Chereads / Faking innocence / Chapter 5 - Chapter 4

Chapter 5 - Chapter 4

•Benjamin Walker•

It wasn't that big of a deal, but at the same time it was. For me, at least. The boy looked a bit confused, and slightly scared, but that was good, it meant he was going to help me without a doubt. I walked in, just giving a small glance around before I sat down on the couch. Kyle followed after a couple of seconds, staying on his feet before I pulled him to the couch.

I pressed the power button and the screen lit up, showing the mails that said suspicious activity had been detected, followed by big amounts of money being cashed out every hour. The boy sighed a bit, almost like he had been dealing with this for a while, before he began looking at the emails. "Well, you need to try and log in into your account" he said, which I immediately did, just to be sent out with a message that said 'oops it appears someone is already in this account'.

Kyle stared at the screen for a couple of seconds before he looked at me, dead serious, and said, "Does Brodie know your account password?" Stupid question, "of course he does" I replied. The look he gave me said 'are you stupid?' and then it clicked. But Brodie would never do such a thing, besides, I had been with him, and he didn't know what to do.

After I explained to him that he just sighed again, in disappointment, and rubbed his temples. He proceeded to click on 'forgot password', and then handed me the laptop, so I typed a new password, which consisted of multiple numbers and letters I didn't even know. "You have to remember it" he said.

"We don't even know if it's going to work" I said, and I almost immediately regretted it. Almost. He stared at me before he shook his head and headed to the door, yanking it open "out." he said. I stared at him confused "Get out of my house" he clarified. I kept looking at him, not understanding why he was acting so rude. But when I opened my mouth he stopped me "You got me for this work as a technician, if you don't think I can help you with your stupid problems don't bother me" he threw out.

I couldn't help but chuckle "I didn't mean it like that" I lied, "but what if it really is a hacker?" I said. "There are no hackers, it's impossible for anyone that doesn't know your password to enter your account. Impossible" he said before he slammed the door shut. He angrily approached and typed down a password that made more sense, writing it down on a paper, and then logged in, successfully.

He crossed his arms before he, once more, headed for the door and opened it for me.

•Kyle Kuznetsov•

I hated when callers already doubted my knowledge, but my own boss? Hell no. After that I just wanted him out, but he didn't seem to want to leave. "Can you please go? I want to go to bed" I said. He chuckled again, with that smile of his, and then crossed his leg, getting comfortable on my couch.

"I think I might want to stay a bit longer, isn't it rude not to invite people to a drink?" He said. "You aren't my guest, you are an ungrateful bastard called my boss that invited himself over for a stupid problem." I said. His face changed a bit into anger before he just shrugged. "Well, not all ungrateful bastards pay you for doing nothing all day" he said as he stood and grabbed his laptop. "In fact, no one would pay a kid for doing nothing," he said.

"You don't do anything either, you always flirt and fuck your assistants and then wonder why people leave, it's gross, it's disrespectful towards your workers and it's unnecessary" I exclaimed.

He Grabbed his laptop before he headed for the door, as he stepped out he looked at me with a grin before he said "well, you aren't my employee, you are just a lonely kid needing attention" and left. I didn't have time to react, by the time I realized what had happened the asshole had already gotten in his car and drove off.

I sat on my couch, trying to think what had just happened, and when it clicked, I wasn't happy. Benjamin Walker had just fired me in my own house.

I didn't know how to react, I had always had a good attitude towards him, but it was too much, and my temper never was good when people were rude for no reason. The next ten minutes I sat on my couch, before I began pacing and mumbling. I needed the job, it was not like my other job paid enough. But then I realized, I could make more hours in a place I had fun without having to worry about an idiotic boss, and I could always find other ways of working.

After that, I just called my other boss, explaining what had happened and if I could make extra hours, saldy, things weren't so easy, given that we were already short on cash and I could do extra hours but couldn't be paid more. Let's be honest, I loved my job but I needed to find another way of making money. I thanked her and hung up.

I looked at the clock and then realized I needed to search for a job that would accept me. I looked around but all the places that had my position weren't hiring, so I was left with the sad truth of three options: babysitting, which was not ideal, because I didn't know how to take care of anyone; cleaning houses, which they didn't pay enough and I wasn't going to embarrass myself without a good pay, and being security in a stripclub.

The last option wasn't the best, but it was viewing cameras and the pay was pretty good if I had to be honest. So I called the place, it was just viewing cameras so I wasn't worried about having to be watched or touched. It was a male that answered the phone, with a deep voice and a calm tone. "Hello, I was wondering if I could apply for the job of viewing cameras," I said, my voice shaky. There was a pause before he replied. "Do you know about cameras and how they work?" he asked.

"I worked as a technician until now," I said. I could hear him humming before he replied "sure, you just need to wear comfortable clothes, the address is on the site so come over here when you can, we need a viewer for the night, since it's when the club is most crowded and when we need more eyes" he explained. Sure, it wasn't like in the morning I had anything to do.

"When you get here we will check if you know your stuff and you can start today" he said. I thanked him and hung up before going to get dressed with jeans and a t-shirt and then got out of my house, heading to a thirty minute club away from my house for the night. 

•Benjamin Walker•

Saying that I was fuming would be an understanding, how dare this kid act like he can talk to me like he wants? After getting in my car I just put the radio on and began driving. My knuckles were turning white from how hard I was gripping the steering wheel and for a brief second I asked myself if driving like that was a smart choice.

The drive home was quiet, but the thoughts in my mind were loud enough to keep me busy until I found myself parked inside the garage. I wasn't exactly sure what had happened, or why it had happened. I had been in a bad mood all day and Kyle opening his mouth really was the last straw. Had it been a good idea to fire him? Probably not, but I figured it would be better to go to bed and decide about it tomorrow. 

Not bothering to change into other clothes and staying on my underwear I laid over the blankets. The last thought crossing my mind was how good Kyle looked serving me at the cafe. 


The sound of the alarm clock slowly made it's way onto my ears, each second that passed getting louder. I groaned in annoyance after it got unbearable and I fumbled with my phone to turn it off. I dropped it on the bed beside me and stared at the ceiling for a couple seconds before I went on to do my morning routine. 

The drive to work felt empty, boring almost, which wasn't exactly what I was used to. When I got to the building I greeted Brodie, who followed me into my office and then stood there for a couple seconds, staring at me with wide eyes. "Spill it out." I said with a sigh, sitting on my chair and leaning on it after I pressed the on button on the computer to let it start. 

"Why did you do it?" He finally asked, sounding rather upset. More than what I had heard him in a very long time when it came to a worker. "He wasn't good for our company." I said simply, typing in my password and logging into my mail to check anything new. "Benjamin. He was your best bet to keep the business afloat" he said. My eyes moved up to his face and I scoffed. "Excuse me? Are you implying I can't keep the business on the surface without the help of a stupid kid?" I asked, already feeling my anger flare up.

"He isnt just a stupid kid, Benjamin, he is the best IT worker that there is, you fought hard to find him and then you forgot about him and just because he challenged you a little, or whatever happened, you fired him?" He asked. I tapped my fingers on the table and then nodded. "Exactly." I said, cold enough to deliver the message that I didn't want to keep talking about it. He got it. He nodded his head and then exited my office, already typing something in his iPad, probably looking for a replacement. 

I ran my hand through my hair, was it possible that I made a mistake? Impossible. Benjamin Walker never makes mistakes.