Chereads / Your Bizzare Adventure / Chapter 6 - Your Bizarre Adventure: The Genesis of UniverseChapter 2

Chapter 6 - Your Bizarre Adventure: The Genesis of UniverseChapter 2

ith his friends suddenly disapearing, Jotaro asks a merchant he had previously bought one perfume bottle if he had seen them. the merchant inform Jotaro of his friends location, what makes him run to them, believing the group to be in danger. He soon faces the enemy who was following the group, The Scribe Ani, who tries to defeat Jotaro by creating the AmmitW, the strongest ancient beast of Egypt. The Ammit proves to be a powerful foe, but suddenly dissapears after Polnareff and Joseph damage the part the creature is described in Ptah's pages. Jotaro blinds The Scribe Ani by throwing at him one perfume bottle he had previously bough so he wouldn't be able to summon anything else and then destroys The Scribe Ani's body with a barrage of "Ora ora" punches.

The next day, Iggy, who had just recovered from a serious battle against another enemy, and Kakyoin, who had finally been released from the hospital, met up with them. With all six now joined together once more, Iggy led them to the location of DIO's mansion.[45]

Battle in DIO's Mansion

Jotaro plays against Terence T. D'Arby.

The team arrived at DIO's mansion and were greeted by its butler, Telence T. D'Arby, younger brother of Daniel J. D'Arby. D'Arby quickly separated Jotaro, Joseph, and Kakyoin from Polnareff, Avdol, and Iggy and took them to his game room. D'Arby then challenged the trio to video games and if they lost their soul would be transferred to one of his dolls. First, D'Arby challenged Kakyoin to a racing game. While Kakyoin put up a good challenge, D'Arby was still able to win and took Kakyoin's soul. D'Arby then challenged Jotaro to a baseball videogame. In the beginning, Jotaro kept on missing and giving D'Arby the lead. However, having "memorized" the gameplay, Jotaro was able to successfully score four hits and take the advantage. But this did not distract D'Arby and he was able to take the lead once more. As the game continued, Jotaro was able to figure out that D'Arby's Stand, Atum, must be able to read an individual's mind. Jotaro then began announcing what his next movements would be, but the movements he actually did were different. D'Arby stared into Jotaro's soul but found that he wasn't lying. Jotaro continued this tactic and was able to defeat D'Arby in the process. D'Arby's loss was able to return Kakyoin to his body and the trick was revealed to be Joseph using Hermit Purple to control the game. With Kakyoin now safe, Jotaro beat D'Arby hard enough to paralyze him.[45]

The Joestars realize DIO is near.

With the game won, Jotaro, Joseph, and Kakyoin proceeded further into the mansion. Not long after that, the mansion began to crumble, indicating Polnareff and Avdol were fighting another enemy somewhere else inside.[46] They then headed towards the tower of the mansion, where they suspected Polarneff and Avdol to be.[47] They were soon confronted by one of DIO's remaining lackeys, Nukesaku, whom Jotaro easily beat. In exchange for letting him live, they took Nukesaku with them in order to gain any last-minute information they needed.[48]

The trio soon met back up with Polnareff, who was in the middle of fighting DIO. DIO then took the chance to run higher up the mansion's tower. Polnareff then told them of Avdol and Iggy, both of whom had died fighting DIO's right-hand man. Holding back their sadness, the four went to the top of the tower and found DIO's casket. They then forced Nukesaku to open the casket. However, instead of DIO, they found Nukesaku himself in the casket, dead. It was their first chance at seeing DIO's Stand, The World. Sensing the danger, Jotaro and the others fled the castle. With nightfall, they knew DIO would begin to chase them.[48]

The Final Battle


There's a reason for your defeat, DIO. One simple reason. You pissed me off.


—Jotaro Kujo, DIO's World

Jotaro and DIO begin their battle.

