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The Abondoned Children

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Chapter 1 - Chapter One

Ashley was walking to get out of the house for a bit and while she was walking, she noticed something on the side of the road and upon walking up to it she saw it was two car seats and what looks like a diaper bag. She looked in the car seats and noticed there were two little kids in them, one looking around the age of two and the other still a newborn, it was cold outside, so she quickly grabbed both car seats, along with the diaper bag that was with them, and started walking home, as she was walking the newborn started crying, "it's okay, little one." She said as she didn't know if the baby was a boy or a girl. She kept walking until she got home 'now to get in without my parents knowing about the babies' she thought to herself before getting an idea and putting the car seats in the back seat of her car and grabbing the new born out of the car seat and the little girl out of her car seat before picking her up as well and quietly walking inside and hurrying upstairs to her room, she grabbed a diaper and wipes from the bag to change the baby's diaper. She laid the baby down on her bed and unbuttoned the baby's onesie and removed the diaper noticing it was a boy, she put the clean diaper on and buttoned his onesie back and held him, gently rocking him. She didn't know what to do she thought today would be a normal day, but she didn't expect to find a baby boy and girl. The girl crawled over to Ashley and hugged her leg, shivering, Ashley rubbed the girls back and continued to rock the baby boy, humming softly, "I'm not going to leave either of you, I'll take care of you two, I promise." She said softly as she sat on her bed with a sleeping baby boy, she carefully laid him on her bed and moved the pillows around him so he won't fall off the bed as she carefully picked up the little girl and held her, "can you talk yet, honey?" She asked softly as she looked at the little girl who just looked at Ashley, so Ashley assumed that she couldn't, "I'll teach how to talk then." She said softly to the little girl as she sat her on the bed gently laying her down and grabbing a diaper from the bag and changing her diaper. "But I'll be right back." She said and tried to get up, but the little girl wouldn't let her up, she grabbed Ashley's hand and looked at her with tears in her eyes. "I'm not leaving, I just need to go to the bathroom really quickly." Ashley said hoping the little girl would let her go so she could go to the bathroom, but the little girl wouldn't let go, so Ashley picked her up and carried her to the bathroom with her before setting her outside the door, so she wasn't in the bathroom with Ashley but still close to her. Ashley hurried and used the bathroom and washed her hands and quickly walked out of the bathroom and picked the little girl up and walked back to her room before grabbing her phone and calling her boyfriend, Bradley.

"Come on babe, answer please." she said quietly after five rings he answered, "hey baby, bad time to call me." he said as she remembered he was with his friends, "okay well I need you to come over, like right now." She said in a panicked tone as she was trying to stay calm and not tell him about the kids until he got to her house. "Is everything alright?" He asked noticing the tone of her voice, "yeah, just please come over right now." She said again, "okay, I'll be there in twenty minutes." He said as he hung up, she looked at the little girl, "okay baby girl, I need you to stay up here with your baby brother, I need to talk to my mom and dad really quickly and you can't come with me." She said and hurried out of her room before the little girl could stop her, she ran down the stairs, "mom, dad, Bradley is coming over." She said to her parents, "okay." Her mom, Lily said as Ashley headed back upstairs to her room. When she walked in the little girl had surrounded herself with clothes, pillows, and stuffed animals in the corner of the room, Ashley walked over to her and picked her up the little girl, who started crying as she held onto Ashley. The little girl calmed down and began looking around for something, "what are you looking for?" She asked the little girl as she pointed at Ashley's blanket, "you're looking for a blanket?" Ashley asked and the little girl nodded Ashley got up and walked over the bag and grabbed a blanket "this what you are looking for?" She asked and the little girl nodded, Ashley looked at the blanket at saw the name "Faith" written on it, Ashley smiled, "is your name Faith?" She asked the little girl who nodded, as soon as the little girl answered Ashley's boyfriend walked through her bedroom door, causing the little girl to hide behind Ashley. "Babe, it better be important because my friends are mad at me and-" he had stopped mid-sentence as the newborn had started crying causing Ashley to rush to him and pick him up, rocking him gently and humming, "is this important?" She asked looking at her boyfriend, "wait, where did the kids come from? Did you cheat on me?" He asked looking at the newborn, not noticing Faith. "No baby, of course I didn't cheat on you, I went on my usual evening walk, and I found two car seats with kids in it, and I brought them home and now you see why I needed you." Ashley explained "if they were in car seats, then where are the car seats?" He asked, looking at her crossing his arms "and where is the second child?" he added, Ashley pointed to the little girl, hiding behind her, "this is Faith and I'm trying to think of a name for this little guy." She said as she walked over to her boyfriend and handed him the baby boy "I'm not sure how old these two are." She said until Faith crawled over to the bag and noticed something sticking out of a pocket before pointing at it and getting Bradley's attention, "what is it, Faith?" He asked before seeing what she was pointing at, "hey babe, did you notice papers sticking out of a pocket?" He asked turning his attention towards Ashley, "no, why?" She asked walking over to the bag seeing papers and grabbing them reading them.

