In the previous life she was born genetically superior to everyone else and forcibly trained as a professional hitman.
Bleeding to death she wakes up in the world as a lesser character, Celine Iris Rosalind, a daughter of the deceased Duke Rosalind from a line of Imperial Snipers.
Forced to parade as her 'sickly' brother at the academy, four years later returning home a freshly graduated talent. Only to be threatened with the engagement with an old man, as a result of her step-mothers indulgent spending.
She leaves home not expecting such a drastic turn of events.
"Any man that simply steps close to you, I'll slit their throat where they stand... so only look at me." He whispered softly.
His choice of words frightening in contrast to the soft voice, sweetly coaxing.
"Lady Celine."
Unknowingly revealing glassy yellow eyes,dilating with blatant desire.
There seems to be something wrong here...
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