Now in Cairo, the team decided to split up, Jotaro and Polnareff on one end and Joseph and Kakyoin on the other. Needing an immediate mode of transportation, Jotaro and Polnareff stole a motorcycle and continued to search for DIO. They found two destroyed cars, indicating Joseph and Kakyoin were already in battle with DIO. Jotaro was able to find Joseph, who revealed that The World's ability was to stop time. Joseph was then stabbed by a knife DIO threw while in the frozen time and was rendered unconscious. Angered by this, as well as Kakyoin's death that had occurred moments earlier, Jotaro began his fight with DIO.[48]

Jotaro takes the upper hand.

As the fight started, Jotaro saw that The World had similar strength and speed to Star Platinum. They began pummeling each other, seemingly to equal ends. But The World proved slightly stronger and injured Jotaro. DIO then froze time but was shocked to see that Jotaro, even by just a little bit, was also able to move in the frozen time. However, DIO found a magnet on himself and Jotaro. Both magnets were on the same side, giving the illusion that Jotaro could actually move. DIO then moved in for the killing blow, but Jotaro was able land a powerful punch in the frozen time, indicating the magnets to be a red herring. But DIO quickly recovered after taking the blood of an innocent bystander.[48]

Jotaro is nearly killed by The World.

DIO froze time once more and proceeded to hit Jotaro with a barrage of knives from all sides. Jotaro was able to block several knives in frozen time but found himself unable to stop them all once time return to normal. He was stabbed multiple times and fell to the ground. However, anticipating such an attack, Jotaro stuffed his jacket and hat with magazines, thus preventing his body and head from actually getting injured. But he still had been stabbed deeply in his arms and right leg. DIO then came to see if Jotaro had truly died. To make sure, he was about to cut off Jotaro's head, until Polnareff came and stabbed DIO in the head. Using another time stop, DIO beat Polnareff. DIO then checked Jotaro's heartbeat, forcing him to use Star Platinum to stop his heart. DIO continued on with his original plan to cut Jotaro's head off but Jotaro was able to use this opportunity to land a strong blow directly into DIO's head and shatter part of his skull. Heavily wounded, DIO tried to retreat. But at every angle, Jotaro easily followed DIO and continuously beat him. But luck fell on DIO, as he was able to make it back to where Joseph's body was. Draining Joseph's body, DIO's wounds were all healed and he transformed into a much stronger form.[48]

The final attack.

Joseph's soul then appeared to Jotaro and told him to stay calm despite what anger DIO may cause him. DIO then completely drained Joseph's body, causing Jotaro to charge directly at DIO. DIO froze time again and Jotaro was able to move in frozen time more. But DIO, now supercharged, could move for an even longer time as well. DIO's strength had also increased and he began constantly beating Jotaro. DIO froze time again and threw a steamroller directly at Jotaro. Jotaro tried to push it back with Star Platinum, but was unable to continuously do it and was seemingly crushed. It had seemed that DIO was finally victorious in his century-long feud with the Joestars. But DIO soon found himself unable to move because Jotaro himself was able to stop time. Jotaro used his newly-discovered advantage to heavily injure DIO's legs. DIO then sprayed the blood from his legs onto Jotaro's eyes in an attempt to obscure his sight, and began a strong kick with his good leg. However, Jotaro was able to see through Star Platinum's eyes and counterattack with his arm. DIO's The World then began to crumble from the attack, causing DIO's body to break down as well. Even as he shouted how his defeat was impossible, DIO's head exploded. He was finally dead.[48]

The Long Journey Ends

Jotaro and Joseph bid farewell to Polnareff.

Jotaro and Polnareff's injuries were dealt with by the Speedwagon Foundation. Since DIO had taken much of Joseph's blood, Jotaro asked for a blood transfusion from DIO's body to Joseph's. After using Star Platinum to restart Joseph's heartbeat, the transfusion began. The shriveled-up body that Joseph had after losing so much blood began returning to his normal muscular figure and Joseph fully revived. Later, Jotaro and Joseph took the remainder DIO's body outside, where it evaporated with the rising sun. They then gave one final moment of thought for Kakyoin, Iggy, and Avdol.[49]

At the airport, Jotaro and Joseph gave a final goodbye to Polnareff, who was ready to return to his home country of France. The trio gave their final goodbyes and left, promising to see one another again someday. In Japan, Holy awoke fully healed and freed from the curse. Even miles away, she knew her son and father were coming home.[49]