'If you are reading these papers, you have found our kids. We hope they are at a good home and are going be well taken care of, sorry if this causes you any inconvenience, we are unable to take care of them due to issues we are dealing with. If you haven't found out already, the little girl is named Faith, she doesn't talk yet, but she can walk a little bit and can't go downstairs yet, and she is also two years old. As for the baby boy, he doesn't have a name yet and he is only two months old, we hope you take care of them and keep them safe. Faith's birthday is November 29th, and the baby boy's is February 12th. Feel free to name him anything you want to and please make sure they are both taken care of.'

Ashley read the letter to herself and looked at her boyfriend, she really wasn't ready to take care of kids, she was only seventeen years old, and she didn't know what she was going to do if her parents found out and what she was going to do about school with two little kids, one of which is really needy due to age and the other of which wouldn't leave her side for obvious reason. "What are you going to do about all this?" Bradley asked Ashley, "I don't know what I'm going to do, I haven't even graduated yet, got into a good collage, thought of my life in the future, there's so much I am yet to do and now I've already got two kids that need me." Ashley said, starting to cry, "babe, it's okay," Bradley said as he hugged her, "you've got me for a reason, tell you what, since I've got a place of my own and I'm already eighteen and a job, why don't you come live with me? I mean we go to the same school and I'm sure you could talk to the principle and do online school for the sake for these two." He said as he kissed her cheek, "I could do that and it will be a lot easier for me since I have you to help me, but there is a problem with all this, if I do move in with you, you will have to change a lot of things, for our sake and the kids." Ashley said as she sighed realizing how difficult it will be. "I'm willing do it." He said reassuring his girlfriend, "okay, well, wait let me pack a bag and say we are going to your place and hanging out and I'll be staying a few nights." Ashley said as she snuck out of the room before Faith could notice and ran downstairs, "mom, dad, I'm going to Bradley's house and staying a few nights." Ashley said as she hurried back upstairs and got everything together before grabbing Faith and the diaper bag and hurrying downstairs and to her car and putting Faith in her car seat and getting into the driver seat as Bradley puts the baby in his seat. Ashley started driving after her boyfriend started driving, she was playing nursery rhymes for the kids as she drove, before she got to his house, she stopped at a Starbucks and got a Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino and when she stopped, she called her boyfriend. "Hey baby, can you stop at Walmart and get diapers, sippy cups, pacifiers, baby toys, coloring books, crayons, and any other little kid stuff you feel like getting?" She asked, "yeah, of course baby, don't worry about it I'll get everything they will need and a few things we will need." He said before hanging up. After Ashley had gotten her drink, she started driving to his house again. Once she got to his house, she sighed and put her drink in a pocket on her bag before getting out and opening the car door and helping Faith out of the car before grabbing the baby's car seat and walking up to the door. Using her key to get inside before setting the car seat down and taking off her shoes, she picked the car seat back up and walked over to the chair, setting it back down leaving him in it due to him sleeping. "Faith, come here please." Ashley said as she sat down on the couch and Faith crawled over "the guy you met is your new daddy, and this is his house, there isn't a room ready for you two yet, but there will be one soon. I hope you like it here; this is your new home and family." Ashley said as she hugged Faith while thinking of a boy name for her new son. Not long after she had gotten there did Bradley walk inside with a crib, toddler bed, pastel color paint, toys, and a bunch of other kid stuff, "we will give them a room to share until they get older, also have you thought of a name for the baby yet?" He asked looking at Ashley who nodded, "I've got a few in mind, I'm think between Garrett and Hunter." She said her boyfriend nodded, "I like the name Hunter more than Garrett." He said as he walked upstairs to the spare room, that was pretty big compared to a usual extra room.

