Chereads / Royal Flames / Chapter 1 - Chapter 1(In the outset)

Royal Flames

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1(In the outset)

Manhattan, New York.

Liston Hospital.

Tuesday, July 17th, 2020.

8:30 pm

The paramedic rushed a bloody patient on a sled to the ER.

Doctor Martha Edmonds rushed towards them in haste.

She pulled on her gloves and rushed towards the patient.

"What do we have?" She asked the medics.

"25-year-old female. She was run over by a car. She's suffering from severe bleeding and concussion." The paramedic reported.

"Alright, I need a hand here" Doctor Edmonds yelled.

Two interns rushed towards her.

"Ernie, prepare for a CT. Lenny, you with me" Doctor Edmonds ordered.

The woman was turned to her flank and held in a cervical collar.

She groaned in pain as they transferred her from the sled to the bed.

"Be still, ma'am we are here to help. Lenny lets turn her over on three. Ernie, we need a hand here" Doctor Edmonds said.

On three counts they slowly turned the patient over.

To their surprise, she had a huge grin on her face.

Doctor Edmonds stared in astonishment.

"Ember?" she muttered.

The tawny blonde haired smiled at the mention of her name.

"Cousin!" the woman engulfed her instantly.

The two interns stood stunned.

"Ma'am you have severe wounds you should lie down," Ernie said.

"Oh, this? It's nothing, I faked it" she said in her thick British accent.

"You faked? But the blood..."

"What is wrong with you? What are you doing here?" Doctor Edmonds asked.

Ember's forehead creased with a frown. But it was replaced quickly with a smile.

"Hello, Ember? How have you been Ember? You look good Ember. I like what you did with your hair Ember? That would be nice, cuz. It's been ten years, are you not happy to see me?" Ember hugged her again.

Doctor Edmonds held her back.

"You can go guys. I will handle this" Doctor Edmonds told the interns.

The interns threw Ember a puzzled look before leaving.

Doctor Edmonds pulled the blue curtains closed as soon as they left

"What on earth is wrong with you? This is my workplace you can't just show up here." Doctor Edmonds snapped.

She pulled off her bloody gloves and threw them into the trash.

"Well, I didn't just show up... I was admitted and..."

"That is worse Ember. There were bystanders, who saw get you, get hit by a car. A few minutes ago, you were on the verge of dying now look at you, all good without a scratch. Did you forget that would raise questions? You idiot" Doctor Edmonds said infuriated.

"You don't have to insult me. How was I supposed to get your attention? Besides, if they don't buy the faking story I can just tell them I'm a vampire and..."

"Be quiet Ember! Stop talking" Doctor Edmonds hissed.

"Got it. I forgot the part where you are surrounded by humans now...but seriously can I get something to wear?. These bloody clothes have served their purpose" Ember told her.

Doctor Edmonds sighed.

"Fine. Follow me and don't talk. Got it?" Doctor Edmonds warned.

"Jeez, yes mi lady" Ember saluted jovially.

They both stepped out of the ER towards the south section.

"Thank goodness, Doctor Edmonds, George wants your signatures on these, for the surgery tomorrow." a woman in white scrubs walked towards them.

"Alright, Hagar, here you go" Doctor Edmonds signed the ledge quickly.

"Thank you, Doctor, and good luck for tomorrow. Hey, you must be lost..."

"No Hagar, she's with me," Doctor Edmonds said.

"Oh alright, doctor. I guess will see you tomorrow" Hagar cast a curious glance towards Ember before walking away.

"Wow... you seem very respected around her. But Edmonds? Blaise, you could have done better" Ember scoffed.

Blaise turned sharply at the mention of her name.

"The name is Martha Edmonds, not Blaise," She said.

"Pfft, yeah right, Margaret Edmonds," Ember said with a tone of mockery.

Upon entering Blaise's office she smiled.

"Wow, nice office" Ember said looking around.

"Change into these" Blaise handed her a hospital frock.

"What are you doing here in New York? Why are you at my workplace and why couldn't you just call?" Blaise asked.

"Okay easy there, one question at a time, and good Lord, what have you done to your hair? And seriously, Martha Edmonds? Really, Blaise, Martha?" Ember raised an eyebrow.

"I asked first Ember, and yes, Martha, that's my name now and yes, I dyed my hair. It's been this way for 10 years now. Now tell me why you are here. If not, I have surgery to prep for." Blaise told her as she grabbed her coat.

"Princess Blaise Vivian Edmonton, that's your name Blaise, not Margaret?" Ember said.

"Martha...not Margaret, Ember. This is my life now, so if you would excuse me." Blaise grabbed her back and walked out of the office.

