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The Golden, White, Pink, and Blue wolves were said to be myths. Turns out they aren't, they're actually siblings each a power of their own. Sakura, twin to Shiro, the youngest, has the power to heal. Shiro, twin to Sakura, the middle child, has the power of spirits. Soren, the second oldest, has the power of the elements. Last but not least, Shiraga, the eldest, has the power of balance. This book is not going to be all four of their stories. I'm going to individually post each their own story. This is just previews of all four of their stories. When I'm done with all four books they will all be uploaded here, but for now these are just the previews. The order of which sibling's story will come is in this order Sakura, Shiraga, Soren, then Shiro. Hope you enjoy the previews.

Chapter 1 - Sakura Preview

Sakura has the power of healing. She can heal anything and anyone, but she has limits. She can only properly heal something/someone if the magical binds are compatible. Here's how magical binds work. Try to think of it like chemicals. You mix certain chemicals with one another and if they are incompatible, they go "BOOM" meanwhile if they are then they mix fine.

The wrong bind can make the situation worse.

Sakura is the pink wolf. Matching her fur, her hair and eyes are also pink. She is about 5'5 and is 17.


We wolves have a hierarchy:

The Moon Goddess

The Golden Wolf

The White Wolf

The Red Wolf

The Pink Wolf

Other Mythical Wolves...


Luna (by title only, but the Luna can be stronger than betas or as strong as the alpha)




Us four Maga-wolves are equally powerfully in a sense we cancel one another out. If one ever got out of control the other sibling would be able to take the other out, but in a circumstance of strength it usually goes like how it is in the hierarchy. It depends how you look at it. Healing is just as useful as any type of defensive magic.

I am one of the four main Maga-wolves. Of course, there may be others, but I would not know of them. All I have known for an exceedingly long time are my brothers, Shiro and Shiraga, and my sister Soren. We have been living in a space bubble Shiraga created. It is to protect us from harm. We may be powerful, but we are not immortal. Unfortunately, this means that we do not encounter other wolves much.

The only time we come out of our safe space is when we are collecting resources for our survival such as water, food, clothing, etc. We do have lives as "humans" though. It is the only way we could make money and buy resources we were not able to obtain. It also keeps us updated on the world as it constantly changes and what we need to do to keep its balance.

One of my many jobs is keeping a natural balance of animals. If an animal is on the brink of extinction, I heal them and make sure their population keeps going so the food chain stays balanced. If one population increased and its prey decreased, it would significantly affect the entire food chain. I try to prevent it from ever getting to that point though.

On my way walking back from healing some animals and strengthening some trees to prevent deforestation, I decided to take a little stroll. It is not often that Shiraga lets me out of his sight being the overly protective brother he is. I am already 17 and yet I am still that child from so many years ago in his eyes. I sighed just thinking about how overbearing he is.

Soren tells me that at least he was preparing me for my mate who was bound to be overprotective. My mate. With my existence not being known and my appearance being scarce, how was I going to find a mate? I do not even know if we have mates. I do not think it would make sense if we did. Our existence is a myth to many, we are not to show our powers in front of others, and we are to avoid exploitation of our powers at all costs.

If we did have mates the entire relationship would be based on lies and secrets. A relationship like that is bound to crumble. It is simply unhealthy. We do not date humans or others for those same reasons. Why start something that is guaranteed to end? If one of us got too heartbroken and we started to lose control of our emotions and powers, we are forced to put the other down.

It is an instinct that has been drilled into us. It is like an alpha's orders, impossible to disobey, if you were lower than them in rank. Except in our case the Moon Goddess is our Alpha and from the moment we were born that command has been there.

It has never been something we were willing to risk. If we were forced to kill a sibling, the killer or other siblings could lose control and it would lead to a whole chain of us killing one another until the last one standing would be killed by the goddess if they could not handle the grief.

The thought in itself was terrifying. Losing my family to my family is a thought I simply cannot bear. It is cruel and cold hearted. Thinking about it gave me shivers down my spine so I immediately stopped thinking about it. I then really focused on my surroundings and saw I wondered off. I knew this place. I knew every place. It came with the job. Travelling was one benefit of our responsibilities, but it also does not leave a lot of wonder at the end of the day.

Soon there is nothing to really think about. Now do we know every part of the earth? No. We cannot explore the deep seas. With Soren and her elemental powers, it is possible, but the oceans are not our responsibility. I am sure that it belongs to a completely different race. You do not want to accidentally violate another race's boundaries. It is a signal for war if you are not on good terms. It could easily be taken as trespassing or spying.

