Chereads / Billionaire Boys Club / Chapter 6 - The Billionaire's Ex-Best Friend - Book 1 - Chapter 6

Chapter 6 - The Billionaire's Ex-Best Friend - Book 1 - Chapter 6

They wrapped up dinner and he headed back to her house. She had always been easy to talk to and having this time together was wonderful. She helped him feel more like himself than he had in a long time. They sat on the porch swing for a while. He wanted to enjoy laughing for a little while longer. "When do you head back?" He glanced over at her on the swing. "Tomorrow." She looked down at her hands. "I have registration Monday and classes start next week. I feel like I should turn it all down though. Dad, he is just not well and I worry about him." "You can't turn it down Brie, you have to go. I can check in on him from time to time. You have worked too hard to quit now."She looked over at him. "Really, you'll check on him? That's an awful lot to ask of you Alex, you have a company to run." She leaned back. "Yes really, it will bring me back to reality from time to time." He smiled. He stood up from the swing. He knew if he stayed too long he'd make a fool of himself like he did long ago. She didn't think of him like "that" and he didn't want her to feel uncomfortable. He especially didn't want to ruin their friendship. He gave her a hug and she leaned into it. If only he didn't think of her like a boy. She knew he didn't want to ruin their friendship, but it was hard not to want him to see who she was now. He was her best friend and that would have to be enough. "I'll be back in June. Maybe we can do this again?" She smiled at him. "Of course, you know that." He was being polite in his words when what he wanted to do was kiss her. They parted ways both thinking of the other. The night was long for them both. What they didn't realize is that life was about to change and it would be much longer than just June before they would see each other again. Days turned into weeks and then months. Soon it had been a year since his parents had died. Alex was learning his new role proficiently. He had a hand in the last two accounts and things were looking up. He tried to do well and think like his father. It paid off.

He would get an email from Brie from time to time about classes and work, but the time between them grew wider and wider, she worked all the time it seemed. He checked in on Mr. Warhol every Sunday and he was doing remarkably well. He even had a lady friend that came around. He would leave voicemails for Brie occasionally and tell her about her father, but never heard back. The months grew longer and the contact slowly grew more sporadic. He was busy with work and it consumed him. He dated a cute blonde from legal for a while a few months ago, but the drive to do better created some distance between the two of them. He was alone. Once the solitude had frightened him but now he felt solace in numbers and accounting. One day he was reading the newspaper when he saw an article about a drug bust in Manassas. There on the page was Bran's ugly mug smiling happily like he hadn't a care in the world. He was promoted, and Alex smiled. He deserved it. He read the article and was even more surprised that he was getting married as well. "Well, well, well, Brandon. I can't believe you're taking the plunge." Alex grinned thinking about when he saw him last at the restaurant. He and Brie were having dinner. What was that, a year ago now? He shook his head. Time was flowing by so fast. Brie...he hadn't thought about her in a while. He hoped she was doing well at school. Her curriculum was difficult, that much he knew. He decided to send her a quick email. He hadn't heard from her in 3 or 4 months now. "Just checking in to say hello, hope you're well. Your dad looks great and is happy with his new ladyfriend. Keep in touch...A. He signed it with his initial as always. He went back to the proposition on his desk, there was always work to be done and this particular company had a lot of excess baggage that would have to be trimmed. He worked through lunch and finally raised his head after the sun went down.

Dinner was a rush of snacks and coffee. He rarely had time for anything else. "Alex, you need to take better care of yourself." Jameson had come into the office and was sitting on the edge of the couch. "I know you tell me every other day." He said it quietly but with a smile on his face. "I mean it, Alex, you need to get out and live, meet a nice girl ..." he trailed off. "There is no time for all of that, Jameson, and you well know it. So much time was lost in the early days when I was learning, and now I have to make it right. When I do, I'll go out and have fun, as you put it." Jameson gave a huff as he stood to go. "Lady Alice is here to see you, Alex. Perhaps she can keep for a while." He left and Alex scowled slightly as she came in. She was petite and blonde and liked to be serious. It may have been her education but she rarely laughed as it would make people think she was "a silly blonde" and not take her seriously. "Hello, Alex." She held up her hand to stop him from saying anything. "I know we haven't seen each other in a while, but I was hoping we could go over a case I'm working on and at least share a meal. It's a lonely business and I don't have many people that I can trust. Besides you make me feel smart and pretty, I like that combination and quite frankly, I need some stress relief." She smiled at him.