Chereads / NEFERTITI / Chapter 3 - Chapter II: "The Jealousy of a Queen"

Chapter 3 - Chapter II: "The Jealousy of a Queen"

I got out of the car stealthily as the driver seemed upset today, he didn't even tell me "thank you for the tip" anyway I wouldn't have understood him, I don't speak a shred of Arabic.

Rick's house was very BIG, two floors, with Greek columns of Ionic shape cast of marble, the stairs were of the same material but of a sand color, the most beautiful and clean windows that I saw in my life and well the color of the house was a natural white. Girega-Egyptian combination, very unique.

Although once inside all that beauty was gone when I saw the big mess everywhere, and that's because I hadn't seen his studio, which, in effect, was a wonderful mess.

Most of the walls were covered with images and maps with various locations; Cleopatra stood out in one of her ancient investigations. A photo on the large sphinx of Giza and several more on the Mediterranean Sea. A great adventurer.


"Well let's continue.

We were investigating further about the royal family by Akhenaten or Amenhotep IV as some prefer to call the pharaoh who changed an entire culture.

-Look. - I point my index finger at Rick to observe the family tree he had made about Pharaoh's family.

"What have you done?" He asked.

"Put together a family tree about Akhenaten. -I replied enthusiastically.

"Explain to me.

"Okay. -take a breath. - our controversial pharaoh as we already know is the fruit of Queen Tiy and King Amenhotep III, but we also know that they had a brother and four sisters. "Look at Rick, he nodded. - well these brothers were Thutmose, Sitamon, Nebetah, Beketaton and Isis, of the first very little is known only that she married her father and that he dies disappears completely.

"Please keep going.

"Okay, well, we also know of Tuthmose that he died very young around the age of fifteen or sixteen, right?" - I looked at him again, he had his sight on me with a deep and penetrating look. - What caused this was that his younger brother, that is, Akhenaten inherited the throne, well look at this part. -I pointed to a short arrow. - Tiy was the sister of Ay, who was the father of our enigmatic Nefertiti therefore Akhenaten and these were first cousins.

-Yes, and that may be one of the reasons why the family of Akhenaten agreed with this marriage, because as we all know Queen Tiy does not come from royalty and less Ay, the father of Nefertiti, but Tiy when he came to power may have convinced Amenophis III to let his son Akhenaten marry her with the excuse of continuing to preserve the royal lineage, but these two young teenagers only cared about the love they gave to each other.

WoW, Rick, you don't look like a historian, let alone a romantic historian, hey ha. - I said laughing out loud at the last sentence he uttered.

"Ash, just let me go Beth, let's move on. - responded to my mockery by rolling his eyes.

"Okay, at the time when these two lovers got married, Akhenaten was not yet a pharaoh, but occupied the place of co-regent, which was a short time since Amenophis died.

- How about we go to the mysterious origins of our queen? -I ask Rick with an unusual tone to the funny Rick but a rick seductive?, I ignored his tone.

-Of course, what do we know? because there are several hypotheses about its origin Rick, although there are already some discarded tell me one.

-Well, I am one of those who believe that Nefertiti is of Mithonia origin.

- Mitania? Do you mean Egypt's neighboring empire?

-That same one, for my Nefertiti was of that origin...

- Are you implying that she was Taduhepa? - cut abruptly.

-Haha, let me finish, not exactly Taduhepa but she could have been a Princess Mitania, since her features betray her a little, Have you seen that in all the sculptures they and their daughters have an oval head? well this was a custom only thrown out by the royal people in theMitani Empire, and that's why he wanted his daughters to carry it too.

- You know what? For my Taduhepa it could have been Kiya, and nothing else when she became the secondary wife she changed her name to an Egyptian one, although I cannot rule out the hypothesis you have told me.

-Yes and you have to listen to the two bells, one of the hypotheses is the one I already told you and the second is that of Kiya because she could also have been quietly the daughter of Ay, and his other mysterious wife.

-Everything is very confusing, Nefertiti, Kiya, Taduhepa, its origins are very easy to get tangled, although I am still firm in the traditional hypothesis.

- In which Nefertiti is the Egyptian and Kiya the mysterious?

"Exactly, my dear companion, but you know? maybe as Marc Gabolde said it may be that Kiya was Taduhepa and that this was used to seal the alliance between the two empires.

-Sure, that issue is very controversial, but do you know that it is even more controversial?

- What?

-That Kiya and our jealous queen have disappeared the same year, that is, in the fourteenth year of the reign of Akhenaten.

-That is true, I have a hypothesis, in which Nefertiti full of anguish for the birth of her granddaughter Meritatón-Tasherit fruit of incest between her husband and her firstborn probably murdered Kiya and then divorced and disappeared from the kingdom.

-It could be, to then return as "Semenjkara" and marry Meritatón.

Semenjkara, another enigmatic character in the bag, you know? I would call this royal family the "Ghost Dynasty", each of them so enigmatic.

-I love to elaborate new hypotheses with you Betania. - said approaching and returning to the same previous tone used a while ago.

-MMM... thank you? - I already had him in front of me with his breath crashing my ear.

-You're welcome. - at the moment I was about to kiss, I ran my face and backed up; We just knew each other couldn't be happening this.

With much embarrassment I raised my face and muttered a sorry. He just squeezed out a smile and shrugged seemed not to care, even though his eyes didn't say the same thing.

Mitanni: Ancient kingdom located in northern Syria, this existed from 1500—1270 BC.C.

•Taduhepa: Princess Mitania, wife of Akhenaten, his father the case with him pharaoh to seal the alliance of these two empires, this is very enigmatic, the records do not show much and there is talk that when he arrived at the court he changed his name to an Egyptian one and that is why he would disappear from the historicalrecords.