Xia Nation border, Dongdan City. In a shadowy warehouse in Linhai, on the ring-like table is placing 78 computer main processors, more than ten Monitor, Extremely Advanced civil Server. Besides these, has installed black carbine rifle m4a1 of silencer, has installed the tactical waistbands of four cartridge clips with one. Wears the eyeglasses, face whiten, the look very sharp young man, sits on the swivel chair, is rapping the keyboard methodically. By keyboard, quiet is lying down clock18 pistol, the black spear|gun's body, as well as the lusterless silencer, demonstrates faint trace danger. This man, named Shi Lei, nickname Stone, Stone Monster and Big Brother Stone... Shi Lei wears the Bluetooth earplug, the vision has delimited the rightmost four screens. On the screen, is demonstrating around the warehouse situation, enters the small lane in the warehouse, as well as around warehouse the image of the sky. A stand-alone screen, is demonstrating by the warehouse, in a small lane, is stopping a road high-speed motor, this is Shi Lei provides against contingencies preparation escaping Tool. These images are very clear, obviously have used the high-definition surveillance camera! ‚All normal!' Shi Lei in the heart plans darkly, has not had an accident. „dū dū dū ~ ~~" The Bluetooth earphone made the slight sound, Shi Lei has pressed on the Bluetooth earphone. „Did Number One, prepare to finish?" Sound after the electronic translation voice change, from the Bluetooth earphone, drills into the Shi Lei's ear. „The Number One preparation finished, Eagle please instruct!" The Shi Lei's sound passed through the electronic translation voice change similarly, will launch after the Bluetooth earphone. „Number One waits for the Eagle order!" „Number One understands!" After Shi Lei said that cannot bear to say: „Called Eagle!" „Does Number One, what situation have?" Even if passed through the electronic translation voice change, in Eagle expression, can listen to be discontented. „Eagle, Number One applied for independent communication!" „dū dū dū ~ ~~" „Number One, does the independent communication establish, what situation report has?" The Eagle's expression is very serious. On Shi Lei's pale face, flood together morbid state blood flushes. „Eagle, after this matter, Organization will promise me, helping me get rid Right?" „Shut up!" The Eagle violent anger said: „Number One, currently implement Task, has any matter, later said again!" „~~~~" The independence communicates shuts off, then Shi Lei was written down the standard communication channel. Shi Lei both hands are pinching the fist, the deep inspiration, chest fluctuating is uncertain, the anger keeps fermenting. ‚[Hope] Organization can keep words, otherwise ....' ‚These data in hand, enough Organization drank a pot!' East of Dongdan City, Wo Sang Nation, and Li Jian Nation, currently holds to unite the Fleet exercise. These two World militarily significant states, to the entire World, show the formidable military power. The Li Jian Nation aircraft carrier, Ship-based sea-based airplane, Ship-based Unmanned airplane, the Wo Sang Nation amphibious Signed In the ship, individual Auxiliary System, will be put into the exercise. On the Li Jian Nation aircraft carrier, a Ship-based Unmanned airplane, first, fly the sky, carried on investigated the survey ahead of time, as well as the elimination, exercised target. Entire ten Predator Unmanned airplanes are flying in the sky silently. In carrier deck, Ship-based sea-based Fighter, along with exercise carries on, lifts off from the deck. The Wo Sang Nation amphibious Signed In the ship, approaches the imaginary enemy islands, under the cover of Li Jian Nation airplane, carries on the Signed In combat. The battle efficiency that two World militarily significant states, display, making World shock! However, another lets a World more shocking matter, the current occurrence. „Called Number One, invaded Jim data chain!" Shi Lei's both hands, beat on the keyboard fast, the butterfly that is similar to two waving. „Reported Eagle, succeeded to invade the data chain, the sharing connection opens!" Jim is the Li Jian Nation aircraft carrier! Shi Lei is one of the World Top Grade hackers! An organization that he represents currently invades the World's most Top-Level two militarily significant states, attempts from some authority of remote control Li Jian Nation aircraft carrier, gains some data. „Called Number One, simulated Jim normal communication order!" „Number One receives!" Shi Lei is operating the keyboard intensely, in the Ordinary situation, even if there is a Top Exceed Grade computer support, from the exterior invasion aircraft carrier such magnificent feat, is almost impossible! An organization that but Shi Lei is, unexpectedly stiffly from the Li Jian Nation Jim aircraft carrier, obtained remote login authority. Then, the invasion becomes is not so difficult. ‚hēi hēi, Li Jian Nation aircraft carrier defense, does not have in the legend to be so formidable!' Shi Lei accomplish the order of Eagle, free time, strolled in Jim aircraft carrier Operating System. „Called Number One, explained communication password!" The latest order of Eagle transmits, Shi Lei is almost mad spits blood. Explains the communication password? Plays any International big joke! The communication password of an aircraft carrier, Security Level very high, depends upon his these broken computers, civil High-Grade Server, wants Password Decode, without a doubt is the dream of a fool! „Reported Eagle, please duplicate to order!" Shi Lei also thinks that is the order of Eagle, the transmission mistake, the orders of another member, transmitted his here. An organization that he is, all-resourceful, the