As I observe my surroundings to get a promising idea of where I am I quickly remember. This is the Bloodlust Pack's territory. Their name alone inserts fear into the people who hear the name. Not wanting to cause any misunderstandings I quickly go to make my way out of their territory to a place where I can safely use my magic.

That plan immediately goes out of the window the moment I realize I am surrounded. Shoot. If Shiraga got wind of this, which he always does, he would never let me out of his sight. I cannot afford to get caught and let news spread. Shiraga would immediately know if I was lying or if something was wrong. So, my solution is to have nothing to lie about meaning I need to get out of here and fast.

I could not shift for obvious reasons and my magic also was not a choice. None of this mattered though as I had basic training in what to do in such situations. The wolves started closing in on me in a circle. I got into a defensive stance ready to kick some ass. It was then I sensed their alpha was with them. He might be a bit of a challenge, but nothing I cannot handle.

I was ready to strike when a powerful aroma hit my senses. A very delightful one at that. The powerful smell of...Cookies and flowers? - quickly invaded and attacked my senses making my wolf purr in delight. Purr? My wolf does NOT purr. Something was wrong. I started feeling a little weak and felt my stance soften. Did they throw some gas into the air to weaken me? I knew nothing of such a thing.

It was at that moment I locked eyes with the most beautiful wolf I have ever seen. He was a peach and white wolf. His paws, the tip of his tail and some spots of fur were white leaving the rest a light peach. He was a big wolf and judging from the power radiating from him he was a beta. As we kept eye contact my heart started speeding up and my wolf began to jump.

I had absolutely no idea what was going on. Mate! my wolf screamed. I swear to the moon I nearly fainted right then and there, but quickly fought against it knowing it would not be the smartest thing to do in my situation.

I never knew this situation would ever happen.

I was confused. My mate must have told his alpha about me because the wolves stopped closing in on me, but still regarded me with caution in case I was an enemy or meant them any harm. They did not know if I was a threat or not and just because I am their beta's mate did not mean I was in the clear. I did not know if I would be able to fight with my mate looking at me as if I was the most precious thing on the earth.

I could use my strong aura to show them I was of higher rank, but no average wolf knew of any wolf higher than an alpha. Not only would they start questioning me as to who or what I am, I would also automatically deem myself a threat and I was not willing to hurt these people as much anymore with my mate that I thought I would never have, being a part of the pack. I was in a pickle.

I am conflicted between my emotions, my wolf, and my instincts telling me to run to my mate and my mind telling me to get out of here NOW.

My mate took a step towards me, and I stood there not knowing what to do. He looked at me with caution. Not because he thought I meant harm, but because he was scared, I would run away. Thankfully yet unfortunately I did not have to decide that as Soren quickly joined the scene.

She was up in the trees, but of course nobody but me noticed it. She was only noticed when she wanted to be. She shook the tree, getting the wolves' attention off me and onto her. She jumped off the branch and next to my side. My mate quickly started to growl. "We let you roam for two seconds Sakura." My mate seemed to have melted at the sound of my name, but his defensive stance never faltered.

"I know I wasn't paying attention and well. This happened. He is my mate." I whispered to where only us two could hear. Her eyes slightly bulged as she turned her head to my mate already knowing who it was from the way he was staring. "That makes this situation a lot harder. Could one of you please shift so we can have a proper discussion?" Soren said to nobody in particular.

My mate was going behind a tree until his alpha stopped him. My mate growled, obviously wanting to talk to me. His alpha growled back harder quickly putting him in his place, this being something I quickly reacted to, growled at the alpha. The alpha shifted his gaze to me trying to shut me up with his intimidating stare.

I could tell he meant no harm to me though. That fact did not stop my mate from growling at his alpha. Before the growling session escalated any further Soren spoke up. "Enough with the growling. It is annoying. If any of you could go behind a tree and come back out using words that would be lovely." The alpha snarled at her but went behind a tree and shifted anyway.

He came back out with some shorts and no shirt. It was common for wolves to leave clothes around in case they needed them after a shift. He was quite toned, and I would have drooled over him if not having met my mate two minutes ago. This did not prevent Soren though. She whistled when he came from behind the trees. He had shaggy brown hair, hazel eyes, and a tanned and toned body.

"Honestly, you're too sexy to be growling like that." She smirked, looking him in the eyes with no shame. One thing about my sister is that her shamelessness knew no limits. It often made me laugh, this time being no exception. I let out a small giggle that I tried to cover up but failed at.