"A boring life, I can tell," Ember followed after her.

"You didn't come all the way from across the world, to tell me, how boring you think my life is. Did you?" Blaise asked.

"No, I didn't. But since you mentioned it, let's talk about it. Let's start with your ridiculous name" Ember stepped in next to her.

"I don't have time for this" Blaise quickened her pace.

"Hey wait up" Ember caught up to her.

"Blaise. Blaise you..."

"Martha." a voice called after her.

Both Blaise and Ember turned to find a tall black haired in blue scrubs.

"Well, hello handsome" Ember winked at him.

"Hello there." He replied with a smile.

"Hayden, hey" Blaise replied.

"You are already leaving?" he asked.

"Yes, I..."

"Ember Edmonton." Ember interrupted her.

She shook Hayden's hand instantly.

"Err... Do I...."

"I'm Bla... Martha's cousin" Ember introduced.

Hayden furrowed his brows.

"Cousin? told me you..."

"She's a very distant relative. It's not important. What did you want to tell me?" Blaise pulled aside.

"Martha, this is the first time I've met your family member. Don't you want to introduce me?" Hayden asked.

Blaise sighed.

"Fine, Hayden, meet my cousin, Ember. Ember, meet Doctor Hayden Dawner, my boyfriend" Blaise introduced.

"Well I must admit, cuz, you got yourself a keeper. He is gorgeous. Ember Edmonton at your service" Ember did a low bow.

Blaise rolled her eyes but Hayden smiled.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you Ember. It's too bad Martha never mentioned you." Hayden shook her hand

"Oh, I bet she didn't. I didn't even know she was called Martha, until now so..."

"Wait, you don't know..."

"Ignore her. Now, what did you want to tell me?" Blaise interrupted him.

"Martha, why are you behaving strangely? What's wrong?" Hayden asked.

"Yes Martha, tell us why you are being so weird" Ember smirked.

Blaise glared at her.

"It's nothing Hayden. I... I am just tired and I need to rest. Remember I have a big day tomorrow?" Blaise asked.

Hayden nodded.

"I understand. You get some rest. I will see you first thing tomorrow" Hayden said.

"But what did you want to say?" Blaise asked.

"Don't worry, it can wait. Alright," he told her.

"Alright, if you say so" Blaise retorted.

"I will be here waiting till it's over. And, it was a pleasure meeting you Ember. We should all have dinner sometime" Hayden suggested.

"A great idea. It was a pleasure meeting you too handsome" Ember replied.

"Good night love" Hayden kissed Blaise's lips lightly.

"Good night, Hayden. I love you" she told him.

"I love you too" he replied with a smile.

"I take back my words. Maybe your life isn't entirely boring.... "

"What was the meaning of that?" Blaise grabbed Ember's arm angrily.

"Ouch...hey, what are you talking about?" Ember yanked her arm from Blaise's grip.

"You didn't even know her name was Martha? Flirting with him and throwing me under the bus?" Blaise said angrily.

"Calm down, cuz. I was just playing around." Ember said.

"This is not a game Ember. I've been with Hayden for the past two years and we are engaged to be married. You showing up and saying stupid things can ruin everything." Blaise said through gritted teeth.

"I didn't tell you to lie to him. did I?" Ember asked.

Blaise groaned with frustration. She turned back to Ember with a composed expression.

"Whatever it is you want, I don't want to know. I have something good going on here and I won't let you ruin it. So just go back to where you came from" Blaise told her.

"Eldovania is on the verge of a collapse," Ember said abruptly.

Blaise laughed.

"It's not funny Blaise. We are all about to lose our home" Ember said in a serious tone.

"Point of correction, your home. Not mine" Blaise headed towards the elevator.

Ember followed after her.

"I knew you would say that. I came to give you a heads up." Ember said.

"Whatever it is I'm not interested" Blaise pressed the elevator button.

"Oh, you sure as hell will be when the time comes. The royal coffers have almost gone empty. Rumors have already started circulating about it. But the Lord of Valeria has agreed to a royal alliance between the two kingdoms. He is ready to support Eldovania in any possible way." Ember said.

Blaise chuckled.

"We both know the Valerians never give anything for free.." she said.

"Strangely, they want nothing in return," Ember said.

"Well, that's strange. A Valerian never gives for free." Blaise said.

"You think I don't know that. The Valerians have been after Eldovania's territory for centuries. Now they have her wrapped around their fingers they don't want anything? However, your father, doesn't want to owe them anything. So he's agreed to the alliance on the terms of one of his children marrying into the Valerian kingdom." Ember said.

