"Honey! I have to get going for my interview!" Mr.Brown called out as he grabbed his coat. "Okay, Dad! Good luck!" Matilda jogged down the stairs, turning the corner. "Anything planned for today?" He asked, hoping Matilda would say yes. He wanted her to get out of the house and explore Wigston. Placing her hands in her pockets and glancing off to the side, she grinned. "Actually, I do. Bria suggested a few things to do so I'll be out as well."
He smiled at Matilda, happiness beamed around him, knowing that Matilda was finally getting out of her shell. "I'm glad we met the Bennets, they certainly had a great time."
"I did too. I was surprised that Carla didn't mention having a twin." Mr.Brown shrugged his shoulders as he glanced at his watch. "I'm sure she had her reason, but I best get going. Can't be late for the interview." He planted a kiss on Matilda's head before scurrying off to his car. After checking the time, she ran up to her room to take a warm shower. She threw on an oversized black sweater with blue jeans, finishing off with black boots. She grabbed her backpack and locked the door behind her.
The day was cold but it wasn't compared to New York where you had to wear large coats, mittens, scarfs, hats, and snow boots to avoid falling over. The leaves began to fall and change into different shades of color - something Matilda loved. Once she made it further down the street, she saw stores decorated with carved pumpkins, stickers, boards displaying new pumpkin recipes. Some of which the Bennets had at their place.
She was big on decorations and bringing the spirit to anyone she could so seeing Wigston take part warmed her heart. Living in a new town and seeing new decorations gave her inspiration on how to decorate her house, most importantly, her room. Stopping by a Home store, she realized there was so much to get that'd fit perfectly in her room. So she went in and bought more than what she wanted. A life-size paper skeleton for her door, a pumpkin tower for her desk, an orange pillow with the word "Fall" sewn on the front, and an orange and black throw blanket for her bed. After that, she made her way to the corner coffee shop, the one Bria demanded her to visit. It had a display set out front with specials and limited editions.
Inside was small but big enough for a few tables and corner booths. A few people were ordering at the register, others sat at tables, their faces buried in their laptops. As she walked in, she was greeted by a lady, who seemed to be the owner. "Hello, new face! What can I get started for you today?" She asked. It wasn't hard for Matilda to tell that this lady was overly excited for.. the season? A new customer? Who knows but her emotions made Matilda happy. "I was just looking at your display outside. You have pumpkin muffins and pumpkin spice coffee?" Matilda had only hoped. "Of course! The muffin is a special item and special items usually don't last very long." She noticed Matilda's face dropped.
"But to cheer you up, there is some leftover so you came just in time." She assures her while placing the order in. A few minutes later, she returns with Matilda's order and waved her off. She took her first sip and sighed at the hot liquid soothing her throat. A little further down the road, Matilda noticed a boy whose head was buried in an interesting book, two coffees scattered across the table. She couldn't see his face but she noticed his curly hair. He looked up at her and grinned before turning his gaze back to the book. She scurried off as she ate her breakfast, reaching towards the bookstore just in time. After eyeing it, she walked in as the smell of books hit her nose.
"Welcome to Abby's Bookstore, you may help yourself to any aisle, and remember, there's a clearance section in the middle."
Matilda found herself wandering in the Fiction aisle, where she managed to find three books. She walked down a little further and found a book that interests her.
Glinneterra: The Magical World
"That book is amazing." Matilda jumped at the random, deep voice behind her. Turning, she rises her gaze up to a boy whose face was inches away. Her voice was caught in her throat as the boy reached above her to grab a book. "I don't suppose you've heard of Glinneterra?" He asked. "Oh, uh. No, I haven't. What's it about?" She asked, watching him chuckle. "It's a magical world." He responds hastily, earning an eye roll from Matilda. "The name is pretty straightforward, I meant…"
He turned on his heels and walked down the aisle, causing Matilda to follow behind. "I know what you meant, love." He laughs softly, "It's a magical world that revolves around different types of magic and mythical creatures. Plots and twists all around." He walked up to the cashier with Matilda by his side. "It basically explains the story of Glinneterra's history and how it's one of the most famous places in Fiction." He adds as he grabs the bag from the lady.
"I hope you enjoy those books." He says, winking at her as he opens the front door with his back. Matilda exited the door, looking both ways, only to see that the Mysterious Boy was nowhere to be seen. It was almost as if he vanished quickly. She shook her head and walked down the street that was filled with shoppers, postmen, couples holding hands, and children throwing items at each other. She walked further down before noticing a man dressed in a long raincoat and wore a top hat. His face was slightly covered and his hands were shoved in his pockets.
She found it strange that he was dressed as if he was undercover and his body language was stiff. She watched him kneel, peering over his shoulders. He pulled his hand out and caressed a dying flower planted in front of a store. He mouthed a few words to himself as a random white light glowed in his hand, transforming into a cloud of sparks. It floated over to the flower that seemed to liven in a few seconds. After he was satisfied with the recovering flower, he stood up and walked away. Matilda was sure that what she saw was real but by the time she could convince herself, the man was gone, in the speed of light. Now that the flower was by itself, she took a moment to see for herself that she wasn't hallucinating. The closer she got, the more jerky her nerves got.
The flower was bloomed, bright, and open. She wondered who that man was and how he managed to do this. She remembered the Mysterious Boy and how he had vanished quickly but none of that was adding up. Whatever it was, it was strange.