Chereads / Letters from bruises 8 / Chapter 11 - Thailand

Chapter 11 - Thailand

Hello there Anna how are you doing

I'm doing well thank you my name is Bruises from our Ontario Canada I am interested in Thailand as well as your friendship and Pen Pal. I am an artist author musician and poet and also a photographer. I am interested in astronomy and stargazing as well as reading and writing. My writing is actually on I actually do write and publish my stuff on

I also like the stargazers I said and go trick-or-treating even though I'm 32 years old going on 33 years February. I am a big fan of Halloween and s t a r g a z e in as well that means looking up at the stars. My favourite constellation is the big dipper and I'm very much a big fan of fantasy sci-fi and team infection as well as other things I'm a big kid at heart.

Canada is doing well Except for the fact that we have a Lexus because of this running virus that we're having. The virus is caused a lot of problems in the Canadian area and we have been dealing with a lot of strife lately and dealing with that so we have to go through elections usually it's five Each selection but for some odd reason this time they said they're going to make it more so this year because people are getting fed up with the virus. I do take my safety precautions and wear masks and I do wash my hands so I'm doing pretty well actually with that department. Hope to hear from you soon Bruises