My mate looked lovesick as I looked back at him. I felt a blush creep up on my face and quickly turned into Soren's body. Anything to keep me from his gaze that made me feel that I had no control over my body. My wolf on the other hand took joy in his gaze. "You have quite the effect on my little sister here." Soren giggled.

I playfully slapped her arm, silently begging her to stop. She ignored me and continued to talk to my mate. "Can you shift as well.? You should be part of this conversation." The alpha growled not liking somebody else telling his beta what to do.

My mate looked at his alpha for permission before shifting back. His alpha nodded and he went behind the tree and came back out in shorts. To say I was turned on was a huge understatement. He was just as toned as his alpha. His hair was a light blonde, and his eyes were a light shade of yellow. His eyes were not golden like Soren's were, but they were still beautiful. I was full of lust as I stared him down my jaw slack.

Soren tapped my jaw letting me know it was open. I quickly closed it and turned away from my mate in embarrassment. How could I just stare at him like that! I hated how out of tune I was with myself but loved the way he made me feel. Even it would take some getting used to.

He chuckled and I looked back at him to see a grin on his face. His eyes filled with adoration and lust. His emotions were too overwhelming for me. Suddenly I thought about how we would never be able to build a trustworthy relationship with me being a Maga-wolf and my mood noticeably dampened.

I could tell my mate was looking at me with worry, but I ignored his gaze. Before he was able to ask about it his alpha spoke up.

"Enough with the interactions. What are rogues doing in my territory?" Rogues?! I was deeply offended. Not that I had anything against rogues, it was just with the way so many people despised them, being called a rogue was nothing short of an insult.

I could tell my mate wanted to say something, but he held his tongue. "My sister here was roaming off and didn't take careful watch of her surroundings. She ended up entering your territory without realizing. When she did not meet up at our usual spot, I got worried and tracked her here. I didn't want to make the situation worse when I saw her."

She could stealth like a damn pro and did not need to think to do it. Lying was also a quality we have naturally acquired by spending so much time around humans. Lying to them was easy compared to a wolf who could tell if your heart rate went up or not.

We were not scared or nervous about lying to him so our hearts would not race. It was a second instinct. If he heard my heart racing well that would be the result of my mate.

"As you know your sister is mated to my beta. We cannot trust that you two are not a threat, so you need to come back with us. We will ask you some questions and once we deem you both trustworthy, she can get to know her mate. As for you, if we find nothing wrong you can become part of the pack since your sister will be with her mate."

I did not like the sound of being interrogated, but the thought of spending more time with my mate made me grin. The thought was very pleasant. I knew Soren would say no. We have been here for too long as it is, and our brothers are bound to notice it sooner than later if they have not already.

We need to discuss this before we do anything, but I knew that if we ran now and came back later things would be a lot more complicated. I mind-linked Soren before she could say her answer. "Soren please. I want to get to know him." I begged her.

"You do know everything wrong with this entire situation right. If you get to know him now you will not be able to leave. And you know we will have to eventually. We cannot just abandon our duties and your mate will get suspicious if you sneak around. I don't need you heartbroken after all of this."

I already knew what she meant when she said that. She did not want to be forced to kill me.

"Your mate will still be here. He is not going anywhere. We will make sure of that, but we cannot stay here." she said with sympathy lacing her voice.

"I know, but you know our brothers won't allow this. Especially not Shiraga. I want to make my own decisions without our siblings influencing them. We have been stuck in this endless hell of work, joke, and sleep. Our lives are not changing. We will figure something out, but I don't want to be apart from him."

"Besides, If the Moon Goddess gave me a mate that means things will work out eventually. We are meant to be together." I said, trying to convince her that this could work.

"You do realize that this is stupid, illogical, and won't just affect you, but all of us, right?" I nodded my head in understanding knowing where she was going with this. Whenever Soren is about to agree to something she does not like she will state just how bad the idea is.

I smiled and beamed at her until she gave in. "Fine. I'll alert our brothers who by the way won't be happy about this."

I looked back at the alpha while Soren stared in a different direction with a frown on her face. The alpha was looking at us with suspicion. Rogues were not supposed to be able to mind link unless they were extremely close to that person. Mind link is meant for a pack and since rogues were pack-less it would not be possible unless they acquired a bond just as strong as one.

Knowing he was going to ask us about the mind link when we got to wherever we were going, the dungeon, I was not stupid enough to think he would give us suites or anything, I simply told him "We'll go with you." and that is how we got sucked into all the events we had no idea were awaiting us.

Coming soon!