Faith had crawled over to Ashley and hugged her leg, causing Ashley to smile, "you don't need to be scared anymore, baby girl, I'm not going to leave you or Hunter, that's a promise on my end that I will never break. You both may have just entered my life, but I feel like you two were put into my life for a reason." Ashley said as she picked up Faith and hugged her, wanting to do everything in her power to protect the little girl and boy. Not long after that did Faith fall asleep in Ashley's arms and that Hunter started crying, causing Ashley to lay Faith down on the couch and get up to take care of Hunter to stop him from crying, she carefully took him out of his car seat and held him starting to gently rock him before reaching for a bottle and mixing it with formula and water before feeding it to him. As she fed him, she continued to rock him and hum softly, before walking upstairs still feeding him to check on Bradley and the room he is working on to see how everything was going. "Hey baby." She said as she walked over to him looking around the room, each wall was half baby blue and the other have pink, with a strip of white in between the colors and on one side of the room there was a couch that folds out into a bed that had blankets and pillows on it for the two of them if they needed to sleep in there and on the other side of the room, there was a crib, with camo lining and camo blankets, with a mobile with animals on it. Beside it was a changing table with diapers, wipes, wash clothes, a few night outfits, shoes, and a few baby towels. On the other side of that wall, there was a toddler bed, with pink camo blankets and sheets with a white bed frame and a toy box at the bottom of the bed along with a nightlight for them, "are we raising country kids now?" She asked with a giggle, "yeah, I mean what can I say, we are both from the country, so our kids are going to be raised the way we were." He says, smiling as he got up and kissed her cheek before rubbing Hunter's head, "my little man." He says as he kissed his forehead, "I think tomorrow we should go to the courthouse, and adopt the two of them, what do you think?" Ashley asked looking at Bradley, who nodded in agreement with her, "they need a good loving family after what they went through also, where's Faith at?" He asked noticing the little girl wasn't with her, "oh, she is asleep on the couch." She says as she removes the bottle from the little boy's mouth and put him on her shoulder, to burp him. As she was burping him, she yawned a little before hearing soft cry from downstairs, she handed the baby to her boyfriend and rushed downstairs to Faith's side, she picked her up and held her, "it's okay honey." she said softly as she rubbed Faith's back gently and hummed softly, rocking her, to calm her down. After a few minutes she calmed down and Ashley was able to put her down, "I told you I wasn't going to leave you, and I promised that, I just went upstairs to see your new room and feed Hunter." She said as she picked Faith up and carried her upstairs into the room, when she walked into the room, she put Faith down on the floor and let her look around the room, she crawled over to the crib and tried to get in it. "No baby, that's not your bed, that's Hunter's bed." Ashley said as she walked over to Faith, picking her up as she carried her over to the toddler bed, "this is your bed, sweetie." She said setting her on her bed.