Blaise turned sharply with a frown.

The elevator door opened up but she stood rooted to the spot.

"You are bloody kidding, right? My father has just one child. And that can't be me, because he disowned me, remember?" Blaise asked.

"That's true but I'm serious Blaise. You wed Lord Valerian in ten days. The treaty will be signed after that and Eldovania will be restored to its glory." Ember said.

Blaise ran her hands through her hair confused. The elevator beeped to close up. She placed a hand there to stop it.

"Blaise, say something" Ember said.

Blaise suddenly stepped into the elevator without a word.

"Hey, cuz... you can't just..."

"Stay back Ember," Blaise said in a cold tone.

Ember stepped back instantly.

Blaise clicked the elevator button impatiently.

"Close up already dammit" she muttered angrily.

"Blaise...come on. Talk to me" Ember said.

"What do you want me to say Ember?" Blaise furiously stepped out of the elevator again.

People passing by threw them curious glances.

"Cuz... come down. I know it's all too much to..."

"You know? What do you know? Tell me Ember, what do you about what I am feeling right now? You weren't there when my father cast me out. The look on his face when he told me I wasn't welcome in my own home anymore. My mother did nothing to stop him. Do you have any idea how lost I felt after that? Do you know how hard I suffered to get this far on my own? No, you don't? You have how no idea how these ten long years have been for me. None of you were there when I need you the most? Yet, you just wake up and decide to condemn me to a life with a ruthless and cold man, I don't even know. No way, Ember. No way, so you better listen to me. Go back to your kingdom and tell that egotistic maniac I, unfortunately, have for father, he can shove that alliance down his old ass" Blaise said in her face.

"Blaise I only...."

"Not another word from you," Blaise said abruptly.

She pressed the elevator button again.

It opened instantly and she stepped in.

"Blaise the fate of Eldovania is in your hands now," Ember told her.

Blaise chuckled.

"Then you are all going to crash and burn because I don't give a rat's ass about that kingdom or the people in it" Blaise spat bitterly.

The elevator doors shut closed.

Ember stood in silence for a while. She suddenly remembered something more important.

"Bloody hell! ... I didn't even tell her the worst part" She yelled.

"Excuse me ma'am are you okay?" a nurse asked her.

"Me? Yes...yes how can I not be?" She said with sarcasm.

She clicked the elevator button. She hoped Blaise hadn't gone far.

"Are you sure?" the nurse asked.

Ember rolled her eyes.

"Ugh...You can't even recognize sarcasm. Just forget. You, humans, are as dumb as it is" She muttered before stepping into the elevator.

Blaise stepped into the corridor to her small Victorian home.

She was soaked wet from the sudden downpour of rain. Her car broke down on the highway. As if her day wasn't bad enough, the rain began pouring. She had to walk two blocks and order a ride.

She pulled off her coat and scrambled through her bag for her keys. She grunted in frustration she couldn't find them. She poured the content of her bag on the floor and rampaged through it.

"There you are." She finally found the key and opened the door.

She threw her wet coat on the floor and dropped the keys in the bowl.

She felt so frustrated and angry.

"Save Eldovania." She scoffed.

She stepped out her soaked shoes before heading towards the kitchen.

"The fate of Eldovania my ass" she mimicked Ember's voice.

She was so angry not at Ember. She just delivered the news. But at those who didn't even have the guts to tell her to her face. Her parents.

She pulled a bottle of white wine from the small kitchen cellar. She poured herself a glass full and gulped it all at once.

She sighed with satisfaction.

It was a bad idea to get drunk the night before major surgery. But she was on the verge of losing it, if she didn't get drunk she had no idea what else to do.

Blaise gulped down the second glass and poured herself a third. She drained the third glass and headed for the stairs.

"Fuck it" she headed back to the kitchen counter to grab the whole bottle of wine.

"I will advise you to take it easy." a voice said from behind.

Blaise got startled and the wine glass crashed to the floor.

She turned around and froze.

"Good Lord, Edmund you startled her." a beautiful woman in her early fifties rushed to her side.

Blaise stared as she took her hand.

There was a strand of grey hair in her neatly tied red bun. Her blue eyes were filled with worry. She hadn't aged a day.

"Vivian, are you okay?" her mother touched her cheek.

Blaise looked from her mother to the man at the kitchen entrance.

Her father. Lord Edmund Edmonton in his full glory. He hadn't aged a day either. He wore his normal expressionless look. His emerald eyes were full of disapproval.

After ten good years and they suddenly show up. Uninvited.

How did they even know where she was?

She'd changed her name, her passports, and everything concerning her old self. Yet they found her.

"Vivian child are you..."