energy is greatly strengthened! Otherwise, will not hit the joint exercise the idea! „Number One, explains Jim's communication password! The redundant order, explains Jim's communication password!" The sweat of Shi Lei's forehead has braved all of a sudden. ‚Dies dies!' The Shi Lei's ten fingers brought afterimage, rapped on the keyboard fast. An entire warehouse, immediately only remaining engine cases hum electric fan sound, as well as keyboard knocking. „dīng dōng dīng dōng dīng dōng!!!!" In the Bluetooth earphone, have heard the rapid alarm sound. On the middle computer screen, jumps out Red Warning. Jim electronic information security personnel has discovered to explain the work, currently carries on reverse tracking! If places usually, Shi Lei starts to conclude immediately, eliminates the invasion trace, then gives up Zombie traveling. But this time is the collective action of the Organization, if this point of failure, other personnel will be also defeated. On Organization holds responsible, Shi Lei can hardly absolve absolutely! Regarding wrapped in a shroud of obscurity Organization, Shi Lei has a deep fear! If this time has screwed up, he ‚will be missing mystically'. „Mother. Spelled!" Shi Lei quickly establishes the remote access, connection enters the spare Server that he prepares in advance, expanded the computing power, the attack is sharper! „Called Eagle, the request assistance!" In Eagle sound, is bringing a flurry. „Insisted!" „Number One insists for 30 seconds!" The Shi Lei forced smile, just was still ridiculing that Jim how trash, now was discovered by the opposite party, knows the opposite party is fierce. Perhaps the opposite party is invading and attacks aspect, is well below him, but the opposite party in tracing technical reaches the pinnacle simply! „Was killed one!" „Three relay Server!" Relay Server is a High-Grade Zombie. „Most can also insist for 15 seconds to the twenty-second!" Shi Lei was thinking aloud, the pale complexion, was paler, the forehead emitted the dense and numerous perspiration marks. „pā~ ~" The sound of a mechanical keyboard, almost continually a piece. „Called Eagle, after five seconds, soon will expose!" Eagle any response, has not shut off the Bluetooth earphone directly. „zī zī zī ~ ~" In the Bluetooth earphone, spreads a blind sound. „Warning! Discovers the unknown object, currently is high-speed!" The warehouse roof, the high-definition monitoring camera, is locking airborne black finely ground particles. Shi Lei is staring at the computer screen, complexion is getting more and more ugly. This monitor routine is Shi Lei compiles, in the Graphics Processing aspect, Shi Lei has original understanding. For example, now, the high-definition monitoring camera can through the picture, the size of sunspot change, calculates the distance of correspondence, as well as speed. On Jim's aircraft carrier, the electronic information security personnel success traces Shi Lei. The aircraft carrier is connecting the outer space ‚loop' optical satellite, and in light of the Global Positioning System, has locked Shi Lei's position precisely. „Oh, damn!" „Jimmy, you have a look, that is anything!" In the electronic information Safety Office, several security personnel, look at images that loop satellite transmits. Suddenly, the Office gate was shoved open. A Drone operator, looking deathly pale loudly exclaimed: „Quick, Drone Control Authority was changed!" Jimmy is covering the forehead, which has thinned. „Oh.shit!" In the warehouse, Shi Lei looks at more and more near sunspots, the high-definition monitoring camera, the sunspot complete picture, shows in front of Shi Lei finally. The flash that Shi Lei sees, the whole body strength as if instant pulled out leaves. „Predator!" „Hellfire!" „Damn ....." After two seconds, the warehouse had a fierce explosion! Because, Predator is — 1 Drone, Hellfire is on-board antitank Guided Missile! Shi Lei got rid of by Organization! the weapon that he prepares, simply has not sent the use. Escaping route that he prepares, has not played the role. The flash of death, Shi Lei has thought was more. He is an orphan, to seek for parents' news, he was infatuated with the Hacker technology. Also because of the Hacker technology, he was killed now. Shi Lei also thinks that his motherland, Xia Nation, may with Li Jian Nation and Wo Sang Nation, relates the aggravation! All these are that Mysterious Organization, in back promoter! He from beginning to end is only a chess piece! Was a pity, opportunity that he has not revenged. The flash that the thought vanishes, Shi Lei remembers classical words suddenly. ‚I want to be a good person, why doesn't give me an opportunity?' Shi Lei died, cannot control Xia Nation, Li Jian Nation, and Wo Sang Nation diplomacy. Dispute, cannot control shocking of Li Jian Nation Guided Missile bombardment Xia Nation city. Outer space, together with jet black space crack, silent expansion. One group of mysterious Purple Radiance, flew from the space crack, shoots at blue Earth. „Www ....." „Not. found ....." „Www ....." „Not. found ....." „Www ....." „Www ....." Mystical light group transmits unknown information, if there are skilled in Clemtia World, Specialist of human general use language exists, then can certainly accurate awareness above information. Searches for City of Miracles... Had not discovered .... Search demon network... Had not discovered... Self-destruct System currently load... Discovers [Inheritance]... In 2006, on August 31, Xia Nation, Shuangqing City, Shuangqing University. Shi Lei has one not to draw near several silly the eyeglasses, wears the inexpensive T-shirt and jeans, is drawing a suitcase, face strange standing before school gate!