Chereads / Letters from bruises 8 / Chapter 20 - China

Chapter 20 - China

Hello there Vanda

How are you doing

I'm doing fine thank you. I got a lot of business about my orientation because of my religion as well some people don't really accept the fact that I am lgbtq and I don't think just like you don't think that love should be bound by a gender or anything it should be bound by a person's personality. And only that. And I agree with you on that one I don't want to agree with the fundamental s saying that you should be straight all the time or otherwise. Whether you be Christian or Moslem if you say that you should be then you are not really a human your subhuman for categorizing people for who they really are instead of treating them kindly as dictated by your religion I am more about compassion than anything else. Ptsd I have because of a couple of childhood incidents 1 in Romania where I was born in the other was in a couple of them are in Catholic school and that's why I left Christianity in the first place because I was having my human rights grossly violated. They were threatening me with prisons and death. So that wasn't too fun but anyway I like to read and write and stargaze as well as do art and photography and music. I sometimes play guitar but I haven't been able to because covid is being taken off the map so slowly. So I haven't been making my lessons properly. I do a lot of writing writing is more my thing than anything else. I like to write for Amazon Kindle Direct publishing and I have a 9 book series coming out that I'm almost done. I like to write because it helps with my post-traumatic stress disorder however it is also fun I'm also going to be storing some more letter novel series and also a fantasy series that are based on the magic the Gathering cards I just picked and choose which cards I wanted as characters and settings and use them to write my story when I get to that particular series a zombie squirrel series. I just learned that I don't have to vote in the election because I live in a group home so I'm out of the election thing so that's good cuz I don't like elections very much they drive me bonkers. I don't really follow politics or religion that much because it's just a pain the butt for everybody.

As you probably guessed I follow the beat of my own drummer and I do my own thing. Within reason. I am hoping to hear from you soon Bruises if you're willing to tell me your story that would be great too.