Chereads / Tales of the Implock - A LitRPG Monster Evolution Story / Chapter 67 - The Implock – Chapter 62 – “New Ventures, Differing Destinations”

Chapter 67 - The Implock – Chapter 62 – “New Ventures, Differing Destinations”

∼ New Ventures, Differing Destinations ∼

Chapter - 062

"You want me to do what?" Eric was taken aback. "Join The Stained Tooth and be a spy? Are you insane?"

"Nothing so glamorous. But to have a man on the inside for key moments is often the pivotal point for any confrontation or climax."

"Are you sure they'd want me after I humiliated those idiots of theirs?" Eric asked dubiously.

"Definitely. Or... they'll kill you, either way, it's no problem of mine. Just a proposal, your choice." Zechariah said indifferently.

"Eric..." Aria piped up worriedly, tugging on his sleeve.

He looked down, seeing how Aria's worry was plain to see on her freckled face.

"I am not sure if this is-" She began, clearly reluctant to let Eric face such danger. However, as Eric saw her actually care, it satisfied a certain desperation of his. One born from the abandonment of his family. So before Aria could voice an argument, Eric had cut her off, turning to Zechariah. "I'll do it,"

The glassed man simply nodded, tapping some ash into the glass tray.

Eric's fist clenched. "You'll shelter us then? If I go along with this ridiculous plan."

Zechariah took a drag of the burning tobacco, sighing and adding offhandedly; "Only for you,"

"That's not what we agreed on," Eric growled.

Zechariah paused. "We agreed on nothing of the sort." Getting to his feet once again, he smothered the remaining tobacco into the ashtray and fixed Eric with a steely gaze. "Kid, I don't think you realize how much it'll cost us to stop The Stained Tooth's advances in finding out who you are. The second you entered The Lanes and forged those papers, every single gang, and mob in the city knew of your presence inside these accursed walls. It is only because we, The Orphans, possess a better network than any of the others that The Stained Tooth hasn't gutted and dragged you through the streets. If they knew who you were," He pointed to the ghastly white scars marring his face. "These are the least of things they'll do to you."

He leaned over the table, hands on the lacquered surface. "We can suppress what get's leaked and manipulate any information to our liking. But we cannot erase your existence now. Three people have entered Boreas, but no one knows who they are. If you want any shot at staying alive and out of The Stained Tooth's bloody hands, we'll have to split each of you up and keep all three of you above ground in broad daylight. Three people of interest suddenly going missing will certainly put a target on your backs. Especially when they were already looking for two of you before you even entered the city."

Eric knew the logic of the man's words, but they did not have much else to offer, nor did he like how he was pressing them for more. But before he could think of something, Aria stepped forward with a suggestion of her own, certain steel in her voice despite stuttering nervously.

"I-I can do your books, as I-uh... assume you have an overboard business that still needs looking to. L-looking at the work over there," She gestured to the woman in glasses that had remained passive the entire time. "I can see you do not have enough hands you can trust with such delicate matters. I am a trained archivist... and a healer. I have lived most of my life under the tutelage of Arcanum's best. You will find no better for this job."

Aria's voice had become more certain and firm as she spoke, though Zechariah's reaction to her words made her suddenly snap back.

"If you're truly a healer... that would then mean..." His expression suddenly darkened with some other revelation. "If you're not a warlock. Then whose demon is this?" He looked at Nyx with an icy expression. There was a certain wariness and danger to the man's voice as if this was the first time he did not know everything about the situation and was on the metaphorical back foot.

After all, an unknown warlock roaming about the city was definitely something he should've known about. Introducing a very dangerous element to this whole situation. An unaccounted-for factor. And this man clearly did not like unanticipated or being in the dark.

Suddenly realizing that he had been taking Aria for the warlock of Nyx, she sputtered for some excuse as Nyx's situation was all but explainable. If this man knew the truth of the matter, she hadn't the faintest idea what he'd do with that sensitive information. The fact that Nyx's existence shouldn't even be possible.

Luckily, Eric came to the rescue, thinking on his feet though admittedly not as nimbly.

"He's not a demon." He said sternly. "Or well... not mostly. He was a gnome once, a gnome warlock. But he came into an accident that... -uh changed him."

