Chapter 2 - Glossary

Aesorite: A highly heat and pressure resistant alloy with the appearance of brass.

Ashara: Skiitheyan name for Allmother.

Allmother: A deity worshipped in Ishtar and several other regions.

Baktra: A region of land roughly situated in Central Asia, West of Skiitheya

Castellan: Ruler/protector of Ishtar.

Erda: Alternate name of Earth

Falcata: A type of saber used by the Katafraktii of Ishtar.

Ferroglass: A metallic compound used for construction.

Graekan: A region of land and archipelago located in and around the Greek Peninsula.

Innarikon: Meditarri name for Allmother.

Ishtar: A city-state based on the eastern coast of Meditarri Marshlands (Somewhere is Southern Turkey or Syria), famous for its moisture farms.

Katafraktos: (Literal translation: armored warrior) A warrior who is a member of Ishtaran nobility.

Kopis: A curved sword used by Skiitheyan and Graekanii tribes.

Meditarri: (Also known as Medetar) The region surrounding the salt marsh that was formerly the Mediterranean sea.

Parth: A region of land covering the northern parts of the Arabian peninsula and the Persian gulf.

Permacrete: A building material with extremely enhanced durability and longetivity.

Plascrete: A carbon based building material used for construction of furniture and smaller structures.

Plasteel: An organometallic material used in daily tools.

Seneschal: A steward/confidant.

Skiitheya: A region of land located in Central Eurasia.

Witch: A commonly used but derogatory term used to refer to individuals with psychoactive abilities.