one as the Orphan looked to have had systematically taken down and drawn away the one guarding it. Leaving Nyx to kill the three last guards. And now he was the only one left to take advantage of the situation.

The demon was about to curse back at the stinkin' human to mind his own damn business, but a stern look from the bloodied man reminded the demon what would happen if word got back to Zechariah and Shank that he had disobeyed direct orders. Nyx set right to it. As he ran for the wagon, with the intent of sending it to kingdom come with some issued explosives that came in the form of small balls he had hidden in his robes so he did not have to use his magic, a tall and broad figure suddenly stepped out from behind it, panting with gloved and bloody fists.

"Nyx?" Eric uttered breathlessly.