"What are you two doing here?" Blaise glared at her mother.

Her mother reached for her. Blaise pulled away instantly.

"We are here to see you, honey. Why else will we be here?" her mother asked

Blaise burst into laughter.

"Our purpose seems to amuse you?" Lord Edmund asked in his thick British accent.

"Oh pardon me your majesty but yes you amuse me. I've been dead to you for ten good years and you suddenly show up, caring about me? It sure as hell is funny to me" Blaise said.

"No matter how long it's has been, we are here bow, aren't we?" Lord Edmund asked.

"I didn't force you to come. Did I?" Blaise raised her voice.

"Mind you tone young lady," Lord Edmund said sternly.

Lady Veronica placed a hand on his arm. He sighed.

"You may not be leaving under my roof anymore but I am still your father. You will show me the needed respect." Lord Edmund said.

Blaise frowned.

"You didn't come all the way to preach me on my attitude. did you?" Blaise asked.

"No, I didn't. I have more important news. It concerns..."

" Yes, I know. Eldovania is on the verge of a collapse and you need me, the black sheep to save it. Well, I will tell you the same thing I told Ember, I don't give a rat's ass about you and Eldovania. You can all go to hell for all I care" She walked past them.

Two guards blocked her path instantly.

Blaise frowned.

"Please get them out of my way. You are in my house, mind you." Blaise said over her shoulder.

"I am not begging you to come for my sake. Eldovania is your birthright, you should fight for it." Lord Edmund said.

"Don't you get it? I don't care. How many times do I have to tell you? I don't care what happens to Eldovania. If the Valerians want it, let them have it for all I care. I have a life that needs my attention now." Blaise said.

"Don't be stubborn Vivian. Just come back home to where you belong" Her mother said.

"Oh don't pretend as if you care. You are not even here because you want me back. You are here because of your greedy intentions. I am not going anywhere. I am staying here, the only place which has been my home for as long as I can remember" She pushed through the two guards and headed for the stairs.

"Vivian" her father called her from behind.

She halted in her steps instantly.

"Don't let your people suffer because of your spite for me. I didn't come here to severe old wounds. I just want you to come back home. And if it's not too late, I will like to ask for your... forgiveness" Lord Edmund stuttered.

Blaise raised her eyebrows in shock but didn't turn back to him. They stood in awkward silence for a fleeting minute.

Her father suddenly spoke up.

"We leave at 5 pm tomorrow for Eldovania. Call me if you change your mind. And good luck on your surgery" he turned away to leave.

The guards followed him out of the house. Her mother stayed behind.

Blaise stood rooted to the spot. Still wondering if she was just dreaming.

How did he know she...

"He was always watching you, child," a calm voice said from behind.

Blaise turned to find her mother still there. She walked up to her and cupped her face.

She stroked Blaise's cheek with her gloved hand.

"You dyed your hair" her mother chuckled.

Blaise nodded slowly.

"You always hated your red hair" Tears fell from her eyes as she spoke.

"You know, facing you has been one of the hardest things we've had to do. Especially for your father." Her mother told her.

"I didn't..."

"Just listen to me, Vivian. Your father doesn't take pleasure to see you suffer. He was heartbroken when you left. He cried on nights when he thought I was asleep. Yet he pretended nothing was wrong whenever I asked him. But I know him too well. I know him too well to tell you this, he regrets what he's done. So do I, for not standing by your side, when you needed me the most. The real reason we both want you home is because he's dying Vivian." Lady Veronica told her.

Blaise furrowed her brows.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"He has the witch scourge," Her mother told her.

"What? He was hexed? who and..."

"You are not the only person your father has wronged over the years, Vivian. The Valerians are not helping us just from the goodness of their hearts. They know about your father's ailment. They've been after Eldovania for so long. What better moment for them to take it without her King?" She asked.

"I beg of you, my love. Think this through. Not for our sakes but for our people. Please." her mother kissed her fingers lightly.

She stepped away from her with a smile.

"I was good seeing you again my child. And I know it doesn't mean much to you, but you have made us proud." Lady Veronica turned to leave.

Blaise walked after her and shut the door behind her.

"I love you Vivian" she heard a faint whispered from behind the door.

A tear fell from Blaise's eyes. She wiped it quickly and locked the door. Her hand was still on the doorknob. Everything in her urged her to just open the day and hug her. But her heart wouldn't let her.

The knob suddenly glowed hot red and scorched her.

She quickly let go and stared in horror.

The doorknob had melted away.

She looked down in her right palm. There was an image of a creature in her palm. It blazed red like fire.

"Bloody hell!" she muttered in shock.