"It's getting late, we should feed them and get them ready for bed." Bradley said as he looked at Ashley, "give her a bath and everything else, since he is still too young for a bath." He added as he walked over to her and hugged her while she tried to think of something to make for dinner, "do you like chicken nuggets?" Ashley asked Faith, and Faith just looked at Ashley confused, "I'm sure you'll like them when you try them." Ashley said as she picked up Faith and carried her downstairs to the kitchen to make her some chicken nuggets. Ashley walked into the kitchen and set Faith down on the floor and made chicken nuggets for her, while Ashley was making the nuggets, Faith went and started to play in the living room and waited on her food, not long after did Bradley come downstairs with Hunter, who was crying, and walk into the kitchen, "he started crying, and I don't know what to do." He said as he carried Hunter over to Ashley, "okay, you take care of cooking and Faith and I'll take care of him," Ashley said as she walked upstairs to the kid's room, gently rocking him and humming softly to calm him down. "It's okay." She said as she laid him on the changing table and changed his diaper and put him in footie pajamas to stay warm and swaddled him in a blanket before grabbing a bottle with water in it and put formula in it and mixed it together before feeding him. She walked back downstairs and saw Faith sitting at the bottom of them waiting for Ashley to come back downstairs. "Faith wouldn't listen to me she just stayed there and waited for you, she has a certain bond to you already and I'm not sure if its natural." Bradley said as he walked over and picked up Faith "I mean, can you blame her? I mean think about what she went through, and I was the one that saved her." Ashley said as she looked at Bradley, who only nodded. "That's true, but do you think you will be okay with handling two little kids by yourself for a bit of the day all the time except for weekends?" He asked, "if not then I can do online school too and help you out." He said as he looked at her, "you don't have to babe, I'll be fine." She said reassuring him. Ashley loved her boyfriend but didn't want him to struggle in the same situation as her at the moment, plus there was only three months left until summer, so she was sure she would be able to handle it on her own for a bit until the summer, but by then Bradley will be working full time, "I'll email the principle tomorrow and talk to him about my current situation and see if I can do online school for the rest of this year and keep myself occupied by being a preschool teacher as well." Ashley said as she referred to Faith about being a preschool teacher for a bit to teach her things that she doesn't know yet, talking being the first one. Ashley sighed a little, with her doing online school it would stop her from seeing her friends every day and a lot of other things too, like sports, going to games to support her boyfriend. A lot of things would change because of the kids and it's a lot to sacrifice, but it was for a good reason. Ashley kept thinking about it and kept reminding herself it will help the kids out a lot and would mean the world for them so she knew she would never leave their side and stay with them until they didn't need her anymore in life because they would be able to take care of themselves. "Are you sure? I can stay home with you if I need to." He said as he sat Faith down on the ground and let her crawl to Ashley hugging her leg as Bradley hugged Ashley, "I'm sure, plus it can't be that hard to take care of these two." She said as she continued to feed the last of the bottle to Hunter and take the bottle away from him, laying him on her shoulder, gently patting his back burping him. After he burped, she rocked him and yawned a little, "you should go lay down and rest." He said as he turned his attention to her before to Faith.

"Bradley is going to stay down here with you, promise." She added softly as she bent down and kissed Faith's forehead. As she turned to walk to the kids' room to lay down Hunter. After she laid him down, she walked to her and Bradley's room, changing clothes and laying down, not long after she laid down, did she hear crying from downstairs. 'He won't be able to take care of Faith.' She thought to herself as she started getting up before the bedroom door opened "babe, I can't get her to stop crying. I don't think she likes me very much." He said as he walked over to me and handed me Faith, "love, she likes you, it's just she is scared, give it some time." She said softly as she rubbed Faith's back "it's okay baby girl, you're okay." She said softly as she looked at Faith "bring me a diaper for her and a bottle, please baby." She said as she looked at her boyfriend, laying Faith down on the bed. "Yeah, I can, but aren't kids her age starting to use the bathroom?" he asked, and Ashley shook her head as her boyfriend walked out and got the things she had asked for. Once he got back, Ashley changed the girl's diaper and gave her the bottle as she started drinking, "most kids her age aren't able to use the bathroom without a diaper due to not being potty trained, we can work on it, but it'll take time and even then, she won't fully be able to use it and will have accidents until she is a bit older." She explains as she looks at her boyfriend who nods "you know a lot about kids." He said as he smiled "well, that's because freshmen and sophomore year, I had a childcare class." She said as she rubbed Faith's stomach and yawned, "oh yeah, I forgot you did." He said as he chuckled, she nodded and sighed as she thought "us having Hunter will be a problem for you, babe." Ashley said as she looked at him, he looked back at her with a confused look, "what's the problem?" He asked confused, "well, he is a baby, they cry a lot and through the night they will cry and wake anyone or everyone up, you will have to go to school, which means, if he cries you won't get sleep and go to school tired, every day." She said softly before he hugged her gently, "that's okay, if I need to do online to avoid that issue, then I'll do it." He says, understanding the problem. "But then you'll have to quit sports and you almost have a sports scholarship for college, I can't ask you to do that." She says as she lays back down, "but, you aren't asking me to, I'm saying I will, I know I'm close to getting a scholarship, but you are more important than that to me." He says as he kissed her softly. Bradley looked down a faith and smiled, "looks like someone finally fell asleep." He chuckled softly as he smiled, "we are going to make good parents, and thankfully we will have my parents to help out with taking care of them." He said as he looked at Ashley, wrapping his arm around her. Ashley nodded, knowing what he said was true, "yeah, you're right we do have your parents, but I mean why would they want to help with kids that aren't ours or related to them?" Ashley asked as she looked at him. "If we adopt them, then they will be our kids and related to my parents, just like they will be to your parents, but trust me, we will figure something out to get what we both want to be happy in life." He reassured her as he smiled softly and rubbed her cheek with his thumb gently.