It's the day Miyan have been longing for. Miyan have been waiting every moment for this day.He had to propose today as planned. He had two plans."I have two plans. Plan-A is to propose her and plan-B is.... I don't think I would need it. Let it be." Miyan is getting ready for graduation day.
Inaya and Jerry was looking around to find Ash and Miyan. Ash was looking to cute. He had a face like brighting stars. He was too happy because University life was a jail to him. He could persue now what he wants.Jerry,Miyan and Inaya has also the mind but they didn't think it as jail. They loved the University life.
Now they are taking photos, having fun, running around and meeting up with all.It is getting time to propose. Miyan was calling Inaya, Ash and Jerry to a quiet and lonely place.He had a bouquet of flowers. He has three best friends so he just call the three of them.
They came hurriedly because he was woth them and suddenly they saw he seem to be nowhere. They saw him with a bouquet. "What's going on?" they asked."Inaya, I love you.I love you from the moment you helped me. You changed me.You changed my thoughts. You supported me every moment. No one wanted to befriends with me but you wanted. I want to be with you.Will you be with me?" Miyan asked. Inaya suddenly feel too weird and it was too sudden that she couldn't decide and started hesitating. " um..... um...mmmmm.... I'm sorry Miyan....It is too sudden for me.I can't decide at this moment. Would you mind to give me some time to decide?"Inaya said. Miyan startled. He has no way but to say yes. He started going. The moment went awkward for them.
"I have to excute plan B to know if she really loves me." Miyan said to himself.