Nyx's face scrunched in confusion at the nonsense the human was spouting, though Eric's pointed look made him not say anything.

After a few tense moments, relief washed over Aria and Eric as the explanation seemed to appease the man, though there was still a slight hint of doubt in that man's eyes as he glanced at the demon. "A warlock then? A gnome warlock, how... quaint."

Seeing the prime opportunity to wow the insolent human, Nyx smiled toothily as he summoned a purple ball of fire in his hand. Everyone was initially startled at the unprompted display of magic but settled down when they realized he wasn't about to go throwing around the dangerous magic.

Zechariah's expression had hardened a bit again, but he did not lash out nor did he seem as tense. To which Aria could only be surprised by, as he didn't seem as much afraid of his magical power as much as he was from what he did not know.

"A warlock is a warlock." Zechariah continued, Aria's internal musings cut short. "I will always have use for such power. Mages are not easy to come by, especially not warlocks. So that'd be his payment." He sighed, fixing Nyx's hooded form with an observant gaze. "But, what to make of you until I actually need you then?" He looked thoughtful, and before Aria or Eric could present something, Nyx took matters into his own hand.

"The guild!" He blurted out gleefully, "I want to go to the guild and kill things, lots of things! - Aria promised!"

Aria's and Eric's expressions looked forced as they chuckled dismissively, though Zechariah looked rather intrigued.

"Unhesitating to kill, good. I can have membership forged in a couple of days," He looked to Aria and Eric before adding to explain. "I doubt you'd want examiners to go over his troublesome circumstances. Correct?"

The two looked very hesitant at that. The idea of letting Nyx go out on his own, doubting he'd be able to stay out of trouble on his own. So Aria spoke up. "Well, the unfortunate change of his appearance did not leave him... entirely there, either."

Nyx was confused as he did not get what Aria was hinting at.

He was exactly where he was! Was the stupid of the humans rubbing off on her or something? Saying such ridiculous things.

Nyx was now just muttering to himself about something along the lines of stupid humans and how they took his good graces for granted. Of truly outrageous matters indeed.

"I... see," Zechariah said slowly, looking at the demon. "A guide then. I can have someone to help teach him the robes of a mercenary. I doubt he'll have many troubles though, as some of those mercenaries already are as unhinged as they come. I'm sure he'll fit right in."

"I think that'd work," Eric nodded.

Though Aria looked worriedly at Nyx. "I-I am not sure about this..."

She was obviously hesitant to let Nyx go still. Looking at him with the gaze of a mother unwilling to let her child go into the dangerous world alone.

"He's growing. Remember?" Eric said placatingly to the worried girl. "He won't cause trouble, and with someone experienced to help, he'll grow even faster. Right? I don't think we will find a better opportunity as we can't register ourselves with our fake identities."

Aria agreed reluctantly after a few moments.

The twin in glasses nodded. "Alright then, I'll have someone ready. I just need to have the proper documents made, and that will be it." Zechariah said simply as if forging a membership of The Mercenary Guild was no hard matter. An organization that spanned all of Argon and possessed some of the most powerful fighters to still live.

However, whilst Nyx had just gotten the ticket to his desire of slaughter and adventure, he scowled. He clearly did not like the idea of needing someone as a guide. Especially if it was some stupid human.

He did not need anyone! Those dumb humans, they did just not realize his greatness. A pity.

"Nyx, this is the best opportunity for you to join The Mercenary Guild," Aria said, noting Nyx's scowl. "I doubt we will be able to get you in otherwise. Besides, it will only be for a little while. You are strong enough to endure at least that, right?"

And just like that, Aria had subtly fanned the fires of Nyx's pride.

Nyx paused in his grumblings, startled. "Wha-? I'm not scared of some puny human! I'll show-s you!"

There was such boundless enthusiasm that Aria couldn't help but smile affectionately despite their grim situation and circumstances.

Zechariah managed to catch back their attention once again, looking to each in turn as he spoke. "You'll infiltrate The Stained Tooth's ranks, you'll do my books and heal any of men at reason, of course, and you'll lend your power when I call for it. In return, I'll shelter you and use the resources at my disposal to help you settle in. Are we in agreement?"

The three of them shared a look before Eric nodded. "We are."