They said east right. Is everyone all right..... ok. let go east and let us use this formation to have the best defenses and counter offense. let use plan setrix(by the athuor:this is a formation <:) basically) ready ready. ok let have the me and tracy be the left and right in the middle lets have ajax be the tip in the cause your the sheild. five minutes later ok lets move. i see 5 goblins and six goblins mages. tracy and i will take care of em so dont worry. lets go right. ill get the mage you get the regs(regulars) ok. ok.let do this. ok let use the daggers and energies them with my light and dark magic. let me first knock it off its feet. pow. shhhinks. now that thats done lete see if the others are. oh wow you guys all ready done... wow. yup thanks luka. (blushes) in mind (so god damn cute). lets continue. now that we know where we are lets head to the site. (every one)right. ok lets continue (super intense montage (athuors thoughts i do not no how to do really good fight see so i did super intense montage) . 40 minutes later) half dead. that was horrible. welp looks like we found the exit and..... i see it i see the campsite.